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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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nixs sat there alone he took his head hon's out wondering if any one was goign ot come near him at all he whent to talk to sin agian ...ok soo what should i do now go look for other's sin nooded"what else is there to do let me see if i can get a lock on the other's at all" nixs stood up and open a portel when he walked out of it he was in front of the other peoply form befor he looked at them but didnt say any thing he sat down on teh sand and looked at them havenig fun

(i cant stop lookign at the sig ck has the color's are soo nice)

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Dexer walked around the beach later that day he looked at the scenery and saw it was verry beautiful Dexer then walked back to where the girls were and said "Its getting late we should make some sleeping arangements like whose sleeping where, I'll let yall choose first and I'll choose after yall and I'll wake yall up with breakfest so where are yall sleeping?" Dexer asked unaware of Nixs (lol I know what you mean)

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Texsera nodded.She looked at the scenary.It's been a while since she've seen a sunset like this.Memories come back.memories that had been forgotten for a long time."(This world...likes to bring memories...)" Texsera thinks.

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Ashlynn laughed. "You really like the word 'y'all', don't you?" Dexer grinned. "It's not a bad descriptive word." "No," She agreed, smiling, and laying back. "Sleeping under the stars. If we weren't being hunted down by psychotic Nobodies who are angry at us for trying to destroy Kingdom Hearts and running away and being labled as traitors to the Organization, this might actually be nice." Texsera giggled. "Those are a lot of conditions." "Yeah," Ashlynn agreed, and held her head up. "I set the bar high."

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"Well there is is a shack behind us we could sleep in and we could each take turns gaurding the door I'd hate to wake up and find that yall are dead or missing so i'll take first shift then Ash can go then Texsera can finish up" as they walked in he made 3 Hammocks out of creepers and went upstairs and let them have the downstairs. Once Dexer's shift was over he woke up Ash and she took over

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axel apper in fornt of them and summoned 40 dusks and 10 creppers and he said you think lord xemnas will let all three of you to just leave the organzation now just come bac with me or ill kill all of u said axel as he bought out his weapons.

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nixs see's axel he and smirked but didnt say anything he keep his head phon's in to see what they would do...soo this all they got to bring them back i guess they dont know im not coming back sin how ever was lafting at the little army they had"danm is this all they got to bring them back if they wont us back they neeed to try harder than that...he movedh is neck and nixs looked at him"aww come on you can give a A for trying..nevermind"

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Dexer saw him and the others still asleep he used the creepers to kill the dusk then tackled Axel out of the room then Dexer looked back hoping the girls wouldn't wake up the Dexer summoned his keyblade and sheild then armour and attacked Axel through his Chakrams at him then Dexer blocked one with his sheild then grabed the other and through it back then axel appeared behind him and sliced but it couldn't peirce the armour. Dexer then leaped over him the stabbed him in the back then Dexer through him off the world, Dexer then put up a world shield that would let nothing in or out PERIOD till Dexer's comand to end it, then Dexer kept gaurd making sure they were still sleeping

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Dexer heard it walking around out there then Dexer slid to and lit it with darkfire then got a creeper to become a huge box trapt it inside the box then collapsed the box destroying the thorn then Dexer laid back down and went to sleep he thought it would be ok since the barrier was there and there wasn't much left of the night 'hopefully the girls will be ok' he thought to himself as he drifted into sleep

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"Neku,I need to speak with you."Texsera says."What is it?"Neku asks."Can you show me what's happening in the world that Never was?"Texsera asks."Fine.But only this time."Neku says."The castle is practically in ruins.But the nobodies are holding up.They're gonna chase you into every single world until either they make you join back,or kill you without hestation."Neku says."And Demyx?"Texsera asks."He's in his room.Resting and awaiting for orders.It would not be a surprise if they send him to come after you."Neku says."Yes,I know...And brother?"Texsera asks.Neku looks at her in surprise."Well,he is battleling somewhere in the worlds.I can't pinpoint exactly thanks to Speedy.But ever since you left he has blamed it all on himself."Neku says."I see.OK.Thanks Neku.That will be all."Texsera says."Very well Milady."Neku says as she bows.

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"Texsera, Ash wake up" Dexer hoped that the big hole in the shack wouldn't freak them out since the didn't know what happen during there sleep "we need to leave this world" Dexer took down the barrier then made a portal "come on lets go" Dexer was so frantic cuz he knew that it was only going to get worse so to traverse town and went into the Pooh book hopefully the orginization wouldn't look there

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Ashlynn hugged her knees to her chest. "I don't like gaurd duty." She muttered, and grabbed the trunk of a paopu fruit tree, pulling herself to her feet. She looked around, and automatically took a step back at the sight of the two black cloaks. The two black ORGANIZATION cloaks. Ashlynn glared, and summoned her Keyblade. Only one's hood was back, to reveal Marluxia's annoyed face. Behind him I guessed was Saix. "We asked kindly earlier." Saix snapped, hood falling back. "Now there is no choice. Kingdom Hearts is almost complete. You will finish it, and your friends will pay for their betrayal."

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Dexer ran up behind her and put his hand over her mouth and walked her into the portal Dexer was having trouble with Ash's flailing arms and loud mumbles and through her into the shack with the open portal but Saix and Marluxia saw them and attacked Marluxia's scythe split the island in half and they were all on different sides Saix then threw his Claymore and Dexer barely doged it as the world split even farther apart Dexer missed with his jump and caught hold of the edge "GO THROUGH THE PORTAL" Dexer yelled to the girls as he tried to stall and pull himself up

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"Dexer!"Texsera says as she helps him up.She finally pulls him up the edge and go through the protal.But before she enters she leaves a few Nebula dusts wolves to distract the members.She entered the portal.Texsera looks around."What is this word?"Texsera asks."Hollow Bastion.Have you forgotten?Your brother used to come here to train and he'd talk about it for hours."Neku says."I don't remember."Texsera says."Maybe because you fell asleep while he was teling it."Neku says.

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demyx apper in fornt of texsera and said come on texsera come bac ill hate to kill you said demyx i been givent this ickey to destory u if u refuse to come back said demyx

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Ashlynn flailed madly, waving her arms, and finally getting out of Dexer's grip. She took a deep breath. "If you're going to kidnap someone and keep them ALIVE they have to be able to BREATHE!" Ashlynn yelled weakly. When Texsera dizzily sat up in bed, she grabbed her arm and shoved her through the portal. "Dexer, go with Texsera!" She screamed, and threw her Keyblade over the crack at Saix. He neatly dodged, and the moon shined brighter. "Your traitor friends can't run far," He taunted. "And neither can you. ALL of us are after you, Ashlynn, honey. You can't get far," Ashlynn glowered, and her Keyblade disappeared in a flurry of sparkles, and re-appeared in her grasp. "I never planned to get far!" She snapped. "I'm going to do what I said I would do! What I promised I would do!" She backed up a step, and sprinted for the crevice. She could make that jump...

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Dexer jumped grabed her and the landed through the portal they all ended up in traverse town "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" asked Dexer as they stood up and looked for Texsera "YOU COULD'VE BEEN KILLED" Dexer got worried since they saw Texsera go in the portal first but she wasn't waiting "Where is TExsera?"

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"Demyx...I...I don't know...After all that's happen...I don't think I can go back..."Texsera says."Oh,come on Texsera.Please?"Demyx says while extending his arm to her.Texsera was being somewhat ripped appart inside.He was the one who saved from the heartless and gave her a home."I...I...I'm sorry..."Texsera says as she plays a note that makes him fall backwards.

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Maxt teleported back to the castle "Oh thank you, I just finished my mission" Maxt started playing on his piano "Thank god... at home" muttered Maxt. Maxt teleported to Twilight Town and started to fight some heartless. He was cornered by heartless. Maxt sent shocks of eletricity at them. "There..." muttered Maxt. Maxt continued to walk around Twilight Town "What to do?" asked Maxt.

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Dexer saw them fighting and he decided that he would only help if it was nesseceray Dexer summoned his creepers to help the battle if needed but she looked in control "Go Texsera WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Dexer said ash Demyx wanted to kill them all

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"Hey!" Ashlynn yelled. "Why do you guys keep cutting me off!? I need to go back with them! I can't...I mean, I have to destroy the..." She shook her head. "What am I..." Ashlynn reached up, and held her head. "I can't...why am I thinking I...ahh!" She screamed. "Someone else is in my head! I can't--!" She cut off abruptly. Ashlynn straightened, and held out her Keyblade towards them. "I have my own purpose. I have my own mission. And it has nothing to do with you, traitors!" She turned and ran through a dark corridor. She thought determindly. 'I have to get to Xemnas...'


Monster by Skillet


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Dexer sprinted after her but he didn't get there intime so he had to stay all Dexer could do was pray so he did he prayed that Texsera would win and that Ash would make the right decision and would be ok after whatever happens to her happens and that he could get a location to save her from what she has become

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Ashlynn rushed through the portal. Saix and Xemnas were waiting for her. In her mind, the real Ashlynn was screaming, 'No! Not like this, not like this! I don't want to help you!'. But she had realized someone was messing with her mind. Literally CONTROLLING it. She broke through for just a second, and gripped her head. "Stop it! I won't finish Kingdom Hearts for you!" Xemnas whispered hopefully. "The one last sacrafice. The one last sacrafice to complete Kingdom Hearts." "NO! I won't be your--" Again, her mind wasn't hers anymore. 'Please,' The real Ashlynn thought. 'Someone, get me out of here!' A Keyblade was in Xemnas grip. He raised it up, and Ashlynn squeezed her eyes shut.


Devastation and Reform by Relient K


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Dexer jumped infront of her and pushed her into a portal and locked her mind so she had control but as the portal closed Dexer got hit by Xemnas's keyblade and had it stick through him then the portal closed and Ash was with Texsera then Dexer turned around looked at Xemnas and blinked "I hate you" said dexer as he lit up a fire ball and fell infront of the girls with keyblade peircing his body

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