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Visit each world twice or only once?

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...so, everybody, would you like to visit the worlds in KH3 twice (sometimes, more than twice) just like in KH2 and 358/2 Days or only once like in the other titles of the series?


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Actually, most games in the series make you go to pretty much every world more than once, or at least slightly different versions of each world- KH2, 358/2, BBS and DDD all do it in some way or another. So I'd be surprised if KH3 didn't.


That said, I wouldn't mind revisiting worlds or having multiple playable characters going to the same worlds if they make them sufficiently different each time you go, unlocking new areas or having character specific areas that are unique from your first time through. Some of the more annoying aspects of the handheld games is revisiting exactly the same place over and over and over.

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Actually, most games in the series make you go to pretty much every world more than once, or at least slightly different versions of each world- KH2, 358/2, BBS and DDD all do it in some way or another. So I'd be surprised if KH3 didn't.


That said, I wouldn't mind revisiting worlds or having multiple playable characters going to the same worlds if they make them sufficiently different each time you go, unlocking new areas or having character specific areas that are unique from your first time through. Some of the more annoying aspects of the handheld games is revisiting exactly the same place over and over and over.

...but there was no plot/story behind these revisits in both these games, right?

...like BBS and KH3D, right?

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...but there was no plot/story behind these revisits in both these games, right?

...like BBS and KH3D, right?


But you play through each world with every character, and they're negligibly changed. Like, each world in BBS was almost identical for me (Ventus shrunk in Cinderella land and that's all I can remember that was different). Same with DDD, though at least it was only twice for each world and some of them were different between Sora and Riku, so it wasn't quite as bad. If there are multiple playable characters in KH3, I'd prefer either unique versions for each character or hell, even unique worlds for each character, though that's probably too ambitious.

Edited by HeyMouseSayCheese

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But you play through each world with every character, and they're negligibly changed. Like, each world in BBS was almost identical for me (Ventus shrunk in Cinderella land and that's all I can remember that was different). Same with DDD, though at least it was only twice for each world and some of them were different between Sora and Riku, so it wasn't quite as bad. If there are multiple playable characters in KH3, I'd prefer either unique versions for each character or hell, even unique worlds for each character, though that's probably too ambitious.

...the first option you said is more possible than the second (though an exclusive-world for a character wouldn't be a bad idea at all)...

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Kingdom Hearts IIIWe'll be visiting, revisiting, and getting sick of each world with three tripsYou heard it here first


1st visit: Hey guys let's check up on this world/Let's check up on our good ol' friends in _____

2nd visit: Yo yo yo we're looking for the ____ you guys see it?

3rd visit: XEHANORT IS GOING TO :) :) :) :) SHIT UP THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO GO INTO AN IMPENDING APOCALYP- oh sup you guys need our help again? Yeah, we'll help ya with whatever half-assed problem you have, sure thing, mate.


Why stop there? Why not four visits? Screw that, let's just do ten! And only three of those ten visits will be DLC!

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1st visit: Hey guys let's check up on this world/Let's check up on our good ol' friends in _____

2nd visit: Yo yo yo we're looking for the ____ you guys see it?

3rd visit: XEHANORT IS GOING TO :) :) :) :) SHIT UP THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO GO INTO AN IMPENDING APOCALYP- oh sup you guys need our help again? Yeah, we'll help ya with whatever half-assed problem you have, sure thing, mate.


Why stop there? Why not four visits? Screw that, let's just do ten! And only three of those ten visits will be DLC!

...what do you suggest then, merc-with-a-mouth? :lol:

Twice enough said.

...+ 1 more time...that's it...

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As long as the second scenario isn't throwaway material like it has been for some worlds. I would rather see another well thought out world than a crappy side story of a world I have already been to.

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Kingdom Hearts IIIWe'll be visiting, revisiting, and getting sick of each world with three tripsYou heard it here first

Well the first thing i see normally ignore because i never agree with it, but i actually agree with this. we will be visiting each world three times. any other number would either be to little, or just unnecessary. of course unless they decide to make us visit all 41 worlds again. but since i doubt that, get ready for visiting three times.

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As long as the second scenario isn't throwaway material like it has been for some worlds. I would rather see another well thought out world than a crappy side story of a world I have already been to.

...examples, please?

Well the first thing i see normally ignore because i never agree with it, but i actually agree with this. we will be visiting each world three times. any other number would either be to little, or just unnecessary. of course unless they decide to make us visit all 41 worlds again. but since i doubt that, get ready for visiting three times.

...whoa, can you imagine that in a future title of the series (revisit every world)?

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...examples, please?

...whoa, can you imagine that in a future title of the series (revisit every world)?


Wasn't the second Pride Lands visit literally just "We have to kill Scar's ghost!!!!" or something stupid like that?

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Well if the pattarn stays consistant we will have to go to the worlds once to deal with the main villain from each disney world making that #1

I'm pretty sure we still have malificent to take down so she is going to be the reason for #1 

i really cant think of a second reason so this will just be #2

Of course we have xehanort to deal with so thats #3

...examples, please?

...whoa, can you imagine that in a future title of the series (revisit every world)?

i mean sora does promise he will come by, so anything is possible. just hopefully not all in one game. at least with a DLC

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Well if the pattarn stays consistant we will have to go to the worlds once to deal with the main villain from each disney world making that #1

I'm pretty sure we still have malificent to take down so she is going to be the reason for #1 

i really cant think of a second reason so this will just be #2

Of course we have xehanort to deal with so thats #3

#2 -> (giant) Heartless...

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yes giant heartless  in everyworld because no one is controlling them anymore and we need to get rid of them to get rid of the heartless for good. or at least we think, foreshadowing kingdom hearts 4

KH3's first trailer, remember (all those shadows going after the young boy)?

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