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KH2 how do you get the gold crawn

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I know this is dumb to put 3 topics up in one day but i need help if you couid help me some one some people say you get it from the mushrom games but im not sher

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1. Satisfy all of the Mushroom XIII (Journal score requirement)

2. Defeat all Organization XIII Data

3. Defeat Lingering Will


The order you do these does not matter; when you complete one of the above, you will get the bronze crown. Completing two of the above will give you the silver. Completing all three gets you the gold crown.

Edited by dabestgamer

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Get all 3 Proofs


Proof of Connection: Complete all Musroom XIII Journal objectivesProof of Nonexistance: Defeat all Organization XIII Data BattlesProof of Peace: Defeat Lingering WillThe order doesn't matter, after completing one you get a copper crown, after completing two the copper crown is upgraded to silver, and after all three the silver is upgraded to gold.Edit: oops, Guess me and the person above me where typing at the same time.Anyway, Yeah that's what you need to do.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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but dont you need to complete the journal to fight the lingring will


Don't forget in order to complete the journal you have to have seen all the characters. lingering will is one of the characters, therefore it is impossible to complete the journal before fighting lingering will


By the way what game mode did you play in?

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