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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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"It's OK,I've felt worse pains than just tape.Thanks."Texsera says as she takes the fruit.She takes a bite of it."Hmm,it's so sweet."Texsera says as she keeps eating it.She looks at the sea.It was already sundown.She took a deep breath of the salty air."I don't know witch one wins,the Twilight Town sunset,or this one."Texsera says.She looks at the fruit in the tree."They're star shaped.What kind of fruit is this?"Texsera asks.

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"I don't know I like this one the best" Dexer said then he ate more of the fruit then he looked at his supernova charm it looked like the fruit "Did you make this charm Dexer asked and I believe this fruit is called a Paopu, these both look so simular" Dexer said as he held the charm and fruit in each hand

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"Well isn't this touching..." Ryax said sarcastically as he walked up next to Dexer and Texsera. "I believe you owe me something..." he said, hinting that they didn't even thank him. Just because he didn't have a heart didn't mean he didn't want appreciation; if anything there were two things he craved more than anything else, power and admiration.

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Texsera looked back."Oh,sorry.Thanks for saving us back there Ryax.Heavens knows what would have happened to us if you haven't came dressed up as Axel."Texsera says."And no.My-I mean,her brother,went on vacation one day and brought four of them.He gave one to her little sister,two to her and kept one for himself.He said that the charm was inspired by a friut that can connect peoples lives,so he told her to give the charm to someone who she really cared about and that she would never forget.And that the charm would bring good luck to the person.When you were going to the darkness,I thought I's gave it to you.For good luck."Texsera says as she takes out another charm.But this one was red."And Paopu,huh?Why does it sound so familiar?"Texsera asks.

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"Thanks for helping us escape man" Dexer said to Ryax then he looked at Texesera and said "Yes the Paopu has a legend, if two people share it their lives become intertwined" Dexer told her "And some other stuff I'm unsure of" Dexer then jumped down and dove into the water and looked at the sunset to think

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ahtxson got to the islands and said guys thanks for leaveing there said ahtxson as he sit on the tree and soku went into texsera mind. hey how come u left ahtxson and me said soku as he was wandering inside texseras mind.ahtxson was thinking dexer still dosent turst him

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"Sorry Ahtxson."Texsera says."Well,for starters,I was taped from my legs,hands and mouth.Second,after all of that,I thought you guys had already teleported to somewhere safe.And third,yes,I don't think that Dexer trusts him.It was because of him that all of this started in the first place.Not that I'm tossing the blame on him or anything,but Dexer just dosn't trust him enough,at least not yet."Texsera says

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listen ahtxson only did tht so they wouldnt make you three to make kingdom hearts and to defect xemnas.soku said as he tryed to find setu.setu came to texsera and said listen texsera you must chose wht u need said setu as she went into texsera mind and was having her brain learn animal bonding with setu

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The moon then rose and stars glicened Dexer then got out of the water and walked to Texsera and Ahtxson and said "Well its getting late so you to better get some sleep I'll stand gaurd tonight, you to just tell me where each of you are going to sleep and I'll protect you too" Dexer didn't want to sleep since his last dream it was to sad

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no dexer ill take watch because the only reason u had tht dream was because of neku and i stop him so go to sleep said ahtxson as he went on the tree.he thought these guys r his friends and they will never be apart anymore and they r not in the past they r where they belong

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Dexer got up in his face Dexer was quite taller than Ahtxson, he was up to Dexers elbow "No go to sleep" Dexer said pushing Ahtxson "I'll stand gaurd, Go!" Dexer told him "Pick a place to sleep" Dexer told him then he showed them each option of places to sleep at

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Texsera watched this."(Oh dear...)"Texsera thinks."If you don't mind,I think I'll sleep in a hammok way over there."Texsera says while pointing at one of two hammoks that were between some plam trees. She then got between them and slightly pushed them away from eachother. "Guys,stop. Let's just get some rest,ok?"Texsera asks. She really didn't wanted for these two to fight.

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ok ill sleep near her said ahtxson as he went near texsera sleeping spoton the tree and went to sleep.

ahtxsom was fighting to get stronger.listen i must get u to animal bonding level 2 said soku as they trained some more.ahtxson mind went to sleep and had a dream.

ahtxson and texsera were being chased by dexer and ryax.but before ahtxson could figure it out he woke up

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Ryax sat down on a branch and took a Paopu in his hand. He looked at the curious star-shaped fruit and thought about the folk tale behind it. (Right...I'll believe it when it happens to me...) he thought.

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Dexer watched Ahtxson sit down at the tree and walked with Texsera to the hammocks he sat in one since Ahtxson was on the tree on the other side of the Island "Stay out of trouble tonight, Texsera, and Goodnight" Dexer said as he watched her lay down in the hammock

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"Will do.But if anything comes up,don't hesitate to ask.We're all here to help each other out.Good night."Texsera says.She closes her eyes and falls asleep.


"Hey there Texsera."Setu says."Hi Setu.So,you're my new guardian?"Texsera asks."Yeah."Setu says.Texsera gets near."You're quite beautiful."Texsera says."Thanks."Setu says."Setu,do you know why Neku hated me?Why did she do that all of aa sudden?"Texsera asks.Setu sigh.She picks Texsera up with her wings."That is a very lond story,but I guess you deserve to hear it."Setu says.


Setu tells Texsera the whole story as she sleeps.

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soku went into texsera head and said neku was always nice but he only did tht because u forced him to use animal bonding and setu r u going tot teach this girl animal bonding im already teaching ahtxson animla bonding level 2 said soku as he was running in texseras head

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Dexer stayed awake and was in Texsera's mind making sure no one would go in then Dexer kicked out Soku out of her head then Dexer was saddened by the story Setu was saying to Texsera about Neku it was a sad story to him Dexer then started to doze so he got up and started kicking the sand around then he got up and went into this secret place and drew rip Ash on a rock 'if you need me just think or meet me in the secret cave' Dexer thought to Texsera since he left

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"Yes,I will.Tommorow."Setu says.Texsera gets near Soku."I'm so sorry that you had to kill Neku.I...I really don't know what came over me.I just wanted to save Ash and he kept saying I was weak and...It's all my fault..."Texsera says.Setu hugs her a bit."Texsera...it was because your emotions took over.You're new at having a heart and don't know how to handle strong emotions just as hatred,saddness or revenge.It wasn't your fault."Setu says."Yes it is."Texsera says.She heard Dexer's voice."OK Dexer."Texsera says.

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soku told ahtxson to wake up and he did.ahtxson went to texsera and told her to wake up.listen we need to leave texsera dexer will betryel and so will ryax said ahtxson as he opened a portol to twilight town and said come on it can be the two of us

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Texsera's eyes widen."Ahtxson,what the heck are you talking about?!Dexer?Bretray us?Did you hit your head or something?He'd never do that.He hasn't before,what makes you think he would now?Just because he dosn't trust you that much,it dosn't mean that you have to go overprotective mode.He's not going to kill you."Texsera says.She couldn't belive Ahtxson.Dexer was her best frined in the universe right now.How could he betry them,especially now?

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Dexer was sitting in the cave drawing pictures of the worlds he has visited then some fight scenes he was in then he drew a picture of Texsera's face smiling from the first day they met then drew her agian like she was now after the Realm Dexer drew the piano inbetween the faces and had her keyblade pointed down above it

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no its because i had a dream of dexer fighting u and ryax about to kill you from behind i think its because of your brother said ahtxson as he kept a eye for dexer and see if he came back or not.listen to me we were best friends sfter axel left me said ahtxson

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Texsera's eyes widen."My...brother?"Texsera asks.She shakes her head."No,he's not mhy brother anymore.He's her brother,not mine.Besides,a dream is just a dream,nothing else."Texsera says."I know we're best friends after axel left you,but Dexer is also our friend."Texsera says.She was convinced that Dexer wasn't going to betray them.If he was,why would he had got through all that trouble for them?

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texsera i tryed to keep this a seret but i cant anymore your brother i know where he is said ahtxson as he just stood there with his hand made into a fist.listen we can leave right now and get him and you can live with him again but dexer was the one who spit you two away from each other

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