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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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"My heart" Dexer said as he looked at more of the drawing he was filled with anger at the loss of his heart he then punched a wall over and over agian due to his anger he left a few holes in the wall then he looked at his hand it was covered in blood and it couldve been broken if he didn't make his bones steel but the blood covered the wall and his fist his hand was full of pain after wards

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Texsera took a hold of the fist."Stop."She says.She took a small towel and started to wipe off the blood that was covering his hand.The she took some bandages and carefully started to cover the hand."You should be more carefull.You're not inmortal.You still bleed and feel.And I don't want you to get hurt."Texsera says as she finishes covering his hand.She looks at the bloddy wall and starts to clean it off with the towel,tainting a little her hands with the blood."I'm sorry.You were right.I shouldn't have trusted him.I gave him a small amount of trust and look what happened.I guess a traitor will always be a traitor.No matter how many chances he gets."Texsera says as she keeps cleaning the wall.

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ahtxson came in the cave and heard wht texsera said.guess your not my friend texsera ahtxson as he got anger.ahtxson thought after all he did for them they will just leave like tht.ahtxson went into animal bonding mode level one and attacked texsera with lion slash.

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Dexer jumped infront of the slash and took the damage then he shot a firey blast out of his hands throwing Ahtxson back then Dexer fell due to the extra damage that was put on him then he tried to stand up but was still weak Dexer put up a nova sheild to keep him out of the cave





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you cant keep me out said ahtxson as he unleash a lion blast on the sheld which destory it.ahtxson rushed to texsera and attacked her with lion impact which made her fozeon and was slash on the chest.he thought they r no longer his friends and he will have to kill them

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Dexer blocked the slash to the chest with his Ragnock's End then he preformed Ragnock on him then Dexer went into Dark Flame form then he picked up Ahtxson and started slamming his head into the wall then he threw his body back out of the cave and shot him with another blast of fire then preformed Ragnock on Ahtxson agian then Dexer's wounds started to bleed morre

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Texsera was shocked because of what happened."Athxson..."Texsera says.She looks at Dexer,seeing his wounds are starting to bleed again.She hurried over and hold the wounds tight so the bleeding would stop."I guess I should watch out for what I say and who hears it."Texsera says.

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while he was being blasted ahtxson went into animal bonding level 2 which had him be protected by magic attacks and had wings and two lion keyblades and had a lion coat.ahtxson rushed to dexer.dexer didnt see it coming and was stabe by both keyblades

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Texsera saw this.She couldn't take it anymore.She jumped on Ahtxson and pinned him to the ground."ATHXSON!!!Stop this please!!!"Texsera says,and she was crying."This fighting has to stop!Ever since that night you have changed.You attack without thinking and think about others but you don't listen to them.Please Ahtxson,you need to stop this madness.You tried to stop the battle,but you've only created a war!!!"Texsera says while crying.

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u dont understand my pain yelled ahtxson as he got up and stabe tecsera in the gut.my pain is from u guys forgeting about me and u only remind me axel forgetten about me yelled ahtxson as darkness was surroneing him.he thought this guys hate him now

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Dexer was filled with pain by both keybaldes Dexer thent went into pheonix mode and reversed time using the pheoinx's hidden power and took a third stab to the stomach so Texsera didn't get hurt by it Dexer then used wind to push the keyblades out of his body and stab Ahtxson with them then Dexer used Ragnock's End stabed Ahtxson and preformed ragnock on him while he was (its not magic so it did affect you) Dexer then used Supernova to prop him um then Dexer made an earth wall imbetween them

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ahtxson destory the wall and was healed since he has darkness protecting him.ahtxson ulheash lion sonic which slows down time and wounds everyone in the area.ahtxson stabe dexer in the gut and silce texsera of the chest.he thought these people will die

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"My...head..." Ashlynn sat up slowly, reaching up. "What happened?" She looked around. "Where am I?" 'Hollow Bastion, I think.' Deku answered in her mind. "Huh," She stood, and looked around. Suddenly, Ashlynn remembered being back in the castle, and time repeating. She summonded Rain Fall. "Where is everyone?" She squinted, but saw no one. "Dexer! Texsera! Ahtxson!" Her voice echoed, but no one answered. She frowned, and started walking. "Someone's got to be here..." She murmered. About an hour later, she heard familiar, but angry voices talking. Ashlynn froze, and spun to attack, but they didn't seem to notice her. Xemnas and Saix. "Lord Xemnas, I promise you, she is here." 'She?' Ashlynn thought. 'Do they mean me?' 'Well, considering all the times they've tried to kill you, and you're probably the only person they'd be after in Hollow Bastion, I'm guessing so.' Deku said sarcastically in her mind. She ignored him, and snuck closer. "Where, then? Where haven't we searched? It's almost complete..." Ashlynn spun and created a dark corridor. She wasn't sure where it was going, but she didn't particularly care. She was getting out of here. And, preferably, NOW.

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Dexer knew he would do that so he cloned him self He had stabed the clone then Dexer came from behind and stuck his Ragnock's End into Ahtxson and started pulling up on the blade practicly ripping him in half then one of the hoooked blades stabed him in the face then Dexer yanked it out, he was close to dead but Dexer wanted to spare him so he threw AHtxson through a portal

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ahtxson came from the cave and was a lion with keyblades around him.u cant win said ahtxson as he used lion god attack which damge everyone around him and almost killed dexer.u will die and now my only friend is now ashlynn because she is alive said ahtxson

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Dexer tried to stand up but all of his wounds started to bleed more then a Chacram appeared in his stomach "What the?" Dexer said then he rembered that when Nobodies dying they get all their old wounds that were healed and it speads up the dying proccess 'Help' Dexer thought to Ash hoping she would get the thought 'we are in Destiny Island' Dexer then stood up and tore off his shirt and bandaged his wounds then he pulled out the Chacram and became the speed of light and started slicing at Ahtxson then he threw the chacram at Ahtxson then when Dexer was done everyone blinked and blood started squirting from Ahtxson then he changed into his regular human form and layed their weak and unconcious, Dexer then fell to his knees and bleed more

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"(She's alive?)"Texsera thought,Then she saw Dexer on the floor.She ran over to him.She saw the wounds."Impossible.That was from the chakarm that Axel struck me."Texsera says."But,he took my wounds.Than that means..."Texsera says.Her eyes start to water."Dexer..."Texsera says as a small tear falls down her cheek.She looks at Ahtxson.He's uncounceous."Should we kill him?"Setu asks.Texsera shook her head."No."Texsera says."But,he-"Setu says.Texsera interrupts."I said no.It's not fair to kill someone that it's in a worse shape that you are."Texsera says."Then what should we do?"Setu asks.Texsera thinks."Do you know a place where his wounds can heal?And that it has good hiding spots?"Texsera asks."I know just the place."Setu says.Setu makes a portal.Texsera holds on to Dexer."(Wait,is this...water?)"Texsera thinks.



You knew this world was going to appear sooner or later.


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Dexer kept bleeding all over the place and more of his old wounds started showing up he had a javalin from Xaldin in his shoulder and one of Laxerenes knifes then a card in his other shouder Dexer open his eyes due to water waking him up and he saw he had this black and blue fin and saw Texsera with Clams on her chest and a fin too Dexer looked down and saw the different objects were fading and that his shirt was off "Where are we?" Dexer asked

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Texsera got to Atlantica.She had a red clams on her chest and a black and red fin.She saw that Dexer woke up."Hey there sleepy head.We're in Atlantica."Texsera says.She had been sent here to train with Demyx on her very first day,so she kind of got the place memorized."You shouldn't over do yourself like you did back there.You were about to die you know."Texsera says with a little anger in her voice.She was serious and worried that Dexer would actually go that far.

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Dexer got floated into an up right direction "I would go that far if it was to keep you safe he had stabed you before but I turned back time and put myself infront of the blade and he was hurting you so I had to go far okay you have a heart you should keep it" Dexer snapping angrily back at her after he read her thoughts

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Ashlynn jumped when she heard Dexer's and Texsera's voices in her mind. "Huh?" She stumbled out of the dark corridor, and immediately her mouth filled with water. She flailed madly. 'I can't swim!' She thought. 'Calm down, Ashlynn.' Deku laughed. 'This is Atlantica. You can breathe, you can talk, and you can swim. Relax,' She wondered if he was trying to secretly drown her. Finally, the burning got to her and Ashlynn opened her mouth, gasping. Instead of choking on the water, she was somehow okay. "What...?" She realized her legs felt wierd--almost like they were glued together. She glanced down, and almost passed out. "Oh, I get it!" She giggled. "I'm dreaming, right? I never thought of myself as creative enough to come up with my own world." Deku rolled his eyes in her mind. 'This is pathetic.' Ashlynn flicked her glittering blue tail, and shot forward and inch. Her eyes widened, and she saw two figures floating in the distance. "Huh? Is that...Dexer! Texsera!" Ashlynn yelled and started swimming towards them. 'You've got to try this, Deku! It's amazing!' 'No thanks, I'll leave all of the stupid things to you.' 'Thanks so much, Deku. I really feel the love.' 'You're welcome.' Dexer and Texsera turned slightly, and the water around them was tinted red. "What...happened?"

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Texsera was about to say something when she heard something.It was Ash."Ash?ASH!!!!!"Texsera yelled and swam towards her.She gave her a really tight hug."Oh my god Ash!You're OK!!!"Texsera yelled hugging her tight."(She's back!She's back...)"Texsera thought.

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Ashlynn blinked. "What do you mean? Of course I'm okay," She smiled, and then looked at Dexer. "Um, but is he?" The current pulled away some of the red, coloring the water around them pinkish. Texsera frowned, and shook her head slightly. She looked at Ashlynn in surprise again. "We thought you were dead!" She blinked in again. "Dead? What are you talking about?" Ashlynn thought for a second--the last thing she could remember was being back in the Castle That Never Was, with Axel. What had happened after that? Someone had shown up...a man that looked sort of familiar, but she wasn't sure... she couldn't remember anything else after that. Had they destroyed Kingdom Hearts? Was that why they thought she was dead? Or...or was Kingdom Hearts complete? Was her heart gone? Her hand flew to her chest automatically. "What happened to me!?"

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