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Did some looking around. The closer you are to the equater, the less time it takes for the sun to set. If it's coming down vertically, like it would in the tropics, it would take 2 minutes to set.

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Ummmm.....No, not really. Haven't played the game. Have you played the game?((Well of course cuz you asked this question, duh!))


"Bet you don't know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors. And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest." "Like I asked, Know-it-all!"

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like Dagey said, its Kingdom Hearts anything could happen lol or it could've been that the sunset was so close to setting already that in 5 seconds after younger Xehanort said that, the sun set setted ( lol I'm clueless, ignore what my theory was about the sunset setting xD

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its kingdom hearts just like in kh 2 eliminate xemnas dragon form u destroy his engines and his wings but he can still fly


To expand on that, in FF7, people with a single wing can fly, yet they don't spiral out of control.

But yeah, Reversal gave the most scientifically sound answer, but the real answer is plot. It's the Symbolic Sunset, basically a cinematic device that makes things happen right when they need to, usually much faster than everything else by comparison.

But the sun does set quickly in tropical areas.

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