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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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Suddenly, another person in a black coat appeared, but had his hood down; the man was none other than Ryax, the REAL one. He had been told by someone in a dream to travel to Castle Oblivion, the name of the person he believed to be Sora. "Well Vexen, looks like you made yet another error besides making a replica of me" Ryax said as he summoned Divine Valor in a flash of light and blocked Ahxston's attack. "Leave him be" he said coldly.

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Dexer went into another room then he changed his appearence into Vexen with the help of his nobodies then he told Ahtxson "Take care of Vexen" Dexer then went to Texsera "I have an idea to where you and me won't be attacked and we can get to the top without being attacked" Dexer said to her as he handed her a role of duct tape "I'll make it seem like I'm Vexen and you are my prisoner no one will attack us then so we will be in plain sight but they won't think we are going to attack, now tape yourself up and make yourself look like a believable prisoner" Dexer turned and watched Ryax, Vexen and Ahtxson fighting so they were all distracted but Dexer and Texsera

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As Ryax pushed Ahxston back, Vexen's eyes widened in surprise. "What the...Ryax? Why did you save me?" he asked. "I cam here for answers, and you're going to give me them whether you like it or not" Ryax replied in a tone that was cold even for the Chilly Academic. "If its anything to do with the Organization, the answer is no" Vexen said flatly. "It has to do with your research Vexen!" Ryax shouted back.

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Texsera analized the idea and sighed. "OK,let's just hope this works..."Texsera says. She taped her mouth,then she taped her legs, then she put her hands on her back and started to tape them until they were tightly taped. She threw the tape away. "(Is this OK?)"Texsera thinks, knowing that Dexer would read her mind.

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'Lets hope so' Dexer said as he picked her up and they walked away then a bunch of regular nobodies stood their and looked at them as they walked by them then the nobodies turned around and went back to whatever they were doing then they passed Demyx who some how was alive but only in Castle Oblivion and he walked over to them "I see you caught my old apprentice" Demyx said


"Yes and it was to easy I can't believe no one else was able to do this" Dexer said trying to sound like Vexen


"Why is she so quiet?" Demyx asked "I know that the tape does that but I'm not hearing any mumbles"



"I don't know maybe she is tired or exhausted she wasted alot of energy fighting me" Dexer said then he thought to her 'think you could help me out in this area'

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"(Tell him I used the Final Encore on you 7 times.He always told me that by the 8th one,I would be dead.)"Texsera thinks at Dexer.She glared at Demyx and muffled something.She make it look like if she wanted out of his grip and but that she was to weak.

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ahtxson was inside texsera mind and his body was moved by soku and axel was arresting him.texsera its me ahtxson im inside your head got worry soku will use his lion keyblade to set us free so tell dexer this tht im in your head im telling your animal how to bond with you said ahtxson

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"She did Final Encore on me 7 times, so thats probaly why she is all tired now" Dexer said to Demyx


"Oh ok yea the 8th one would've killed her" Demyx said "Go ahead and go on then, wait what about the others"


"The other girl was killed a long time ago and the two boys are gone we couldn't find them I think they may have gotten in a fight and split up after thats why I only found her" Dexer said


"Oh ok well go ahead then take here to the final floor, floor 16" Demyx said


"Will do." Dexer said


They finaly got away from Demyx without raising suspision then Axel saw them and started asking questions about how they only got her instead of the others so Dexer just told him the same thing he told Demyx about them getting into a fight and spliting up, so Dexer and Texsera finaly got to the end of the 14th floor and Dexer was worn out the disguise took some energy out of him so he set up an energy tent and sat Texsera down then Dexer went in and took off his disguise and said "i'll only be a moment" Dexer said as he gianed some energy

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"(It's OK.You're wasting a lot of energy with that costume of yours,witch is amazingly convincing.)"Texsera thought to Dexer."(Demyx hasn't always been a smart one either.Oh and before I forget Ahtxson is somehow inside my head.)"Texsera thought to Dexer.She looked aorund,just to make sure that no one was around.

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Dexer put his disguise back on and put up the tent 'Ok good to know, sorry I didn't un tape you I just figured it would be better if we kept you taped that way we didn't have to do it agian' Dexer thought back to her, then he picked her up and they walked up the stares to the 14th floor he saw remarcable things it was like a power hall for the nobodies this is where the nobodies go when they die somehow a few are able to leave this place then Dexer saw Xemnas looking at him and his captive 'here we go lets becareful' Dexer thought to Texsera as he walked up the stairs to Xemnas

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Meanwhile, Vexen had handed Ryax the file he sought. "Thank you Vexen, by the way, once I leave, you won't remember me being here..." Ryax replied as he knocked Vexen unconscious, punching his forehead to leave a bruise so that he wold believe he had hit his head on something. Ryax then manipulated the light around him to alter his appearance, making him look exactly like Axel. Being a skilled mimic from being the Organization's spy years prior, he could easily pass as Axel, even copying all of his weapons and abilities down to being able to call upon Assassin Nobodies. "Now stay here and sleep, got it memorized?" Ryax said in a voice identical to Axel's in every way.


Later, in the hallway, he happened across Dexer, disguised as Vexen. "What's up Vexen? A little cold in here don't you think?" Ryax said as he walked up beside him before wispering in his ear, "I'm not Axel, and you're not Vexen, that much I know. Why are you here?" Ryax had whispered in his own voice rather than Axel's, giving his identity away to the fake Vexen.

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"Well see Texsera ductaped in my arms we are going to put an end to Castle Oblivion so we can get out of here and they will stop screwing with our memories so yea the only one not in disguise is her" Dexer said then he kept walking up the stairs Xemnas had called over Xigbar, Luxord, Laxrene, and called up Axel to who was actualy Ryax at the moment to see what they would do to her

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"Don't worry, I have a plan..." Ryax replied, "I can manipulate light...so what happens when I completely douse the lights? The only one who might be able to find us is Zexion, but he's not much of a threat. We can escape in the confusion..."


The members of Organization XIII gathered in the room, each in their respective thrones, except for Vexen, who was knocked out, and Axel, who was off on a mission, Dexer and Ryax in their place. "Okay...so what to do with the prisoner..." Ryax said in the voice of Axel, "It might be a waste of time to simply kill her..."

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Texsera stood still,keeping her senses sharp incase she needed to summon her blade to get the heck out of there or fight. She could feel the stares and glares of each of the members. She knew that Axel was actually Ryax. So that calmed her a bit. Sh ecould feel the dity stares of Xigbar and Luxord along with the death glare of Larxene and the simple glare of anger of Xemnas. She didn't mind to look back at any of them,except a few glances towards 'Axel'.

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"we could get Namine to mess with her memories and make it to where she hates her friends and we send her back to fight them if even is she loses the fight that just means one of them is dead wich is better for us" Dexer suggested trying to make himself seem more real 'Don't worry,Texsera I'll get you out of this' Dexer thought to her

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"Nah, we tried that with Sora, and what happened then?" Axel replied with a grin, "You ended up with my chakram stuck in your chest!" He leaned back slightly and looked at the other members. "Anyone have a suggestion?" he asked when Demyx raised his hand in reply. "Anyone EXCEPT Demyx have a suggestion?" he clarified, Demyx turning away and sulking.

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"We could just leave her tied and gagged like this she won't go anywhere or talk to anyone" Dexer suggested


"What about the one who reads minds?" Xigbar asked


"I know for a fact he won't think to or about her for a while and come her to look for her" Dexer said


"Why do you say that?" XIgbar asked


"They are mad at eachother" Dexer replied


Dexer then looked at her and moving her head back in forth seeing what would happen to her

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Texsera stood still and just listened. "(Well,this is going along good so far.)"Texsera thinks. Dexer was making a very convincing Vexen and Ryax was making a pretty convincing Axel so everything seemed to be going good and stable for the time being. She could feel the dark emotions that the true members had inside of them. It felt uncomfortable. "How about if we just have her as a maid..."Xigbar murmurs. Everyone looks at him. "What?"Xigbar asks. "Killing her would be better."Larxene says.

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ahtxson body fell to the ground and ahtxson said this in texsera mind.hey u need to get their attention so i can break free and kill axel said ahtxson as he was telling soku to get back to his body and stay still and wait for the signal to get the fighting

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Ryax smiled and stepped down from the throne suddenly, walking to the center of the room. "Axel, what are you doing?" Xemnas asked suspiciously. "Oh...I just came up with what we'll do with her...Vexen, come here" Ryax said as he lifted her up and wispered something in her ear along the lines of "You're going to be fine. Relax." He noted the others eyeing him with suspicion, not that they could do anything to him. Noting Dexer's distraction, 'Axel' broke his cover, revealing who he really was. "Now, drown in Darkness!" Ryax shouted as the entire chamber became pitch-black, over FIFTY Invisibles appearing and attacking Organization XIII. "Now! Let's get out of here!"

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Dexer picked up the duct taped Texsera and ran he took of his disguise and ran then he shot down invisibles with fire then he used wind to bust a hole through the wall and they jumped out into the real world as they fell Dexer set up a portal leading to the real Destiny Island where he sat down Texsera forgeting to untape her then he layed down on the tree "wait we forgot Ahtxson there he went out of your mind" Dexer then removed the tape binds then the gag and told her "I told you, you would be ok"

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Texsera looked around.She looked at Dexer and smiled."Yeah.I guess you did."Texsera says."Still,it was kind of unerving,especially with Larxene and Xemnas in the room."Texsera says.She looks at the sea."This is the real one,right?No memories OR Castle Oblivion?"Texsera asks.

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"This is the real deal no fakes you can't fake beuaty like this, oh by the way the duct tape was a creeper that would've let you free to fight just so you know if we ever end up in that situation agian sorry if it hurt when I ripped it off" Dexer then pulled one of the fruit down and pulled it in half and gave one half to Texsera

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ahtxson woke up and saw them tht they left him xemnas and larxene was about to kill him.soku and him went into animal bonding and ran to where the others were and said thanks alot dexer said ahtxson as he was slashing nobodys with his lion keyblade

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