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[Fanmade] Soras new armor

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god you guys just dont know do you i read the news wich in 100% shrere that its right when it seid kingdom hearts 3 will have new armor

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god you guys just dont know do you i read the news wich in 100% shrere that its right when it seid kingdom hearts 3 will have new armor

No, YOU don't know.


YES Sora is getting new clothes. No one here is saying he isn't. Everyone knows that much is true. BUT THOSE PICTURES ARE FAKE.


End of STORY. How is this not common sense?


If those pictures were real, they would be on EVERY KH news website and everywhere on the internet. I kind of wonder why I even have to explain that.

Edited by Winchester

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the maker of kingdom hearts sid if you had fanmade things of armor you could send them to him so he mite pick a fanmade one for the armor

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the maker of kingdom hearts sid if you had fanmade things of armor you could send them to him so he mite pick a fanmade one for the armor

Then can you get me a link to the interview? Because I can't recall reading anything like that in all of the interviews that I've come across. I've only read somewhere that they have created Sora's and Riku's outfits, but not that they are going to choose fanmade stuff, that sounds highly unlikely in my opinion.

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I don't think anyone ever said they would pick fan made armor for KH3. I mean I'm sure they've stated in many interviews that they'll take fan feedback into consideration, but I don't think that translates into letting the fans dictate exactly how the character clothing/armor will be fleshed out. It's a nice idea, but I find it pretty unlikely as well.


I guess it's interesting to speculate how it might turn out nevertheless though. xD

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Guys, be nice xD



ok just no one post something on this eney more its dead its dead we all killed it


When it's info like this, it's best to put up a link so that people can watch it too :)

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