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KHBbS Am I the only one kinda mad about this???

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No... for one thing, I had never heard of Leonard Nimoy prior to the BBS press release. Besides, his voice fits MX quite well. Really sounds like a normal old man instead of "old man who is obvious evil," nothing against Mr. Otsuka's voice or anything.


Besides, it's SE. We all know they're incredibly lazy with their trailers. Look how much the voice acting has improved between the E3 trailer and the Gamespot trailer. Of course, I'm one of those people who say it's only right to judge a voice after you've heard every single line >.>

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I'm not mad b/c it's Spock, I'm mad at how he sounds like a pirate.


and braig is his one eyed lacky, lolz


yeah, i just hate the way he sounds, i wish it was more of an english equivelent of the japanese actor

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No... for one thing, I had never heard of Leonard Nimoy prior to the BBS press release. Besides, his voice fits MX quite well. Really sounds like a normal old man instead of "old man who is obvious evil," nothing against Mr. Otsuka's voice or anything.


Besides, it's SE. We all know they're incredibly lazy with their trailers. Look how much the voice acting has improved between the E3 trailer and the Gamespot trailer. Of course, I'm one of those people who say it's only right to judge a voice after you've heard every single line >.>


Exactly. Besides, with the E3 trailer, it was literally just music and voices, there was no sound effects, so it was right obvious what they sounded like. With everything in place, I think the final product will sound amazing.

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No... for one thing, I had never heard of Leonard Nimoy prior to the BBS press release. Besides, his voice fits MX quite well. Really sounds like a normal old man instead of "old man who is obvious evil," nothing against Mr. Otsuka's voice or anything.


Besides, it's SE. We all know they're incredibly lazy with their trailers. Look how much the voice acting has improved between the E3 trailer and the Gamespot trailer. Of course, I'm one of those people who say it's only right to judge a voice after you've heard every single line >.>


That's true. I hate it when you know nothing about a (movie, game, whatever, fill in the blank) and when you see it, as soon as the 'evil' character comes in, you know because of their voice. I mean, there's no, you know, surprise or anything.

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I'm not mad b/c it's Spock, I'm mad at how he sounds like a pirate.


and braig is his one eyed lacky, lolz


yeah, i just hate the way he sounds, i wish it was more of an english equivelent of the japanese actor


Would you prefere Richard Doyle then? (Doyle dubbed Chicao Otsuka in MGS 4)

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It's rather interesting. There's still a large majority of the fanbase who have a bone to pick with the voices, yet they've been praised by both Nomura and whoever made the review. Pretty much proves that what we've been hearing in the trailers is nothing compared to the in-game dialogue.

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No... for one thing, I had never heard of Leonard Nimoy prior to the BBS press release. Besides, his voice fits MX quite well. Really sounds like a normal old man instead of "old man who is obvious evil," nothing against Mr. Otsuka's voice or anything.


Besides, it's SE. We all know they're incredibly lazy with their trailers. Look how much the voice acting has improved between the E3 trailer and the Gamespot trailer. Of course, I'm one of those people who say it's only right to judge a voice after you've heard every single line >.>


That's true. I hate it when you know nothing about a (movie, game, whatever, fill in the blank) and when you see it, as soon as the 'evil' character comes in, you know because of their voice. I mean, there's no, you know, surprise or anything.


or when you can just tell they're the bad guy even there is no proof yet, like in the pink panther 2 (dont judge me, i think steve martin is funny) it was way to obvious

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Don't ask me why but Xehanort being voice acted be Spock really ticks me off! I mean he is kinda mean but he dose not deseve THAT!!! I thought his voice would be something like Xemnas's voice or Ansem...NEVER did I think he would be voice acted by Spock!!! Dose this tick anyone else off or is it just me??


OH HO HO HO HO! I AGREE WITH YOU MY FRIEND! Lenord Nimoy...I lvoe you man,but your better as Eraqus,Hamil should have been Xehanort. It works out better...



i dont really care_who_voices who


for me its like, i dont care who voices who, as long as the do it good


Of you n;t care...your todays I don;t care aboutwho vocies who because i'm sutch an important MORON! Now I get you both have never done vocie acting, so its liek saying you don't care abotut he chareters personallty,their look,the heart of the story, i meanto yall, its nothing but big OL Flashy things. simply enough, No! To me as an actor thats likesaying the biggest insalt in the world.


yeah i hate jesse but love roxas


Jesse does work for Roxas but its only roxas, I dislike and am Dispelase with jessre as ventus,becuase he sucks, and has made the charater seem to hit publerty twice...he's a horriblee choice but these "fans" do not care because it's roxas to them. Jesse could have doen a better vanitas though.

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i dont really care_who_voices who


for me its like, i dont care who voices who, as long as the do it good


Of you n;t care...your todays I don;t care aboutwho vocies who because i'm sutch an important MORON! Now I get you both have never done vocie acting, so its liek saying you don't care abotut he chareters personallty,their look,the heart of the story, i meanto yall, its nothing but big OL Flashy things. simply enough, No! To me as an actor thats likesaying the biggest insalt in the world.


sorry i didnt mean it like that, i just don't know my actors well, so its not like i could suggest anyone better

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