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Hero of Winds

The Pokemon Multiverse Theory

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Normally I don't really care for Game Theory.

Ironically enough, on this very day, I gave up on Shiny Rayquaza(which I haven't been trying for for at least two months so I haven't done anything with the whole game for about that long) and finally finished the Delta Episode. You may be wondering why that matters here and my answer to that: The mentioning of multiple universes existing within the world of Pokemon is actually stated within the world of Pokemon. I have Omega Ruby, so I encountered Archie at the Battle Resort. He literally brings up the idea that he could have revived the ancient sea Pokemon, Kyogre, and put the world in the same position that Maxie had with his revival of Groudon in a different dimension (an entirely different universe). Well guess what? Archie did follow this exact event in Alpha Sapphire, wherein I assume Maxie would mention the Groudon revival within a different dimension. At this point in time, the question arose "Do both Pokemon games with each release exist in different dimensions?" The lore in each title says yes to me.

Low and behold, MatPat releases an entire Game Theory on this exact question at the exact time I began to question the lore of Pokemon.



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A lot of people have been talking about that. Some people I know don't even like the plot of Pokemon anymore because of this apparent cannon multi universe thing. Tbh, I think some people are just jumping the gun and taking things too literal. xD

(Spoilers) I think this whole alternate universe thing is just a joke. When Zinnia says it... Well, she's Zinnia. She doesn't like any sort of wrong doing when it comes to the lore that she is in charge of. By transporting the meteorite, it could cause problems for another world. She hints at an alternate universe, but I think that's just a theory on her own, and that its just better in general to destroy the meteorite instead.


Now with this whole Archie Maxie thing with the alternate universe, I thing it's just a silly ironic joke. There's Pokemon Sapphire and Ruby, two versions of a story. The whole alternate universe thing that Archie/Maxie said was just a joke in my opinion to make us gamers chuckle.


Obviously, I could be wrong, but that's what I think of it. I don't think there's literally an alternate universe in the Pokemon games. Like I said before, I think it was just a silly joke about how there's always two different Pokemon versions in each gen.

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A lot of people have been talking about that. Some people I know don't even like the plot of Pokemon anymore because of this apparent cannon multi universe thing. Tbh, I think some people are just jumping the gun and taking things too literal. xD(Spoilers) I think this whole alternate universe thing is just a joke. When Zinnia says it... Well, she's Zinnia. She doesn't like any sort of wrong doing when it comes to the lore that she is in charge of. By transporting the meteorite, it could cause problems for another world. She hints at an alternate universe, but I think that's just a theory on her own, and that its just better in general to destroy the meteorite instead.Now with this whole Archie Maxie thing with the alternate universe, I thing it's just a silly ironic joke. There's Pokemon Sapphire and Ruby, two versions of a story. The whole alternate universe thing that Archie/Maxie said was just a joke in my opinion to make us gamers chuckle.Obviously, I could be wrong, but that's what I think of it. I don't think there's literally an alternate universe in the Pokemon games. Like I said before, I think it was just a silly joke about how there's always two different Pokemon versions in each gen.

The Archie/Maxie thing was more or less a joke. The video doesn't even use that as a reference, as the Battle Resort is just...the Battle Resort. 

However, the Delta Episode contains multiple ideas toward the theory. Zinnia's part to it is not some theory she made up. She didn't want them to use the Link Cable to send the meteor to a different dimension because it holds multiple possibilities of which contain the potential to destroy a universe separated from the one in which they live. 


Besides, it wasn't Zinnia who brought up the multiple universes in the first place. It was a scientist. One who explained to everyone that the Link Cable would fire at the meteor and open a rift in which it sends the meteor into another dimension. 

While on the hand of multiple possibilities though...it was possible that within their universe any sort of thing could have gone wrong, from a malfunction in the Link Cable to the possibility that another universe has already used their Link Cable to send a meteor to their dimension.


That's when things start to go beyond the original idea behind the theory though. xD

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I always thought it was Hoopa itself that the game kept trying to reference through.


I personally still go by the timeline. The link cable and comment the Magma/Aqua leader were more of Easter eggs/references. (I mean there's the cool GBA style in the beginning of the game, berry machine, etc.)

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