Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 "why?" asked dexer he could have read her thoughts and known but he wanted to hear her say it "I would Like to know" Dexer said Dexer sat down and felt the ground it felt like sand and didn't seem like it was ashes Dexer just sat their feeling the sand and looking around hoping to see the end of the road Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 5, 2010 Ashlynn took a deep breath, and twirled a strand of her hair. "Austin and I were best friends. I mean, THE best friends ever. We did absolutely everything together. Then, when the Heartless attacked, Austin didn't want to fight them. The idea of a kingdom of hearts like Xemnas planned was exciting to him. He WANTED them to win." She shook her head sadly to herself. "I don't think he understood the magnitude of it at that point. And when he did, it was too late." 'And I was too late to save him'. She thought to herself. "Austin wanted to see the power of Kingdom Hearts himself. He wanted to be part of the Organization, to be a 'hero'. That's what he called himself. So he found the Castle That Never Was and begged Xemnas to let him join. Of course, Xemnas wasn't going to let him do that while he still had his heart. A heartt powerful enough to equal thousands of Heartless..." Ashlynn stared unseeingly down the dark stone pathway. She took a deep breath. "A heart like mine. He'd been my best friend, and I wanted to find him. I took off after him, and I made it to the Castle. Xemnas was holding him in the same room as Kingdom Hearts. He was about to take Austin's heart. Austin looked at me and he started begging me for help. But Xemnas said if I dared help him, my heart would join Kingdom Hearts, too. And that was enough. I...left. I left Austin there. He lost his heart. He found his Nobody, and forced him to go back with him, but after that...he wasn't Austin anymore. He barely even talks to me. Then he tried to HELP Xemnas take my heart, as a kind of revenge. Just to see what it felt like to loose that. It was my fault, and we both know it. And I...I never told him that I was sorry." Ashlynn hung her head. "I have to tell him now." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 Dexer stood up and started walking then her turned around "are you coming or not" Dexer said then he kept walking "I got to get you to Austin" Dexer said they kept walking and walking it seemed like it would never end and it didn't that they knew of it just seemed to get longer and longer Dexer turned to her "I'll get you out of here" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 alright texsera lets go to twilight town said ahtxson as he opened a portal and they both went in.ahtxson thought about the organzation and his friendship with axel and always having ice cream with him.the reason we r here is because im in the mood for ice cream. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted August 5, 2010 nixs looked at ther e soft moment..weakling.. there all going ot dei im going ot kill them all..sin looked at him"yes your goign ot kill them no we are going ot kill them all we we take out everthign in aour way."sin let ot a crazy kill laft he moved his neck then nixs looked at them he shock his head..soo sad they look soo god togther thelly be happy togther wil i kil them he had a death look in his eye's like it wasnt him anuymore Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 "OK,but since I couldn't trust you.I'm buying.I insist!"Texsera says."Come on!"Texsera says as she grabs Ahtxson's arm and drags him to the ice-cream shop."Two sea-salt ice-cream please!"Texsera says as she hands over the munny.The girl in the counter accepts the munny and gives Texsera the ice-creams."Thanks."Texsera says."Here you go!"Texsera says as she hands over the ice-cream to Ahtxson. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 5, 2010 Ashlynn nodded, and thought 'I can't believe I told someone. I never told anyone what happened to Austin. Everyone told me it was never my fault and I shouldn't worry, but it was my fault. I should've helped him.' She shook her head, and then suddenly smiled. "LOOK!" It looked at least a mile down the stone pathway, but there was a dim gray light. Even though she could barely stand, she broke into a sprint. Her and Dexer tripped countless times as the hurried towards the light. Ashlynn panted when they finally escaped the cave. It was a dark beach strip, but when she looked up, there were stars in the sky. The same stars she and Austin used to look at and make patterns in. She still saw the non-existant constellation that spelled Austin's name. She ran towards the beach, and splashed into the water. "Hey! Dexer!" She yelled. For just a minute, she'd forget about Austin. For just a minute, she'd forget about all of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 they got to the town and got the ice cream and went to the top of the tower and watched the got any bros of sisters texsera tht u can remeber said ahtxson as he took a bite of the ice cream. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 Dexer Smiled and put his feet in water "I like this place more" Dexer said as he looked at the stars 'this could be home' dexer thought to himself, its peaceful it was odd to say that about the realm of darkness but this part was peaceful "lets rest here before we keep walking" suggested Dexer as he looked at the water Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 5, 2010 GTG, do anything but kill Ashlynn. Anyone can use her, except for terraxaqua34 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 "Yes.I remember that I had a big brother and a little sister.I don't remember my little sister much,but my brother...I remember that he used to play piano with me.And that I used to do everything with him.I'd play,laugh,ride on his motorcycle.We were the perfect family.But then...that night happened."Texsera says as she takes a bite out of the ice-cream. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 wht night said ahtxson as he took another bite of his ice cream.ahtxson thought her brother might be the person he fought one time.ahtxson finished theice cream and got another winnier stick.thts the second winnier stick said ahtxson. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 "Well.Mom was taking my little sister to her ballet recital.So I stayed home with my brother.He had fallen asleep on the couch so I was pretty bored.I heard something tap the window.I looked to see a small bunny.It was fluffy and white.It started to run off.I had forgotten completly about the heartless.I took my keyboard and went outside.I followed the bunny into the forest,where it hid in a den.The sunsetted and heartless started to come out.They surrounded me less than a minute.Then,they jumped on me.I started to being swolowed into a portal.The last thing that I saw was my brother yelling my name as he ran towards me.When I woke up.I was in another world.i felt hollow,that's when Demyx found me...when I became a nobody..."Texsera says as she finished he ice-cream."Aw man!No winner stick!"Texsera says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 here u can hav this one since i hav two said ahtxson.hey whts your brothers name cause i think ive seen him somewhere back when i was in the organzation.ahtxson thought maybe just maybe he can help her get to her brother and find ashlynn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 "Thanks.And that's just it.I can't remember his name.Everytime I try,nothing comes to mind.And SOMEONE dosn't want to tell me."Texsera says.Neku appears besides Texsera."If you want to remember,you must remember yourself."Neku says."But your my guardian.Your suppouse to help me."Texsera says."Yeah,but I'm just to lazy to do it for you.But your brother though,I wouldn't mind."Neku says."Oh great.There she goes again.You know Neku,back into the neckleace you go."Texsera says.Neku shrugs and dissapears."Man,why did I got stuck with her?I have no idea..."Texsera says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 5, 2010 Ashlynn laughed as she and Dexer stumbled onto the beach. She guessed the sun should be setting about now, but, of course, they sky was unchanged, still a deep black. Ashlynn was soaking wet, and she twisted her hair, wringing all of the water out. "Now it seems so cold!" She giggled. "Was it worth it?" Dexer asked, smiling slightly. "Depends," Ashlynn frowned slightly, thinking. "Do you think we could get some icing on the cake here?" "A little something extra?" Dexer finished, smiling. "Like...some sea-salt ice cream?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 hehe sounds like u and neku hav a great friendship said ahtxson as he was ready to leave.come on we hav to get going said ahtxson/wow this girl is special she might be the nobody of a somebody real special.ahtxson got walk to the bottom of the tower ready to go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 "i don't think we will have any" dexer says as he sees a light show up infront of them they walk towards it and it makes them apear at the top of the clock tower in twilight town then once they looked over they fell and started falling towards the ground then one of dexers creepers jumped on his back and made wings Dexer grabbed Ash and the lowered to the ground landing safely, when they were falling Texsera and Ahtxson saw them and ran down to them to see if they were ok gtg be back tomorow or later tongiht DO NOT CONTROL MY CHARECTOR please and thank you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 Texsera saw some people fall from the sky."What the heck?!"Texsera says as she goes over the edge to see."Watch it Texsera.Don't want to fall."Neku says."I won't fall.And are those...Oh my god,it's them!Dexer and Ash!Guys!Guys!Ahtxson!Look!It's them!"Texsera says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 wht how is tht possble ahtxson said as he saw wht was happening.he thought how did they get bac?and i thought dexer was dead.ahtxson jumped and got his sword like keyblade out.chage yelled ahtxson as his sword changa into a whip.he grab both of them and put them on the ground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 5, 2010 Ashlynn was screaming even when they landed. "AHH!!! I don't like heights! Did you see how far we almost just fell!?" She abruptly stopped screaming seeing the ice cream sticks in Ahtxson's and Texsera's hands. "Hey, this is...Twilight Town?" Ashlynn grinned. "They sell sea-salt ice cream here! Ooh, I was DREAMING about this!" She sprinted towards the ice cream stand. She glanced behind her. "Well, hurry up! I want ice cream!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 "Ahtxson!Wait!"Texsera yells.But he had aalready gotten down."Darn!"Texsera says as she starts to run down the stairs of the Clock Tower."Neku!Remember me to ask one of them to teach me how to teleport to other worlds bessides the world that never was!"Texsera says as she keepss running down."(Dexer...Ash...)"Texsera thinks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 Dexer ran with Ash and bought some with his money "MMm this taste so good, how I missed this town" Dexer sat down at the shop and started eating it then he open a portal "while we were in the realm of darkness i went into Austin's mind and found out where he was the portal will take you where you want to go" Dexer said to Ash Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 Texsera reached the bottom of the stairs."ASH!DEXER!"Texsera yells as she run towards them.She was filled with happiness.She hugs Ash tightly."You're OK!Thank godness you're OK!I thought you were lost in the realm off the darkness for ever!"Texsera says as she hugs Ash tightly.Then she sees Dexer and hugs him too."Dexer!Thanks...for saving me.I really owe you big time."Texsera says as she hugs him tightly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 hey lets hav ice cream all together like tht one day said ahtxson he thought they were in the realm of darkness.alright lets go to the tower.he thought maybe they could find texera brother.guys lets find texsera brother guys how bout another quest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites