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How do you think final fantasy summons should work in kingdom hearts 3?

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I've been pondering on this for awhile now and i just want for hevens sake for there to be ff summons i mean c'mon bahamut has been waiting since kh 1 , it's okay if you guys like chicken little throwing eggs or tinker bell giving you health when you have curaga or something but i Would really love to have shiva freeze all enemies or ifret dealing fire damage and have them as a summon hell I'd even take velefor but geez kh would really benefit from having final fantasy summons like maybe square could have two seperate summon menues to please all fans for example when you go to a disney world you would get a disney summon but when you go to kh original world you would get a final fantasy summon that fits the world but you have to find them to get then for example in radiant garden you could get leviathan or velfor , traverse town , twilight town , wtnw , cable town , daybreak town ect. You would get a final fantasy summon that fits into the world what are your thoughts?

Edited by liamaru

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I think it'd be neat, but that the FF summons would probably work best like a GF from FF8 or like the limits from KH2: basically one attack with interactivity from the player. I feel like if you summon them and they follow you around like KH2 summons, then things might get a little weird. Sora fights some heartless while Ifrit fires meteors at them as support.


Never mind, that actually sounds awesome :D

Edited by Psychic_Ketchup

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I think it'd be neat, but that the FF summons would probably work best like a GF from FF8 or like the limits from KH2: basically one attack with interactivity from the player. I feel like if you summon them and they follow you around like KH2 summons, then things might get a little weird. Sora fights some heartless while Ifrit fires meteors at them as support.Never mind, that actually sounds awesome :D


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*Imagines Sora summoning Bahamut then riding him while Bahamut destroys everything*

*reads this then for some odd reason liamaru imagines sora riding shinryu destroying entire towns and owning xemnases dragoon liamaru is Pleased*Square please make it happen T_T Edited by liamaru

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I pretty much assumed that Bahamut was removed because they decided they didn't want FF summons in KH, though I kinda wonder what version it was.Personally, I thin the FF presence need to be restored before that can actually happen though, ever since KH II we've been seeing less and less FF.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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I've been pondering on this for awhile now and i just want for hevens sake for there to be ff summons i mean c'mon bahamut has been waiting since kh 1 , it's okay if you guys like chicken little throwing eggs or tinker bell giving you health when you have curaga or something but i Would really love to have shiva freeze all enemies or ifret dealing fire damage and have them as a summon hell I'd even take velefor but geez kh would really benefit from having final fantasy summons like mayby square could two seperate summon menues to please all fans for example when you go to a disney world you would get a disney summon but when you go to kh original worlds you get a final fantasy summon that fits the worldbut you haveve to find them to get then for example in radiant garden you could get leviathan or velfor , traverse town , twilight town , wtnw , cable town , daybreak town ect. You would get a final fantasy summon that fits the world what are your thoughts?


It's called FFXIV.

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I pretty much assumed that Bahamut was removed because they decided they didn't want FF summons in KH, though I kinda wonder what version it was.Personally, I thin the FF presence need to be restored before that can actually happen though, ever since KH II we've been seeing less and less FF.

No bahamut was taken out because the staff felt he Wouldn't fit in any disney world

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I feel like FF summons would need more Disney-ish designs to fit in, but if they do that it could be pretty fun

I feel like more people would be happy with Disney summons though, since that lets a new Disney character show up that couldn't make it into the main game

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