terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 ahtxson went up to xemnas and zexion ahtxson killed zexion with one silce and turned to xemnas and said sorry xemnas im with these guys forget about kingdom hearts i will kill u so sora dosent hav to said ahtxson.ahtxson thought ashlynn can turst me and help me destory kingdom hearts again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 5, 2010 Ashlynn screamed. "AHTXSON! DUCK!" He paused in surprise for a moment, but a split-second before Xemnas's ethereal blades slammed into him, he ducked. "Xemnas can't be killed, Ahtxson! He used Kingdom Hearts to make himself invincible! Kingdom Hearts is the only thing he's still vulnerable to! We have to destroy it! RIGHT NOW!" She turned and sprinted towards the giant glowing heart. "Ahtxson, d--" "Distract him! Got it!" Xemnas realized what this meant, and tried to get around Ahtxson. "I'm not vulnerable to even Kingdom Hearts! I am as powerful as it!" He boasted, lying. "No, you're not! Kingdom Hearts will be gone, along with you!" She got ready to destroy it. Ashlynn took a deep breath and yelled. "Ahtxson, run! If you're here when it explodes you'll be destroyed! Go!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 got it if your alive ill get u out of the realm of darkness thts a pomise said ahtxson as he left.he thought tht he needs to get dexer and tesxsera out of the castle.he ran thought alot of nobodys and made sure he wasnt followed and got to them and said guys we need to get of here said ahtxson ready to opend a portal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 Texsera felt every bone in her body aching,the blood loss was making her feel dizzy and she was out of breath,breathing slowly and heavily. She looked at Dexer. She slightly smiled at him. "How come you get to rescue me...but I never get to rescue you?"Texsera asks smiling,regardless her condition. She felt that she was actually gaining energy instead of loosing it. She then looked at Dexer. She saw a tear. "(Dexer?)"Texsera thinks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 texsera ashlynn said she going to kill hershelf to destory kingdom hearts and she for us to leave or will we be destory said ahtxson.he thought maybe she will listen to him and follow him off the world and he was wondering where was dexer and who is this guy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 5, 2010 Ashlynn slowly faced Kingdom Hearts again. Behind her, Xemnas yelled something in protest, but she deliberately ignored him. Her Keyblade appeared in her grip, and she slowly propped it over her shoulder, like a javelin. He screamed louder, and Xemnas was a few feet from Ashlynn. "Now, just wait, before you destroy, think of all of the power you could--" She released her grasp, and her Keyblade rocketed straight towards Kingdom Hearts. Time slowed down, and she was blown backwards. She caught a glimpse of Xemnas turning to black dust. She raised her hands in front of her face, and suddenly, the power blowing her back was gone. "Huh?" Ashlynn blinked, looking around in surprise. "Where am I? There are no stars or...I'm...in the Realm of Darkness." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 Dexer gave most of his life force and energy to Texsera when Ahtxson got to them Texsera was alive and healthy but Dexer was given her wounds when they switched life force Dexer was able to crawl through the portal as the other walked through Dexer started groaning due to the pain he didn't see himself surviving Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 Texsera opened her eyes.She sat up."What happened?"Texsera asks."You were an idiot!That's what happened!"Neku says."Neku?What do you mean?"Texsera asks.Then she notices that all of her wounds,even the chakarm one was gone."My wounds!Who-?"Texsera asks."That boy Dexer.He saved your life.You were at the point of dissapearing and he changed life force with you.He got all of your pain and wounds,and in return,you got all of his health and more.Right now he dissapeared into a portal,and is somewhere dying for your mistakes!"Neku says coldly."What?Dexer?No...No!Why did he do it?!"Texsera asked."I don't know,but whatever the reason,it was strong enough for him to give his life for you."Neku says.Tears fall down Texsera's eyes.She starts to cry."Why couldn't i just died faster?!That way he wouldn't had to do it!!!!"Texsera says bettween sobs."Shut up!Don't you dare say that ever again!He gave his life!How dare you say that you preffered to die than to see him one more time?!"Neku asks.Texsera's eyes widen.Neku sighs."Follow me."Neku says.She makes a portal and Texsera passes through it.She sees Dexer on the other side."DEXER!"Texsera yells. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 ahtxson was with him and ahtxson said come on ashlynn and dexer still be saved they r in the realm of darkness THIS ENDS PART PART 2 WILL BEGIN STORTY Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 5, 2010 Ashlynn sat up slowly. She looked up--the lack of stars was heartbreaking. Ashlynn sighed, and stood up, looking around. She was on a scarily thin floating rock pathway. It seemed to stretch on forever in either direction. She frowned, and took a deep breath. "Alright...I'm going to find myself a way out of here." Ashlynn started walking, and squinted towards the end of the pathway. Except there was no end for her to see. "Maybe..." She swallowed. "This is going to be a little harder than I'd thought to escape from." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 This time,for Dexer's sake,she decided to trust him.If he knew where Vexer was,then it would be worth the shot."Fine.I trust you."Texsera says to Ahtxson.Neku nodded and dissapeared.Texsera's neckleace started to glow blue.She knew it was a good sign."OK then.Take me to Dexer and Ash."Texsera says to Ahtxson. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 ahtxson and texsera came to hollow bastion to find a way to get to the realm of darkness.so where sould we go first said ahtxson as he was about opend a potal to a new world and get clues.ahtxson thought about his pomise to ashlynn flashback if your alive and your in the realm of darkness ill come and get u out i pomise Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 Dexer walked up to Ash and said "I see You suceeded" Dexer said as he sat down by Ash "we can escape or stay" Dexer said I kinda like it here, if you ask me" Dexer looked up at the dark sky and saw abunch of Darksides suronding them then Dexer threw his keyblade at the Darksides destroying them "there will be more later, so whats the plan" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 "Well,we can either ask around for a way to get there or search for it."Texsera suggests."The way to light is through darkness and the way to darkness is through light."Neku says."What do you mean?"Texsera asks."The way to get to the realm of the darkness,is to find it's door you idiot!"Neku says."The doorway...to darkness?Ahtxson,does that make sence to you?"Texsera asks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 5, 2010 Ashlynn gasped, and finally collapsed on the stone pathway. "I'm...I'm so tired," She mumbled weakly. Ashlyn glanced hopefully over her shoulder, but still no one was coming. She summoneded her Rain Fall Keyblade. "I am GOING to get out of here. I...I can't stay here. I want to see...see the stars and the sunset. And at...at least have twenty million more sea salt...ice cream bars." She looked up. "I want to go back...HOME." She looked down. The Castle wasn't home, and nowhere really was. But she wanted to pretend to be a Nobody again. She didn't want to be alone in the middle of nowhere with nothing. Ashlynn wanted to be with her friends. She wanted to be anywhere else. ANYWHERE with ANYONE. She wanted to see Austin. She had to see Austin. She had to tell him she was sorry... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 no not at all said ahtxson as he was asking a man named leon and he said if your looking for the realm of darkness u must go to the ruins of the castle of the organzation said leon.well texsera looks like we hav to go bac to the castle said ahtxson Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 Dexer showed up and tapped Ash on the shoulder and spoke in her mind 'He misses you when we get out of here I'll take you to him" Dexer thought to her Dexer sat down and said "this is home for a while lets not rush good things come to those who wait and energy is hard to come by here just be calm conserve your energy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 5, 2010 "Huh!?" Ashlynn jumped at the thoughts of someone else in her head. When Dexer tapped her shoulder, she practically shot out of her skin. She was sure she'd been alone. "Oh! Dexer! Are you okay? How are you here, too!?" She demanded. Had Ahtxson, Texsera, and Dexer been too close when she destroyed Kingdom Hearts? Was it even destroyed? Ashlynn shook her head. For all of this, it better be destroyed. She hugged her knees to her chest. "Are Ahtxson and Texsera alright?" Dexer nodded. "I think so," "That's good..." She murmered absently. "I have to get out of here. I have to-I have to tell Austin I'm sorry. Even if he doesn't believe me, I have to tell him I'm sorry." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 "Back to that acursed place?Fine."Texsera says."But don't you think we should at least get some potions and stuff while were at the castle?I have a few elexirs in my old room that we could use."Texsera says."The realm of the darkness is not childsplay Texsera.Are you sure you want to go?"Neku asks."Are you nuts Neku?!Of course I wanna go!We have to go!Ash,Dexer.They're trapped there.We need to help them!"Texsera says as she makes a portal."Let's go Ahtxson!"Texsera says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 they apper where ashlynn destoryed kingdom hearts.so this where ashlynn was sent to the darkness said ahtxson as he show her his room which was full of weapons and potions.take wht u want said ahtxson as he took a gun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 "you can go I'm going to stay I don't have anyone needing or wanting me on the other side so I'll stay and chill here, and I can get stronger from the heartless I'm just glad I was able to trade life force with Texserra" Dexer said as he looked down and leaned agians a rock 'she deserved to keep living more than me' dexer thought to himself Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 "(Wow...I'd never guess he had this many weapons.)"Texsera thought.She took about 10 elixirs,20 hi-potions and 5 pacneas.She looked the weapons.She saw some dual baldes and took them."I've never been good with guns."Texsera says as she puts the dualblades on her belt.She cheked everything that was on her small bag."I think this should be enough.I just need to look for one more thing in my room.Meet me there."Texsera says as she runs over to her room.She enters.It's full of drawings and hand made decorations.She looks through the gabinets."Got it!The book of spells!I knew stealing this from Merlin was going to come in handy someday."Texsera says as she puts the book inside her bag.The she sees a small picture.It was of all of them when she first joined the organization.The entire organization was there,including Vexer,Ash and Ahtxson.She smiled a bit and put in her pocket."Ready!"Texsera says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 5, 2010 "I don't think that'd be a good idea, Dexer." Ashlynn whispered sadly. Still she wasn't sure there was a way out of here. How long had she walked? Her legs were sore, and even her arms hurt from swinging. On top of that, after Ahtxson's little traitor-turned-not-traitor stunt helping Xemnas, she wasn't sure if Texsera was alright, either. Even Dexer wasn't sure about either of them. And still she wondered about Austin. 'How am I going to get back?' She thought. 'Even if I can't for Texsera or Ahtxson, I have to get back for Austin. I have to tell him I'm sorry. I have to make him believe me.' She thought determindely. She stood up shakily. "Dexer, get up. I'm getting home." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 "Texsera is safe I do know that much thats the reason I'm here I switched lifeforce with her so I died and she lived I took her wounds, but now she is healthy and fine" Dexer stood up "I'll help you get home but I'm staying here" then they walked to the horizon waiting to find a way out if there was one Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 5, 2010 "Well," Ashlynn sighed. "I guess that's one less thing to worry about." She murmered as they walked. "I'm already exhausted, Dexer...I don't know if I can walk that far. Look how long this path goes." Ashlynn pointed. "Forever and ever, it seems. For all we know, it could be a big loop. There's no way we're going to get out by WALKING. There's got to be some way else." "Well, walking is all we have." Dexer reminded her. Ashlynn sighed, and they kept going. When they stopped for a break, it was quiet, until she eventually whispered. "Do you want to know why I want to see Austin so badly? Why I want to tell him I'm sorry?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites