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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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Dexer falls asleep after seeing her fall asleep and then he had a dream: it was him fighting heartless and nobodies alongside Texsera they made a great team and they kept their promise then they it seemed like the end of Texsera's nightmare she told him about then the real Dexer jumps down he was in pheonix mode and kills the fake Dexer then Ahtxson runs away and Ash stayed unconcious then Dexer ran to Texsera and started healing her then he says "You swore you wouldn't leave me, you swore you swore" then he cries while his helmet was on and a tear lands in her wounds and she survived due to the magic of the Pheonix tear then Dexer woke up he tore off his shirt and saw something beating and saw his chest pounding then he wakes up Texsera and grabs her hand and puts her hand where his heart is he gets a big smile "I HAVE A HEART AGIAN!" Sanchez exclaimed

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Texsera feels a heartbeat.She smiles."You have a heart Dexer!You have one!You have one!"Texsera says in happyness."How is it possible?"Setu asks."Don't know!Don't care!What matters is that Dexer has a heart!!!"Texser says as she jumps of joy.She accidentally trips and falls over Dexer."Whoops,sorry.I think I got a little to excited."Texsera says as she laughs weakly.

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Dexer laughed and laughed and laughed due to the joy of his heart and Texsera falling Dexer then thought about how happy he was in his dream up until he had to save Texsera with a tear that how he knew he had his heart agian he was so happy his smile just grew bigger and bigger it just wouldn't go away Dexer then stuck out his hand to pull Texsera back up to the roof

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Texsera took his arm and stood up."He's smiling."Texsera says."Then its oficial.He does have a heart."Setu says."Hey,I think we should go and check on Ash.She might wake up soon and when she does,we'll need to tell her the good news."Texsera says.She looked at the stars."It all started with a promise,right?"Texsera asks."Yup.Everything in this universe,started with a simple promise."Setu says

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"All right you do that I'll be sitting up here" Dexer said he layed back down and fell asleep since it was still late he didn't really have a dream he was to happy to have one he just had flash backs like when he rescued Texsera and Ash from captian hook and how he disguised himself as Vexen and ploted a fake death for Texsera and how much fun they had when they were at the beach just living it up he didn't think about the bad things of those days just being reunited and happy with his friends

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Texsera went back to the room with Ash.She did the same thing as before and opened the sshield without damaging it.She layed down in the other bed.She looked at Ash."She's still asleep.Man,she must be really tired."Texsera says."You should be too."Setu says."I'm allright.I think that I'll stay up a few more minutes.Texsera then remembers all of those happy memories from the very begining that she met them and Dexer.

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Dexer wakes up with his foot behind his head and laying on the ground he then removed his leg from behind him and said "Ow I must've fallen off the roof last night" Then he yawns and stretches then he flies up to the roof and goes in the window and see's Texsera asleep Dexer see's that she must be tired so he sat in the room and watched them both sleep Dexer went into Ash's mind and only heard crickets chirping then he went into Texsera's mind and realized she was going through all her memories of him then she woke up after her memory of later that night when he woke her up and put her hand on his chest "Good morning" Dexer said

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Texsera looked at him and smiled."Good Morning Dexer."Texsera says.She feels his heartbeat."Yup.It's still there."Texsera says.She sits up and fixes her hair witch was in a really messy bedhead."So,you slept in the roof last night I see."Texsera says.She smiles as she looks at him.She looks at Ash,still asleep."(Is she that tired?!)"Texsera thought.

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"Kinda, I fell off in the middle of the night with my leg behind my head, it was verry uncomfortable" Dexer said as he poped his back stretching Dexer then changed his shirt because he fell into a muddy puddle so he took his filthy shirt and jacket on and put on another one Dexer then he put on his newly designed Orginization jacket that he designed a while back then he saw his Warlord arm band and his arms then felt kinda warm after he put it on

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Texsera smiles as she sees the jacket."You really made a fashion statement that day.I thought that Xemnas was going to get you for sure."Texsera says laughing a bit.She looks out the window.The sun rays coming trough it.She then sees Ash."So what should we do now?Ash is still asleep,unless we carry her around."Texsera says.

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"Well you and me could go get breakfest leave a note just incase she wakes up or I can go run and pick us up some food or you can or we can laze around here and Die of thirst and hunger but either way she is staying that bed safe" Dexer said as he stood up from the chair pulled out his wallet and counted his munny and cash

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Texsera looked at Ash."(I guess she will be safe.)"Texsera thinks."Well,let's go look for food.I think fresh air witchout being chased would do good once in a while."Texsera says as she stretches.She looks at Dexer counting his munny.She looked through her pocket to find a small pouch."What's that?"Setu asks."When I joined,Demyx said I would need and allowence.So this is it,plus some more munny that I won in some bets with Xigbar."Texsera says.

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Dexer puts his wallet away and walks off with Texsera to get some breakfest the came across a McDonalds, Burgerking, Chic-Fila, and some other places "I don't rember this part of the city we must be in Sunset Terace" Dexer said as they kept walking then they stoped at the end of the strip "Ok your choice choose a place to eat" Dexer said as his stomach growled

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Texsera looked around and shrugged."McDonalds I guess."Texsera says.She looks around.People walking up and down the streets,chatting with eachother and kids running around.This place was warm and friendly.Texsera liked it a lot."Well,go.You're both going to starve."Setu says."Right."Texsera says.

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Dexer goes up to the counter and orders some food for himself then he lets Texsera order then he brought out some munny and payed for both the meals then they grabbed their trays and sat down at a booth and ate their food "Mmmm this is good" Dexer said eating his Hash brown "how is your's" Dexer asks Texsera

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"Delicious."Texsera says.She eats her food and waits for Dexer to finish.They both finish,dump the trash in the trash can and start to walk around the town.They watch as the people walk around and live with what looks like a worry free life.They pass infront of the forest area,"(Man,this town brings back so many memories.)"Texsera says as she remembers when they spended the night on the mansion.

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"Yea that was an odd day thats when we changed our clothes and appearences" Dexer said then he saw a clothing store and decided to get some new clothes "Think we should?" Dexer asked hoping she would say yes because he wanted some new threads and wanted to change up his look some

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Texsera saw him and read his mind.She smiled."Sure,why not?"Texsera says.She had noticed that their clothes were becoming a little old with all of the fighting they've been trough.This included fire,ice and all types of magic along with being slashes,poked and hit with all types of weapons from all shapes and sizes.

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Dexer grabbed some clothes and ran into the dressing room "Wait for me when your done" Dexer told her then he took of his shirt and put on a new black black one with this big symbol printed in white on the front (symbol of the new orleans saints I love the symbol just don't know what its called) then he puts on this black over button down shirts with thin white stripes down it then he put on these dark blue hollowy denim jeans then some black and red converses then he put on this pure black belt with the belt buckle with the same emblem as the shirt then all of a suddeen he transported to the Warlords castle "we need you, Dexer" The leader guy siad "For what I'm kinda busy" Dexer said "To prove yourself" The leader said

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Texsera got into the dressing room.She put on a black T-shirt with red splatters around,black yeans with red designs and a red belt,black converse and fingerless gloves.She looked at herself."Hm,nice."Texsera says."It looks good."Setu says."Thanks."Texsera says.She went out side and payed for the outfit.She waited for Dexer."Wonder why he's taking so long."Texsera says.

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"Fine what do you want me to do?" Dexer asked


"Create then destroy a world you have 2minutes to do this or our gunman will shoot your friend" Dexer saw Texsera and Ash by a wall crouched down with guns to their heads The leader siad


"I'll do it just don't hurt them" Dexer said


Dexer went to this abondened world and crushed it with an explosion of lightning then he created a world named Mountian Milenia and used his water to give it water and life then Dexer made a sun outof alot of fire then he made crystals and mountains with his earth abilites then built houses he then came back to the Warlords and saw the leader clapping then Dexer said "Let my friends go" Dexer says angrily


"Bravo your strength is great but your whit is not look we don't even know where your friends are that was a fake thing we created to spook you" The leader said with a sinister grin


Dexer dashed up to him and grabed him by the collor of his shirt "Don't Ever do that agian" Dexer said

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Texsera kept waiting for Dexer."This is wierd,not even Dexer takes this long."Texsera says."Relax,he's just looking for the right combination,that's all."Setu says."I guess you're right."Texsera says.Then she remembered when they completetly changed their looks.Texersa had cutted her hair super short making her bangs look very long and she painted her hair red with black stripes and her eyes were red."That was one wierd day."Texsera says.

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"Let go of me and take this" The leader said


Dexer grabs it and lets go of him then he looks its a red armband "What does this one mean" Dexer asked?


"It means you are now a Warlord and your one of the strongest, so go and we will call you agian" THe leader said


"Whatever sure" Dexer says as he leaves and puts it on over his new clothes


Dexer then comes out of the dressing room to see Texsera standing there in her new clothes Dexer grabs a chain and attaches it to his wallet and jeans then he pays for his clothing "Sorry, and Nice clothes" Dexer said with a grin then they walked out and explored more of the town

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Texsera keep swalking around breathing the fresh brezze of the town.She looks around and everything was like if darkness never existed.Texsera looked at Dexer and saw the armband.She smiled."Awsome armband.It goes pretty awsomely with your outfit."Texsera says.

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Dexer looked at it "Ha guess it does I didn't notice yea its kinda the reason I was gone for so long in the dressing room Sorry about that agian" Dexer then sat down at a bench and put his face hin his hands and just sat their thinking of what he did destroying the world he knew it was abondoned but it felt wrong doing that just to save two fake lives

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