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KHBbS What do you think of Ven.

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I like Ven because basically the only reason he fights is for his friends. He's got a greater strength of heart than any other character in the series so far (except MAYBE Sora). His character is obviously very similar to Sora's, but Ven has better moves and style I'd have to say.

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Ven's the best thing that's happened to KH since Roxas. He's just cool!


1. Backwards Wield = Awesome

2. Wingblade = Epic

3. Tornado = WIN!

4. Voice Acting = Second to Vanitas

5. Storyline = Sad, but mysterious

6. Theme = One of the best music!


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I like him. There's really no reason that I shouldn't. He sets a perfect example for a useful plot device ^^ And of course, how he's like the best of Sora and Roxas put together. Pretty cool guy.

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