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RELATIONSHIPS in the next saga!?!?

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I know it MOST likely won't ever happen in this series or it probably would have by now. (or they could be saving it for later, idk)


But how would YOU feel if the first saga revolved around friendship, but the second saga MATURED and revolved around relationships?


Personally, I want to see SoKai. The entire idea about paupu fruit sharing isn't for just friends. It's for love. That's a fact. Even Riku implied "Whoever wins this race...gets to share the paupu with Kairi." And paupus are "supposed" to be able to make whoever you shared it with destined to stay in your life forever, according to the lore. Sooo...

Edited by Winchester

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Friendship is just as mature a concept as love. It's like Axel said, "There aren't steps.", friendship doesn't magically evolve into love like a pokemon, it comes naturally. Friendship and love are two entirely different things, that require two entirely different kinds of stories. Kingdom Hearts has never been about love, and I feel that if it was introduced at this point or even beyond in the next saga it would just feel like it was forced in to appease the fans.

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Friendship is just as mature a concept as love. It's like Axel said, "There aren't steps.", friendship doesn't magically evolve into love like a pokemon, it comes naturally. Friendship and love are two entirely different things, that require two entirely different kinds of stories. Kingdom Hearts has never been about love, and I feel that if it was introduced at this point or even beyond in the next saga it would just feel like it was forced in to appease the fans.

It really depends though. 


Xehanort's Saga's theme is friendship. All we know about the Next Saga is that Sora will be the protagonist. We don't know which characters will be in it and stuff.

Changing the theme might be a way to keep it fresh and new. Maybe it will also be a way to introduce Marvel & Star Wars into the series.

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If anyone gets together, it'll be Lea and Isa.


Isa: Lea......all this time, I never- I never realized how truly lucky I was to....have a friend like you. I threw our friendship away..and now....I've lost you...


Lea: Oh come on Isa! You haven't lost me.


Lea:  I....I'm still here, aren't I?


Isa: Oh,  L-Lea.....


Lea: Oh, I-Isa....


*Sloppy kissing noises, and Frenching commences* xD

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I have said it before: Sadly no. :(


As the theme is Friendship and the main focus of the series is it's power and things like that, they can't quite fit in Romance, whether it be between Sora and Kairi, Sora and Riku, Xemnas and a Wall etc. 


If they did somehow manage to fit one in, they'd have to make it good and, to me, different. Not the typical Male/Female relation, they need to stand out. 


There is a VERY LOW chance of anything from the Realm of Yaoi Fanart occurring but, something like SoRiku would stand out. I'm just sayin'. I know it probably won't happen, I don't need reminding, I am just giving my thoughts.


If anyone gets together, it'll be Lea and Isa.


Isa: Lea......all this time, I never- I never realized how truly lucky I was to....have a friend like you. I threw our friendship away..and now....I've lost you...


Lea: Oh come on Isa! You haven't lost me.


Lea:  I....I'm still here, aren't I?


Isa: Oh,  L-Lea.....


Lea: Oh, I-Isa....


*Sloppy kissing noises, and Frenching commences* xD

This was funnier than it should have been! xD

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I have said it before: Sadly no. :(


As the theme is Friendship and the main focus of the series is it's power and things like that, they can't quite fit in Romance, whether it be between Sora and Kairi, Sora and Riku, Xemnas and a Wall etc. 


If they did somehow manage to fit one in, they'd have to make it good and, to me, different. Not the typical Male/Female relation, they need to stand out. 


There is a VERY LOW chance of anything from the Realm of Yaoi Fanart occurring but, something like SoRiku would stand out. I'm just sayin'. I know it probably won't happen, I don't need reminding, I am just giving my thoughts.


This was funnier than it should have been! xD


Xemnas and a Wall.....hey, that is pretty different! xD

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My answer is the same answer I give to any idea involving KH and romance:


Posted Image

I'll be SURE to come back here and ask what you though about Sora and Kairi's first kiss if it happens.


You can't see the future.


And you didn't even answer the question. How would you feel if it REALLY DID happen? Thanks to the mod who deleted the line where I explained that question more. -_-

Edited by Winchester

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I'll be SURE to come back here and ask what you though about Sora and Kairi's first kiss if it happens.


You can't see the future.


And you didn't even answer the question. How would you feel if it REALLY DID happen? Thanks to the mod who deleted the line where I explained that question more. -_-


I never said I could see the future. I just think mixing in romance with KH would be ass. :/

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