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Skyline (An Original RP by MDSVeritas) Signups and Discussion

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Hey, I just realised. I have no idea where I am according to the City map. Which district are we in again? I was in Crest and restored it to life before entering the restoration pod, but now I have no idea where I am.

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My circle isn't on the map...

You're in Veil as a heads up btw, uploading the current map now


Also, it seems I didn't get to implement SB's, stardustblade's, or Sanda_Nedelcheva's icons on the maps, could all you guys give me your color preferences so I can institute them?

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You're in Veil as a heads up btw, uploading the current map now Also, it seems I didn't get to implement SB's, stardustblade's, or Sanda_Nedelcheva's icons on the maps, could all you guys give me your color preferences so I can institute them?

You can go with pink or mint green for mine.

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Oh~ So that's where I was. Thanks for the update MDS. :D


Edit: Wait, I just realized something. KH45, you're in Haven while me and Neko are in Veil. How would you join in on our battle when you're two whole districts away?

Edited by Oblivion 22

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Oh......Huh. That depends how far I can go on my cloud. I'm pretty sure I can pretty much travel.....Everywhere. xD But in all seriousness, I might have to rethink my plan in joining in. I'll ask MDS about this.

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Okay, I mean this as nicely as possible and I don't want to come across as offensive. But, being able to travel to anywhere on the map when the rest of us can't is just a tiny little bit cheap if you ask me.

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