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Yelow Lanturn 15

Do No Heart's "changes" in Birth by Sleep make him harder or easier?

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After looking at the Original Final Mix of BBS and the 2.5 Remix footage of the No heart battle I started to wonder which version of the final Mirage arena boss was tougher.


In cases you are wondering what changes were made here they are:

-Health reduced by 25% ( 1500 health instead of 2000 health or 7 1/2 bars instead of 9+1 bars) same for his Keyblade at the beginning.

-Less invincibility frames on attacks

-Can actually be "staggered" by powerful shotlocks or finishing commands like Rythim Mixer.

+much faster speed with teleport like properties

+projectiles of Dark Orbs and even the Keyblades he launches are harder to dodge ( if your Terra at least)

+more unpredictability as high movement leads to cheap lethal combos.


These changes were probably made to balance for a 1 vs 1 fight and for the lack of multiplayer. I have seen videos on YouTube with this fight and couldn't really come to a conclusion on which is better or worse.

So what do you guys think?

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I dunno about No Heart but it sure does make me harder.


I haven't fought him in either version, but I'm willing to imagine it being much easier with other players. However, I'm sure even the original could be beat alone, so it depends on whether you're playing the HD Remix version alone or the original with friends.

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  On 1/22/2015 at 2:15 AM, devereauxr said:

They nerfed the shit out of all the secret boss in BBS.

They did? I mean No Heart's was the most noticeable to me. But what other Nerfs did they do? Considering that the original ones were the subject of there supposed poor designed and extreme difficulty, I would love to hear other changes.

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  On 1/22/2015 at 2:22 AM, Yelow Lanturn 15 said:

They did? I mean No Heart's was the most noticeable to me. But what other Nerfs did they do? Considering that the original ones were the subject of there supposed poor designed and extreme difficulty, I would love to hear other changes.

Apparently Unknown's whip attack is a little easier to dodge, but that's the only other change I've heard. None of them were impossible anyway, so I'm looking forward to trying them all.

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As someone who has played the PSP Final Mix version, yes No Hearts feels a lot easier now. Before you had to grind past level 75 just to even do somewhat decent damage to him but the battle could still take over 20 minutes unlike the HD version. Plus Shotlocks and mines were never effective on him back then so you were forced to take a direct approach which was dangerous since he'd use moves like Mega Explosion to drop you down to 1 HP and force all commands to reload. Not to mention since the battle was intended for multiplayer he caused more damage, had more infinite frames, and could not be stun. So basicly he was a Superboss and in my opinion harder than Mysterious Figure/Young Xehanort in the PSP version. The keyblade you get from him speaks for itself. It offered more strength and magic than No Name. xD

Edited by Mirr0rVS13

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Here are my two cents, when playing MF and No Heart as Terra:


> Mysterious Figure: "Welp. He just said "NOPE" and I was dead. Just like that. Let's try again. Nope. Dead again. Try again... Seriously? Lasers... Meteor... AND Doom?! ALL AT ONCE? WHY. WHY IS HE ABLE TO DO THIS?!?! ...Why does Once More not work here? WHY. Why does he still have all these insane moves? There I am. Dead again. Uuuuuuugh. I just wanna kill this guy and move on!!! *cries*"


> No Heart: "Wait... what? Not everything has kill potential? I can ACTUALLY take a couple hits and still have more than 1 HP? HOLY MOLY. WOW. Did I really just almost beat him first try? I can TOTALLY put up with this! Let's go, No Heart! Time to have some fun! :D"


So yeah.


No Heart easier? I would say so.

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Only MF left with Terra, but to me, who had not played BbS on Psp, No Heart sure was hard. He took something like 7 to 8 hits bring a level 99 max hp Terra to 1 HP.

MF took only 3. And he kills you with once more because he lifts you in the air, then hits.

Edited by TwoBecameOne

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No Heart was easy for me too. I just made 100% with Aqua (still lefting the other two..) and just spammed Prism Rain + Mine Square/Seeker Mine

I've neved confronted him before (never had a PSP), I killed him in the 4~5th try.


MF sure was harder. Took me hours.

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i can't really speak for the original since it wasn't released here. however i can say that he is pretty hard if you avoid using shotlock, because he chases your a** down when you try running and if you stand still to get a shotlock he attacks you, you have to time your shot lock and movements right or your screwed. and the easieest way to kill him is with a shot lock with terra.

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