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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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Dexer kept drawing on the rocks he drew his keyblades and the chains then he drew scenes from the realm of Darkness he eventualy Drew all around the cave filling up the spaces he then left only one big rock open for someone to draw on he had spent most of the night in there until he eventualy fell asleep with a rock in his hand and laying agians his drawings

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Texsera started to freakout a bit."You know?NO!I can't,he's not my brother anymore!I'm not her,I'm Texsera!Wielder of the Stardust keyboard and Stardust keyblade.He is Tyler!Big brother of her and her little sister!And how could Dexer seperated us in the first place?!I made a mistake and the heartless took my heart!"Texsera says."Dexer is not going to betray us Athxson. Now get that sea-water ut of your brain and go to sleep."Texsera says.

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Dexer was lying in the cave asleep from the hours he spent drawing he was so exhausted from the fighting and not sleeping too so when they all added up he was uber tired he still had the chalk rock in his hand Dexer was having a peaceful dream about living on this beach forever and being away from the evil

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they went into the portol and came to twilight town.there was a man with a coat and he saw texsera and said omg my sister is here said the man.he hugged her and said thank you ahtxson and is dexer.no he isnt hes still on the islands.okay good i dont wasnt to be away from my sister said the man as he let go of texsera

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"(Dexer!Ahtxson,I'm gonna-)"Texsera thinks as she feels being hugged.Then she sees the man.He had short brown hair and brown eyes.Her eyes widen."T-Tyler...?"Texsera asks.He nods."Yes sis.It's me!Thanks a whole lot Ahtxson!"Tyler said hugging Texsera again.Texsera backed away."No...I'm...I'm not her...I'm Texsera,not her..."Texsera says.

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Dexer walked out of the cave and thought 'maybe I can trust Ahtxson now' then he walked over to his hammock he couldn't see verry well since it was dark then her got cold so he started a fire once he started the fire he saw Texsera was gone then he ran to where Ahtxson was and he was gone to he knew Ahtxson had something to do with this so Dexer flamed up due to anger and started look for them he thought to Texsera 'where are you, are you ok?' "AHTXSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dexer looked up and yelled so loud it made the world shake a little

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its ok if your not her u still look like her said tlyer as he removed his hood.ahtxson please make sure dexer dosent find us.ok tyler said ahtxson as he shelded their pesecne.texsera said tyler the only reason ahtxson knew where i was because me and him all ways were partners even if we left the organzation

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Texsera heard Dexer."(Dexer...)"Texsera only thought to him.She was looking at her brother,or ex-brother."What's wrong sis?"Tyler asks."I'm not your sis!I'm Texsera!Tex-se-ra!I'm not her anymore!"Texsera yelled."Of course you are.You're my-hey,you've grown a lot for only a year."Tyler says as he looks at her."Stay back.Ahtxson!When and how?!"Texsera demanded.

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it started like this said ahtxson


the night

tyler yelled texseras sombody.tyler got to her but she was being chased by heartless.ahtxson came and destoryed some of them and said guys follow me i can get you out of here said ahtxson ok said tyler come on sis said tlyer but was stoped when she was tooken by darkness.nooooooo yelled tyler.theres nothing you can do now tyler lets just hope she becomes a nobdy.


after tht tlyer tryed to find you all over said ahtxson

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"now we can be together.We can go home."Tyler said.She backed away."No...cause I'm not her.I'm Texsera.I may have her memories.But I'm not her completetly.Besides,I'm fighting against the organization now.I can't just leave.Now if you escuse me,I'm going back to the island."Texsera says.But Tyler holds her arm."No.You're staying."Tyler said seriously."What the-let me go!"Texsera says.

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texsera come on said tyler as he still wont let go.texsera listen i can have you become her again said ahtxson as he powerd a kingdom hearts ball and said with the last of my kingdom hearts power i can have you become tylers sister again and the organzation

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Dexer finaly was able to see where they were from a thought inside of Texsera's head then he flamed up from anger and transported their he then flew through the kingdom hearts ball and absorbed it Dexer then turned his fist to steal and knocked out Ahtxson then he saw Texsera trying to get away from a mysterious guy Dexer had never seen before then Dexer knocked him out and threw his body at Ahtxson then Dexer grabed Texsera and flew off back to the island Dexer had finaly calmed down but once they got there he started to turn into Reed, he became an old man the age of 104 he could barely walk

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Ryax's eyes opened wide at the sight of the elderly man with Texsera; something inside of him told him he was familiar...and a name appeared in his mind's eye, along with that of the girl with him, as his replica's memories were being absorbed into him...along with the memories of his ancestor, Master Ryax; unfortuneately,he believed these memories to be his own. "Reed! Texsera!" he shouted as he ran over to them, helping to support Reed, "I never thought I'd see you again!" At that moment he felt somewhat strange. He placed his hand on his chest and felt the tell-tale beat of a heart. "How..." he muttered in amazement, "My replica...I have his heart!"

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ahtxson and tyler woke up and went to the islands.dexer tht idoit said ahtxson. why said tyler because he took the rest of my powers and his ageing went out of hand because now he is going to die because i give only a little kingdom hearts to them said ahtxson as they both got to the islands

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Reed was verry tired and saw his old friend Ryax helping him be supported "Its been along time why am I here" Reed asked

"last thing I rember is being dead and now this where is Dexer" Reed was so confused about the events that were going on he just wanted to go back to his family tomb

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ahtxson and tyler and texsera came to him.hey man you dont remeber us said ahtxson as he gave him a stick.this is bad thoughted he wasnt supposed take tht enrtie ball.this guy we need to do wht he says said soku as he was about to opened a portol.hey where is the tomb anyway said ahtxson as he opened a portol

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"Its a family secret that I'm not going to tell a stranger, I bet your the reason I'm me" Reed said then he got mad and got closer Ahtxson "You are the reason I'm not dead any more" Reed had a cane due to his age then he triped Ahtxson with it the pointed at him with it while he was on the ground "You don't need to try to bring somebodies back when they are gone exspecaily when there nobodies have hearts" Reed says then he rembers Dexer jumping into the orb that was supposed to make Texsera into her somebody Reed then summoned the Dark keyblade and said "Why did you do it?" Reed asked

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listen i give abotu a tiny piece of the kingdom hearts power and you took the whole thing which is bad for someone and now u r going to die said ahtxson.tyler thought reed was suptid for taking the whole power ord.ahtxson if he just had still have powers from kingdom hearts then he can change reed to dexer

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"It had nothing to do with the amount I'm going to die because I am 104 years old it had nothing to do with the amount you just shouldn't do something like that" Reed said then he put the keyblade open a portal and pointed his keyblade "You should leave now I think that in respect to Dexer only friends should be around so leave"

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Texsera was so confused and dissapointed.First Ahtxson and Tyler tried to turn her back into her somebody,then Dexer turned into his somebody,witch is very old,and is practically dying."De-I mean,Reed,what is this place exactly?"Texsera asks.

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"We are at the island" Reed said as the others left then he turned the keyblade on himself and put it up to his chest "its kinda funny" Reed said "I stared out dead now I'm going to kill my self I hope this works" Reed then stabbed his heart with the dark keyblade a great light came from the body and layed there was Dexer unconcious where Reed's body was supposed to be

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"Dexer!"Texsera yells as she kneels down to him.She looks that he's breathing.She lets out a sigh of relief.She looks at the sea."Things are getting more complicated than the usual."Texsera says."(And now after this incident.I don't think traveling all along isn't going to be easy either.)"Texsera thinks.

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Dexer oppen his eyes to see Texsera kneeling above him then he closes eyes and says "No" Dexer slamming his head behind him "I lost it" Dexer said outloud he then sat up and removed the dark keyblade from his chest and throws it aside and watches it disapear Dexer then stood up and limped off to the cave

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texsera said ahtxson as he got there.hey wht happen to dexer said ahtxson he came.he thought maybe dexer dodged death and kingdom hearts power.ahtxson thought how could he be suptid if he never rebeled then they could still be part of the organzation

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Texsera nods as she wathces as the blade dissapears.She sees Dexer go into a cave."Wait.Dexer!"Texsera says as she gets up."(What is he thinking?He's still hurt.)"Texsera thinks as she sees that he's limping.She follows him to the cave.She sees that there a lot of drawings."Is that the time we went to wonderland?"Texsera asks as she sees a drawing of some cards following them.She gets to Dexer."What did you lost?"Texsera asks.

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