Lu Xun 2,069 Posted February 21, 2015 From 0-10, how would you rate the KH series so far? It would be nice to see arguments to back up the given grade 3 Robertofum, Charleskt and TimothyPese reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tsuchee Yang 3 Posted February 21, 2015 After kingdom hearts 2 all the games were just "good" not "great" so for that i guess i give the series an 8? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted February 21, 2015 (edited) Probably a seven or an eight. A lot of the games are really fun, but the plot's been getting way too convoluted, and I personally found Days to be really bad. They're not really the best games I've ever played, either. Of course, I hate number ratings since everyone has their own takes on them. Edited February 21, 2015 by Shulk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DragonMaster 1,166 Posted February 21, 2015 (edited) I give it a 7, I love the series but: (Re:)CoM had utterly awful world exploration and the card battle system simply wasn't very fun (Re:)coded's story was pretty boring BbS had miniscule worlds that felt empty DDD had huge worlds that felt completely barren of life Mostro world, in every form KH1's platforming doesn't feel good (maybe it's just in 1.5, I don't remember the original much) KHX is important to the plot, but as of yet hasn't been localized in any form Days should've had more mission variety The cutscene movies in the two HD collections were complete snooze fests (and I really liked Days originally). SE should've put in the effort and money to actually remake them. Some of the more commonly used worlds get kinda boring. KH2 is really easy even on Critical, except for the bonus bosses which range from challenging to infuriating. The option to do a level 1 run doesn't make up for this. Edited February 21, 2015 by DragonMaster 3 Lu Xun, advfox and waytothexdawnx reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PrinceNoctis 1,011 Posted February 21, 2015 (edited) I give it a 20! Because I love KH! And even if a KH game is terrible, I'll find a way to love it. My opinion is biased because I freaking love KH!! ( I haven't played Re:COM or Re:Coded though so maybe playing them would change my note) Edited February 21, 2015 by PrinceNoctis 4 Sorarocks93, Soravids, Exiblade7 and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MyDixieRect 2,061 Posted February 21, 2015 (edited) Probably a seven or an eight. A lot of the games are really fun, but the plot's been getting way too convoluted, and I personally found Days to be really bad. They're not really the best games I've ever played, either. Not even the original? But yeah, I'd give it an 8. I loved the original trilogy (especially the first) but I didn't care much for the others tbh. Edited February 21, 2015 by Winner's Proof Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted February 21, 2015 Not even the original? But yeah, I'd give it an 8. I loved the original trilogy (especially the first) but I didn't care much for the others tbh. The original's one of my favorite games of all time, I meant the series in general. I and II are both fantastic games, and while I do like most of the others, they're not quite as good as the numbered games. Sure, people could say it's because they're limited by a handheld system, but I've played plenty of handheld games that are as great as console games. 1 MyDixieRect reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deadpool 1,200 Posted February 21, 2015 I'd give the series a 7 or an 8 so far. It's been mostly solid gameplay wise though some games obviously lack in that department (Card battle systems, clunky DS games, gimmicky flowmotion) and the story is still kind of BS at times whether they're actually making it up as they go or planned it from the start. If it were just KH1 and KH2, and probably BBS, It'd be a 9 for sure. Maybe KH3 can drag it up to a 9. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Headphone Jack 1,147 Posted February 21, 2015 I gave it a 7. KH1, CoM, and KH2 are what I consider to be the high point of the series and everything afterwards has been alright. I've enjoyed all the KH games but looking back on them, the games after KH2 seem to rub me the wrong way. Days with its seemingly harmless inclusion of a new character to create a story we didn't need, BBS with its attempts to introduce the "true" villain into the series which seems unnecessary now, Coded with its very long and tedious story, DDD with its desperate attempts to tie all these plot threads together and just getting tangled up in them all...The first three KH games had their flaws but they were little things that didn't change the way I experienced them when playing them a second time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exiblade7 1,917 Posted February 21, 2015 I'll give this series a 10 because this gaming franchise stood out to me compared to other franchises when I was little. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amankris759 1 Posted February 21, 2015 I gave 8 because of SE never gave us chance for watching KH3 in 2.5 launch event video ( ). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philip Ellwell 5,487 Posted February 21, 2015 Despite flaws, plot holes, and gut wrenching character deaths, 10/10 for some of the best story-telling I've ever seen, and for just being the awesome whole it is. (Yes, even re:coded.) 1 Exiblade7 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted February 21, 2015 I will give it a 1 for worst game series I have ever spent money on! I mean seriously, why did Disney ever think it was a good idea to use their characters and movies for a Square Enix game? It's seriously the worst game series ever and should burn for its existence! DOWN WITH KH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOWN WITH SQUARE ENIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOWN WITH DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakelessDream 2,283 Posted February 22, 2015 7.8/10 too much darkness On a serious note...In the past I probably would have blindly given it a 10 but I think I'll have to go with around an 8 now. It's still one of my favorite series because I think it does a lot of things really well, but I do acknowledge that it has its flaws here and there, so yeah 8! 1 MyDixieRect reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlixtheMagi13 245 Posted February 22, 2015 I would give the games a 9 for creating awesome characters like Roxas and Venus. However,Ign would the games a 6 out of 10 because of too many keyblades. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted February 22, 2015 A 7/10. Cuz 7+3=10. See where I'm going with this... 1 AndrewHankinson reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aru Akise 2,540 Posted February 22, 2015 (edited) 8/10 Edited February 22, 2015 by SkyKeybladeHero Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheFinalPersonaKeyblade 1,029 Posted February 22, 2015 A 9, mainly for the honestly amazing gameplay. Sans Days. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever 3,550 Posted February 22, 2015 Story? A solid 7 in a half. But that's only because it's a little more complicated than it should be at times. Characters? Main protagonists are a good 6. Many of the younger ones like Sora and Kairi have somewhat cliche personalities, but the anti-heroes such as Axel and Riku save them on that front. Antagonists are a confident 8. Kind of wish the personal lives/ thoughts of some of the Organization members could be explored a little more, though. (Seriously, where the hell did they pick up Marluxia??) and I'd love to learn a little more about Xehanort's backstory. His personal reports have me hooked! Music? Awesome tracks. Easily a 10, or high 9 for each theme. Graphics/ Worlds? Another 8. The HD remastering really helps some of the older games. I personally can't really tell the difference with KH2, but KH1 looks SOOO much better now. And the interaction with the environment itself has just gotten better as the games have progressed. Well...for the most part any way. CoughcoughReCodedcough Places like Les Cite Des Cloches, and Symphony of Sorcery looked amazing to be on a handheld system. They were big, too. 1 waytothexdawnx reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted February 22, 2015 In b4 someone votes it as 0/shot In my opinion, I'd rate it as 10, just because it's KH. However with KH3D, I'm just sorta trying to like, come to terms with it. I love 3D but parts of the story and the process of going through the worlds just makes 3D feel like a sort of chore to me. 1 Exiblade7 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WonderHeroe 32 Posted February 22, 2015 When I saw this pol I immediately thought: "I-is... is this a joke?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted February 22, 2015 I give the series a solid 10 rating! The Kingdom Hearts series has an amazing storyline with intriguing plot twists and awesome characters, and the way the story has been told throughout the years has been a source of joy for me! The music soundtrack is excellent, and the voice acting is spectacular, and the graphics are perfect as well! I love every single entry in the series, there's not one game I do not like! All of them are amazing games to me, and I know that Kingdom Hearts III will be the ultimate finale to the Xehanort Saga, taking the series to new heights! Not to mention that this series really has a way of relating and connecting to people, leading to some life changing experiences and lifelong friendships! So yeah, Kingdom Hearts has a 10 from me! 1 Exiblade7 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Komali 594 Posted February 22, 2015 7/10, would fight against 13 seekers of darkness. I always wondered why they never released Days on Wii. It could have been so much more... better graphics, better missions and a nice background story of every Organization member. I also have the opinion that Disney deserves to be more integrated into the whole story. Hopefully we'll see all Disney characters participating in the Keyblade War at the end of KH3. But on the whole KH has not everything that makes it perfect to be honest, but I have a deep emotional connection to this game. Like every KH fan I believe. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted February 22, 2015 (edited) 9 out of 10. Not only just because I'm being nice, but also because I'm just one of those people who thinks that no matter what happens to this franchise, I'll still love it all the same. EvenifthingslikeDemyx/Larxene/Xionexist. Edited February 22, 2015 by Firaga Sensei Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EternalChange 303 Posted February 22, 2015 I feel like Kingdom Hearts has really been getting a hang of itself as it goes along. The gameplay develops and solidifies a little more each entry, the story tries to tie the secrets of this complex universe in with the secrets of each individual personality, and the worlds try to keep up with the overall plot but tend to fall behind. Gameplay: 5 going up signifigantly each entry. Plot: 7, because of unneeded entries and getting tangled up of itself. Worlds: 9 going down a little each entry. Graphics: 6 going up each entry. Characters: 8, because there are a couple stereotype hiccups, and we don't really see enough of what's behind the villains. World Interaction: Steady 6. I wish there were some moving parts that were just there for the sake of being there, like in Disney Town in BBS. Minigames: 9, because a lot of them actually help with the gameplay/plot, which would be a lot to say for some other games. Collection features: 8, because of how out-of-the-way you have to go to find them. I know they shouldn't outright fall into your lap, but it would be nice if you could reach more puzzle pieces, stickers, or treasure chests a little earlier in the game. OVERALL RATING: 8 going up a little each entry. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites