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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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"I don't know where but I can try to track him down, I wish I had a keyblade for you but I don't" Dexer then walked off and hated himself for not helping them fight dexer that punched the tower and it fell after the hit Dexer quickly grabed it and put it back into place "i'm sorry" Dexer said to them

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ahtxson appered in a world where they do not know where it is.he stood in fornt of a man.they were talking about something and ahtxson said something about ashlynns keyblade having darkness in it and having her heart inside it and texseras keyblade having light in it.

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Texsera looked at him."You shouldn't be sorry Dexer.He got us all by surprise.He had new tricks that none of us thought he could do.And you shouldn't keep blaming yourself for all the stuff that happens.I have the fault here too.I must have known better than to charge at him like that and underestimate him."Texsera says."Listen,I know a trick or two and can still summon my wolves.So if you agree I would like to give Supernova to Ash for battle."Texsera says.

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"Deal" Dexer replied as he gave ash supernova and watched her wield it Dexer rembered a legend of the wolf bane form but he never thought anyone could use it "Did you ever use a wolf bane form" Dexer asked Texsera hoping she could be one of the few gifted with that ability she could use that as a weapon agianst Ahtxson next time their paths get crossed "We need to go to kingom Hears thats where he is headed next"

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ahtxson apper in fornt of kindom hearts.ah kingdom hearts i hav bought u the heart of ashlynn and the light texsera this is wht u want right ill give it too u if u u let me take your power.ahtxson as he pulled out ashlynns and texseras keyblades out.he thought tht his plan has worked

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At this, Ryax's eyes widened in shock with a sobering realization. "He intends to complete the X-Blade!" he exclaimed, "and he has nearly everything he needs to do it!" Ryax summoned Divine Valor and placed it in Texsera's hand. "You can borrow my Keyblade for now, I'll use the Incomplete X-Blade..." he said, "But perhaps the only way to prevent him completeing the weapon...is to complete it first, then USE it to destroy HIS." Then he turned around, shook his head and said, "We should've unlocked his Heart when we had a chance..." he said, not mentioning that Autxson and Ashlynn's Hearts were each of pure light and pure darkness, which would allow him to complete the X-Blade himself. He opened a dark corridor and stepped through, emerging at Kingdom Heart's door. As Autxson presented the Keyblades, Ryax siezed the chance, and absorbed the hearts contained within the Keyblades into the X-Blade, at long last completing the weapon. "Thank you Autxson, but I think I'll take over from here!" he exclaimed, "The X-Blade is complete, and MINE to control once again!"

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In Ashlynn's mind, Austin filled her in on Ahtxson and the man's conversation. She wasn't sure if he was doing this to annoy her or what. 'I have no darkness it my heart.' She insisted. 'What's he talking about!?' 'They don't know that my heart is inside of you.' He laughed. 'Think of what your friends would say if they knew.' 'I think they already do.' She frowned slightly. 'But do they know that my heart is of darkness?' 'They probably guessed,' Ashlynn admitted, and then glared at the ground. 'I don't want to have this conversation with you, Austin.' 'This one specifically?' He taunted. 'ANY conversation unless you're actually standing in front of me!' 'Alright,' He nodded in her mind. Ashlynn was surprised, and slightly happy. If he actually went away... "Ahh!" She automatically screamed seeing him appear in front of you. "Huh!?" Texsera and Dexer turned to face her. "What's wrong? What are you looking at?" Ashlynn's lips moved, but no sound came out. "Nothing," Austin spoke with her voice. They didn't seem to be able to see him. 'How?' She thought in horror. 'None of your buissiness.' He winked. 'You just got more frustrating than when you stole my cookies when we were kids.' He glared at her suddenly. 'That time's up. Things change, and one of them is us.'

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Dexer appeared behind hhm and took thier keyblades and gave them to the girls Dexer then Drew his keyblade and torched them with his flames Dexer threw one keyblade at him knocking Ahtxson into the air then he preformed Ragnock on Ahtxson making him fall to he ground the Dexer went into flame mode flew up and Threw Ahtxson on the ground and fired ragnock on him one more time then he flew down and saw the defeated Ahtxson bleeding badly then Dexer kicked him and went out of flame mode

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kingdom hearts growed grabing the keyblades and putting them inside of it and it spoked.here u r my power said the moon as it was going smaller as it went inside ahtxson body.he was transforming into the strong warrior.he came to the ground and said im now the king of all the worlds said ahtxson as he bought outed the kingdom hearts keyblade.

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(You're too late terraxaqua)


At this, Ryax began absorbing its power as well, the X-Blade glowing brightly with its power. "At long last, I will regain what had taken from me! The Worlds will be unified once again!" he shouted as a blast of light surged up from his blade, "Rise, my Armies, you are once again free! Let us finish what we started!!!" He turned to Autxson and slashed him across the back, critically injuring him with the X-Blade pointed at his neck. "You're finished..."

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i dont think so yelled ahtxson as he took the keybaldes and took ryaxs keybalde as well he went into kingdom hearts as well and him and kingdom hearts both went boom.he thought this will work.kingdom hearts we must fuse together so we can kill them.

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Suddenly, Ashlynn reached up, holding her stomach. "My-my..." She stuttered in horror. "My heart's inside of my Keyblade. Austin's is, too. That means Kingdom Hearts..." 'Is complete,' Austin finished with a smile, shimmering into existance next to her. 'It's finally complete!' He sounded hysterical. Ashlynn made a mental note to keep him away from Pixie Sticks for a while. "My heart..." She whispered. "I don't...I don't...have a..." Texsera and Dexer stared at her, both with sad and horrified expressions on their faces. When Ahtxson announced he was the "King of All Worlds", Ashlynn just laughed. "Anyone who deserves that has to be a hero! Anyone who deserves a title like that has to have a pure heart!" "Mine is pure," He smirked. "Pure in darkness." "A heart that is pure in LIGHT! You won't rule ANY of the worlds and I'm going to make sure of it!" 'And you're going to give my heart back...'

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Dexer saw him go into Kingdom hearts "Wait here I'll finish this" Dexer said as he ran into Kingdom Hearts Dexer pulled out Supernova and Ragnock's End, Dexer almost caught up to Ahtxson when he collapsed it was like reed was trying to speak to him but he couldn't understand so dexer just kept running

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Ryax recalled the X-Blade; he was far too powerful to be stopped. Around him, Ryax's comrades, the Brotherhood of the Fallen, was returning to him one by one. "What is thy bidding my Lord?" Ryax's second in command asked. "My brethren, her me now!" he shouted as he quickly absorbed Kingdom Heart's power. "Let us march on to victory, the Worlds will be reunified with me as its leader! The infinite wisdom is ours!"

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"(The wolf bane?)"Texsera thought.She watched at her new keyblade.She wasn't going to be able to play in battle.She wasn't use to fighting with blades,but she decided to get used to the idea.She watched as Ahtxson summoned a keyblade.It was impressive."I may not be used to this,but I'll have to try."Texsera says as she gets into fighting stance and attacks Ahtxson."Come on Ash!We can't give upp now!"Texsera says.



some fighting music wouldn't hurt.



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kingdom hearts appered out of no where with a man havoring around it.kingdom hearts spoked.u know noyhing of me said kingdom hearts as it was going into the man.the man was ahtxson he was transforming into a knight.ahtxson came down to the ground with a new keyblade

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Dexer saw him transforming but he didn't care Dexer used Ragnock on Ahtxson making fall and messing up some of his armour "It ends here Ahtxson its your fault we are in this mess so you will pay for it" Dexer's armour formed around him turning into the creeper knight then he drew his keyblades

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ahtxson and kingdom hearts putted a sheild around them and they unleashed a kingdom slash to to the others as dexer was going to ahtxson.they thought they were stroger then all of them.he also made a kingdom hearts bomb for dexer to hit.

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Ryax, floating above his army on an angelic and a demonic wing, pointing the X-Blade towards his former allies. "Now, the beginning of the New World Order neccisatates we take those ones out" he said, "Left flank, right flank, advance and surround them, cut off their escape!" With that, the left and right flanks of his army began moving rapidly to encircle his foes. Ryax, meanwhile, pointed the X-Blade at Autxson and fired a beam that shattered his foe's shield, almost completely destroying the man as the attack slammed into him and sent him flying.

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Texsera watches around.Everything was getting out of control and turning to chaos.She looked at her keyblade.She pointed it directly too the sky and the keyblade transformed."Another trick I learned from a firend in the realm of the darkness.Light can lock and unlock everything.Even the darkness with in a nobody."Texsera says.A beam of pure light came and illuminated everything,making half of Ryax army dissapear.

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Dexer hit the bomb back at Ahtxson and watched it explode next to him "What are you trying to do, get a heart? this isn't a true heart it isn't yours you'll never know how it feels" Dexer said as he looked at the starm on his Supernova then looked at the chain of his Ragnock's End and knew that his friend had the same thing keeping it close using it to help her fight

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ahtxson sended nobodys and heartless tht were killed by keyblades to them and he slahed ryax with the kingdom hearts keybalde.he thought they cant win they never could.he se formed a stronger sheild around and was putting his amorer back on

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Dexer ran into him as he slashed through heartless using his keyblade to trip him then hit him in his back then he summoned a bunch of creeprs that jumped onto Ahtxson and ripped off his armour then Dexer point up and did Ragnock destroying the heartless and nobodies "Its over, GIve up" Dexer said

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Ryax poured all his power into the X-Blade, shattering his opponent's weapon before stabbing Ahtxson right through his heart. Ryax grinned in triumph beneath his helmet and said, "Game, Set and Match..." With that, Ryax fired a beam at him, slamming him into the ground to add insult to the probably fatal injury. "I am invincible in this state! You can't deny me what is rightfully mine!" he shouted furiously, "I will regain all that had been taken from me!"

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with the armour gone he started to form a darkness ball around him tht couldnt be destory the dark ball fired dark beams to every one tht was fight and was ready to unleash a strong attack on dexer. he thought those fools do not know who they r fighting.

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