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what seriously needs to change in kingdom hearts 3 part 1

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im just pointing out aspects to kingdom hearts that could be improved quite easily i mean look at legand of zelda , xenoblade and final fantasy 15 those are all action game's that has npc's and large towns to explore dungeont to adventure through after paying throught all the kh games i noticed these flows that can be easily fixed and can improve the kh franchise considerably because as of now the kh games are qute limited to just action and story leaving the series quite stale hollow and liniar this must change in kh3 for the sake of the franchise

I agree that it could be easily improved, but not that the series is stale, and hollow. That is a matter of opinion. Linear gameplay for a story driven game isn't a bad thing either. We don't have to agree on preference, but I do see your point.

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I see your point, but you have to realize that A. Within BBS especially, the trio were trained to stay away from people in outside world's unlike sora who was doing whatever he could to help others, but even so, the BBS still couldn't sit back as agents of darkness (the very thing they have to defeat) are trying to have their way. So it's understandable as to why they help Disney residents yet don't talk to Regular NPCs. And and B. when it comes to sidequests,...did we play the same FM? You have the CoR, Sephiroth, Coliseum, secret bosses, and mushroom XIII, that's just in KH2. I mean, I like the style of how the NPCs are now, they talk about world specific things, look at the traverse town/Mulan world. They do disclose information about their circumstances, just world specific. If I wanted to talk to people that couldn't help me, I'd just go outside and talk to my next door neighbors. KH's style of interacting with NPC's has always been about getting a feel of what's currently happening story wise within that specific world, there is no reason to change that.


Now when it comes to more final fantasy stuff, I agree somewhat, but the fact that you mentioned caccoon makes me doubt you have KH in your best interest, seeing as XIII epitomizes everything you just said in your argue ment about what needs to change in KH, also the fact that lightning is literally a gender flipped version of Cloud (lightning cloud...get it?) but anyway, final fantasy only lends characters and items to the KH series, there's no reason to add specific FF world, because when they do then nomura will literally be scrapping the bottom of the barrel, not to mention that most of the characters that nomura has access to(those he has personally designed) have already been established as living in KH specific worlds, so if you're looking to replay the story of X in KH...rofl.

And to be honest, you have the wrong idea of the series becoming more Disney oriented flipped on its head. KH1 was truly the most disney oriented, after that, complicated plot lines and intense villian characterization took over, more alongside the Final fantasy aspect of things. So yeah...

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The lack of NPCs in previous games comes down to limitations of 6th gen engine and PS2/PSP/3DS hardware. It just simply not powerful enough. And while story excuses and developer excuses divert away from that it's the truth.


Being 8th gen there is no excuse especially when there are many rendering techniques for NPCs in open environments

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it's official now after beating both the 1.5 and 2.5 remixes ive officialy beat every kingdom hearts game "minus ddd" and ive fully enjoyed each of them "again minus ddd" however there are many things in the kingdom hearts games that make them lose thair charm when not focusing on the story which i'll go into now , one example is exploration , it's almost non-existent the worlds you visit are very linar an really lack a sense of life. you only talk to maybe 2 or maybe 5 people tops sometimes the game doesn't even give you the luxuriy to talk to anyone and when they do talk it's almost always about nonsense. usually the npc's in rpg's tell you about rumors or give you certain items or sidequest even thair perspective on certain topics but in kingdom hearts there are no real interaction between you and other characters in the worlds outside of cutscenes and there are no other charecters to talk to besides the main cast which only make the games seem unrealistic. another thing that damages the exploration part of the game is availability the only thing you can do is fight heartless , nobodies or unversed this makes the worlds seem really lifeless and lack charecter as a whole theres literally nothing to do besides defeat heartless or look for treasure that's it that hurts the replayability , something has to change or else the game will lose some of it's audience. next is charecters and tone i love sora but damn im tired of relying on friendship and the game being disney orientated whares all the final fantasy stuff like shiva or bhahamut spira or cacoon chocobo jeez im sick of how kingdom hearts has been being represented i know it could be sooo much more and lately when i beat a kingdom hearts game im left feeling like "the is it from the man behind final fantasy?" i hope no one thinks im trying to diss-respect kingdom hearts in any way it's just........after beating all of them "once again minus ddd" i feel that there wasn't a really a sense of growth or evaluation ":(" kingdom hearts has sooo much untaped patential it's unbaleivable like visiting final fantasy worlds. since the beginning of kingdom hearts development the game was intended to be a disney and final fantasy crossover game but it feels more like it's become more disney orientated as of late hopefully this changes in kh3 because as of today after beating bbs with terra and ventus and watching the final fantasy 15 demo and replaying final fantasy 10 i officially like final fantasy more hopefully kh3 will make me reconsider sorry for the rant -_-"END OF PART 1"

So before I go into this text I want you to bear in mind that I'm not trying to tear into your opinions but rather refreame your way of thinking. That being said consider the following:1. The explorabity was sorely lacking in the mobile games but both kingdom hearts 1 and 2 have extremely explorable worlds especially toward the later half of the game. The game paces itself in a way where you're not overwhelmed from the get go with too much to explore at the beginning so that you can follow along with the plot and to encourage you to explore worlds later in the game. If everything was accessible from the start it can be really easy to ignore the plot and just wander around. Sections seem smaller so that the objective is always at least relatively clear. This is also why nameless NPC's don't give out quests. They are there to give you basic information and maybe flavor text but are largely decorative. Because in the story you're typically in places overrun by creatures of darkness. 2.in most action rpg's the goal is to " fight the monsters" you can do other things but they are essentially monster killing games. In KH you can kill monsters, collect treasure, deliver mail, craft items, skateboard, sing with fishes, play struggle, be a street performer and a multitude of other things. But like NPC's , those other things are decorative. The job is to fight monsters and KH gives you fun and satisfying way to do that. 3. This last point I want to make is more semantic than anything but I thought I should. KH can be very dark. The premise as a whole is kind of dark. All of BBS was dark in the end. All of 358/2 was dark and really even 2 was dark at times. But kingdom hearts was not meant to be a dark game. It's literally a game about friendship. One of the taglines for the game was "befriend beloved Disney characters". Yes the story has evolved and the lore is constantly growing richer but the point remains it's sora's story of friendship. Final fantasy characters are there to frame the story. Strictly speaking it is still a crossover game but I'd hate to see a KH where sora walks into a shinra building covered in guts or arrives in zanarkand only to find religious figures killing each other to gain power. Or where a small group of freedom fighters who get cursed by a magical crystal have to defeat the government. Final fantasy is dark because the stories it tells are for a maturer audience. Each one has a theme and the are important in their own right but are extraordinarily dark because those stories can be told on that platform with those separate themes. The theme of KH is friendship and with the great storytelling brought to us by square enix and the lovable characters of Disney they are able to tell a story themed entirely around friendship. I hope this helped you see it a little differently.

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So before I go into this text I want you to bear in mind that I'm not trying to tear into your opinions but rather refreame your way of thinking. That being said consider the following:1. The explorabity was sorely lacking in the mobile games but both kingdom hearts 1 and 2 have extremely explorable worlds especially toward the later half of the game. The game paces itself in a way where you're not overwhelmed from the get go with too much to explore at the beginning so that you can follow along with the plot and to encourage you to explore worlds later in the game. If everything was accessible from the start it can be really easy to ignore the plot and just wander around. Sections seem smaller so that the objective is always at least relatively clear. This is also why nameless NPC's don't give out quests. They are there to give you basic information and maybe flavor text but are largely decorative. Because in the story you're typically in places overrun by creatures of darkness. 2.in most action rpg's the goal is to " fight the monsters" you can do other things but they are essentially monster killing games. In KH you can kill monsters, collect treasure, deliver mail, craft items, skateboard, sing with fishes, play struggle, be a street performer and a multitude of other things. But like NPC's , those other things are decorative. The job is to fight monsters and KH gives you fun and satisfying way to do that. 3. This last point I want to make is more semantic than anything but I thought I should. KH can be very dark. The premise as a whole is kind of dark. All of BBS was dark in the end. All of 358/2 was dark and really even 2 was dark at times. But kingdom hearts was not meant to be a dark game. It's literally a game about friendship. One of the taglines for the game was "befriend beloved Disney characters". Yes the story has evolved and the lore is constantly growing richer but the point remains it's sora's story of friendship. Final fantasy characters are there to frame the story. Strictly speaking it is still a crossover game but I'd hate to see a KH where sora walks into a shinra building covered in guts or arrives in zanarkand only to find religious figures killing each other to gain power. Or where a small group of freedom fighters who get cursed by a magical crystal have to defeat the government. Final fantasy is dark because the stories it tells are for a maturer audience. Each one has a theme and the are important in their own right but are extraordinarily dark because those stories can be told on that platform with those separate themes. The theme of KH is friendship and with the great storytelling brought to us by square enix and the lovable characters of Disney they are able to tell a story themed entirely around friendship. I hope this helped you see it a little differently.

I'd give you more likes, but this like system only recognizes my genius as a single entity, so I can only give you one.

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