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KHBbS Finally, I did it!

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I'm crying. My fingers are bleeding. But I did it. It took me over 50 tries but in the end I succeded.

I beated MF with Terra! I swear I was about to quit. I need an entire day to learn his moves and patterns and I almost learned how to dodge and counter most of his moves, and I was able to hit him back without getting crushed...

Except for one move. Sentence, or Death Countdown. Oh boy how many times he killed me with that. Maybe I'm not good at button mashing but it felt so unfair I almost refused to hit the button "Retry" every time. But in the end I did it. I couldn't believe how lucky my last run was. And now it's all over... with Terra  :O. I've never seen such a bastard and mean boss in my entire gaming career.

Oh, and to scare you all who still have to beat him (with Terra or with every other character), I beated him on Standard. After this I could say Vanitas' Remnant and No Heart were "easy". Oh and my Terra was level 99. Be afraid of Sentence, and if you need help, please tell me. My nightmare is over  xD

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Good job, you're a better man than I; I still haven't mustered the courage to try to beat him with Terra.

I thought: "If I can beat him with Terra, then there's no way I won't beat him with the other two!" Now I hope

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I thought: "If I can beat him with Terra, then there's no way I won't beat him with the other two!" Now I hope


The idea is that Ven and Aqua are faster and have I-frames in their dodge. I still had massive trouble with MF though, but that's probably just because I'm not actually that good.

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News: I was also able to complete Terra's journal, Command Board minigame being the last thing unlocked. Now in the Trio Journal next to Terra there is the glowing symbols representing Eraqus' disciple. How nice!

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With Terra you gotta be super aggressive cause his dodge isn't great and has bad i-frames. He also hits like a train, so you gotta end it as quick as possible to minimize dodging time.

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