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Josuke Higashikata

A Story of Immortal Despair, and Mortal Love. (1x1 with Soul Eater Evans.)

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The sleepy little village, nestled right outside of a forest, did not get a lot of excitement. Oh sure, a wolf or two would wander in every now and again, but that never lasted for long. So any big piece of news tended to get the villagers excited. And gossip spreads fast in such a small village. So when an ornate carriage, pulled by four horses, was spotted outside the village and fast approaching, it was no wonder that word spread quicker. Finally, the carriage stopped outside the inn, called 'The Tears of the Mariner'. There was a long story about how it got that name, but no one really cared enough to be told it. 


Inside the inn, Daylan's grandmother, who wasn't exactly the nicest person around, woke up Daylan by shouting, "Dylan! It's time to wake up! We have a very important visitor, and I need you to get the rooms set up and greet him."

(Okay... so how's this? I'm feeling a little nervous, this being my first proper 1x1 and all.)

Edited by Lelouchanort Vi Nearamoto

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(Psssha, its fine)


Daylan looked around, still half asleep. Accustomed to the usual life of a village girl, she unenthusiastically got up from her bed, tied her hair in to a bun, practiced her plastic smile in front of a mirror, and proceeded to head for the new visitor. Oh dear, what could this guest even want this time? she muttered to herself. Having met many sloppy pigs in the past, she expected no less from this visitor. Yet that was her plain life, setting rooms for the rich. If only I had more time to practice sword fighting like my dad, I wouldn't have to do this job at all.

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(Psssha, its fine)


Daylan looked around, still half asleep. Accustomed to the usual life of a village girl, she unenthusiastically got up from her bed, tied her hair in to a bun, practiced her plastic smile in front of a mirror, and proceeded to head for the new visitor. Oh dear, what could this guest even want this time? she muttered to herself. Having met many sloppy pigs in the past, she expected no less from this visitor. Yet that was her plain life, setting rooms for the rich. If only I had more time to practice sword fighting like my dad, I wouldn't have to do this job at all.



As the horses snickered in impatience, the carriage doors slowly opened as its sole occupant exited. He stepped out onto the ground, dug through the coat he was wearing, and tossed a few gold coins at the driver. "Consider this a tip," he said, as he walked over to the inn's door. Perhaps now would be a good time to describe the appearance of the man who stepped out of the carriage, and would introduce himself as Athan later. He was tall, with brown hair, and a face that by conventional standards would be considered kingly, handsome even. But if one were to look into his eyes, you would see something odd. His piercing sharp blue eyes, seemed sad beyond his apparent years, apparently. He was wearing a formal jacket, with formal gloves, a personal favorite of his. He carried several suitcases at once, one of which was much more rectangular than the other.


Finally reaching the door, he politely knocked on the door after putting down one of his suitcases. He picked it right up afterwards however. As much as he wanted to greet whoever was going to answer, he had too many suitcases. 


Back inside the inn, Daylan's grandmother said to her, "He's here! Quick, answer the door," as she started bustling around, putting the kettle on to boil and started to chop up some food. 

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Daylan dashed quickly for the door with light steps. As she pulled it open, her first impression was the briefcases. By God, what a rich unscrupulous man! Raising her head slowly to shoulder level, she was suddenly entranced by the stranger's eyes. "Such.... longing....." she muttered inadvertently. He was quite handsome, unlike many of the previous guests. Quite fit, too! As a slight breeze snapped her back to reality, she smiled. "The Tears of the Mariner, the best inn in the village. Allow me to take your bags?"

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Daylan dashed quickly for the door with light steps. As she pulled it open, her first impression was the briefcases. By God, what a rich unscrupulous man! Raising her head slowly to shoulder level, she was suddenly entranced by the stranger's eyes. "Such.... longing....." she muttered inadvertently. He was quite handsome, unlike many of the previous guests. Quite fit, too! As a slight breeze snapped her back to reality, she smiled. "The Tears of the Mariner, the best inn in the village. Allow me to take your bags?"

"The Tears of the Mariner, hm? How fitting that I should be the one staying here," Athan said, just staring into the inn without really seeing anything. Hearing her question, he looked down, and replied, "Please, if you don't mind. But I must keep this one, due to... sentimental value," as he waved the oddly rectangular one in the air. As he put the rest of his bags down, he took the opportunity to look at Daylan. She was oddly beautiful, in a rustic manner. Certainly not the kind of person he had expected. Almost all the other inns were staffed by boys, and ugly ones at that. He admired her for a few seconds, before he shook his head and removed it from behind the suitcases. "I'll show myself in, and you can take my bags, Miss..." he left it hanging, hoping she would introduce herself. 


As Athan was waiting outside, Daylan's grandmother was busy with the kettle. When it whistled, she poured it, and finally noticed whom it was who had visited the inn. "Oh. It's you, is it? Hmph," she muttered, as she went back to preparing lunch.

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