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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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Texsera holded her head and came back to normal.Her armor dissapeared and turned into her original clothes,her eyes became brown and her fangs became normal as well.She fell on her knees.She looked around."What...what happened?"Texsera asks."You were an idiot!That's what happened!"Naku says as she appears."What?"Texsera asks still confused."You united with me against my will,and you lost control and killed Xemnas."Neku says."I...I killed him?But,where are the others?"Texsera asks."Don't know.Don't care.You've lost my trust Texsera."Neku says."What?"Texsera asks."What you did was unforgetable.Until you prove your true worth,I won't speak,or even help you battle,I don't care if it means for the rest of your life."Neku says.Texsera looks at her."No...NO!Please!You don't understand!I don't know what came over me!"Texsera says."Prove your worth.Then we'll talk."Neku says as she dissapears.Texsera looks down."I don't want to be alone anymore..."Texsera says.She looks around.

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Dexer grabed her and sat her down "it was a long fight ad I used alot of new power" Dexer said to her "You were in wolf bane form, we have new enemies" Dexer then carried her since she was so week and they walked into the castle waiting to see what was next from this world and the Warlords

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Texsera closed her eyes.She was really tired."(Dexer's right.I need to learn to control my emotions and how they affect my powers.But still...I can't really explain it.It just took completetly over.)"Texsera thinks.She looks around,"(Neku.I'm sorry.I'm so sorry.I know you won't be able to forgive me but,I really didn't know what happened.)"Texsera thought as she waited for an answer.Nothing."Neku..."Texsera says as she falls asleep.

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Dexer layed her down then looked at her "She was extremly strong I didn't think she had it in her" Dexer then layed down and closed his eyes this wasn't a smart decision but fight after fight after black hole is verry tiring so he went to sleep hoping they would be safe and that Texsera would wake him up because Dexer could've slept for a year

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Texsera starts to dream:


She's alone in the middle of the darkness.She looks around and there's nothing."Huh?The realm of the darkness?"Texsera asks.Suddenly she hears an explotion.Fire surrounds her.She covers her face and looks upfront.She sees someone that's throwing beams and making explotions all over the place.It seemed that it was from the darkness.Texsera ran over to the person."HEY!Stop it!You're going to burn the place down!Who are you anyway?"Texsera asks.The person truns.Texsera's eyes widen as she sees it's her,but in wolf bane form."That's...me?"Texsera asks.The wolf bane form Texssera gets closer.Texsera walks away.The wolf bane form came and pointed the blade at Texsera and blasted a beam at her.


Texsera shotted up.She was sweating a bit and was shivering."Was...that really me?"Texsera asks.

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Dexer started to dream:


he was staring at this island and realized it was the night after the betrayel and saw just him and Texsera eating the fruit and then he saw him saving Texsera from death then he saw Texsera hugging him after he came back from the realm of darkness then he saw them now asleep then he heard a voice "This friendship won't last" Dexer looked and saw Texsera in wolfbane Form and Dexer in another form standing over Texsera and watched her bleed


Dexer shot up looked at Texsera and freaked out

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Texsera looked at Dexer."...you had a nightmare too I see."Texsera says as she tries to stop shivering.She was thinking of her wolf bane form."(Was I that scary in wolf bane form?)"Texsera thinks.She holds her head and thinks deep.She scratches the back of her head."I dreamnt about my wolf bane form.I was scary wasn't I?"Texsera asks."So,what was your nightmare about?"Texsera asks trying to forget about her nightmare.

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ahtxson got to the others and said guys i fnially found you have u guys met a warlord yet because i fought in hollow bastion i was luckly to beat him i had to use animal bonding hey texsera go to sleep dont worry i have and animal bonding as well as long you r with me those dreams will go away said ahtxson

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Texsera looks at him."Hey Ahtxson.And I really hope this nightmare goes away.This is just the first one in quite a time and I'm already freaked out."Texsera says.She holds her head and thinks."(I guess Neku was right...I am stupid...as always.)"Texsera thinks.She lays back down.She was still tired.She closed her eyes.As soon as she closes them,she falls asleep again.

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ahtxson went into texsera mind and found out who was causeing the nightmares it was neku.hey wht r u doing to her said ahtxson.this is wht she gets said neku as he was about to cause another bad dream.no soku lets go and free texsera from this animal.right said soku as they both went into animal bonding lets go said ahtxosn as he rushed to neku

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Neku growled."You don't get it.I'm only doing it for her own good.She dared to use me,now she's reciving her punishment.I'm showing her what could and will happen if she dares to bond with me against my will.It will cause her pain...but she'll learn from it."Neku says.She howls and fire appearesa round all of them.Texsera yelled in pain as she felt like if she was being burned.

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ahtxson called texseras second animal.it was a phionex she was strong and nice to people.her name was setu.setu used fire blast on neku which burned him.ahtxson rushed to neku who was weak without texsera.setu and soku unleashed a animal blast on neku which killed him and setu says texsera do not worry he will not come back animals die by other animals.

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Texsera opened her eyes.She looked at Ahtxson.She smiled."Thanks..."Texsera says.She closes her eyes and falls asleep again.Now she was able to rest without ny Neku to disturb her.She dreamnt about all the times with Neku.From the very beggining,that she and Nake staarted to train to become stronger,to today,that Neku died,trying to punish her."Neku..."Texsera says while still asleep.

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ahtxson mind went back into hsi and woke up to see texsera and dexer alsleep.texsera u r good i can see tht good night said ahtxson.ahtxson is talking to soku.good work soku said ahtxson.wow i never thought tht neku can be so weak without texsera said soku.well at leash we mangae to get texsera true animal protecter said ahtxson as he left.he got up give a letter to texsera which said

dear texsera and dexer

i had to go somewhere and texsera go to pride lands and you will get your animal keyblade.

dexer go to twilight town and u will find reed your somebody

your friend


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Dexer woke up to here him say to go to Twilight town to find Reed this couldn't be Reed's dead it was an in personater Dexer stood up and was ready to fight this impersonater Dexer woke up Texsera and told her they needed to go to the pridelands and find that keyblade for her and maybe she would help him kill the Reed impersonater

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Texsera woke up.Dexer told her about the Reed impersinator.She nodded.She got up.Reed made a portal to the Pride Lands.They get there.Texsera looked at herself.She wasn't human anymore.But a wolf."Oh great...four legs..."Texsera says."Like things couldn't get more hard to do..."Texsera says.She tries to walk.But soon falls.She had never been in this world before. She tries to walk again,but fails."I hate the walking in four legs..."Texsera says.

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ahtxson came to pride lands looking like a bird and was flying well and was about to talk but was stop by heartless.ahtxson used wind blast on them and said guys i could find the person and texsera this your keyblade its called the star of night said ahtxson

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Dexer came and ended up like a big male Lion with a full mane with his hair style Dexer was moving around like he had done this before Dexer used his tail to hold his keyblade then Dexer went running around jumping off pride rock having fun then he ran to Texsera and nuged her accidently knocking her down since she was very unbalenced

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Texsera struggled to stay still."I hate being in this world.Xemnas never send me on missions here."Texsera says.She starts to walk again,this time with a little more control.She starts to run and jump around.She falls a few times but gets up again.She starts to jump from rock to rock."Hey!I think I'm getting the hang of this!"Texsera says.She starts to swing the sword around until she losses balance and falls on the ground.She gets up."I guess I should go easy huh?"Texsera asks.

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Dexer loved the four legs it made him so much faster then he already was, Dexer then rolled over and fell in this magic tar pit looking thing Dexer fell in and was trapt inside he just sank and sank and sank and sank until he was unseen but he still sank while under the tar

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man i have to resure this guy again said ahtxson as he got dexer out.guys lets go get some ice cream at twilight town.ahtxson thought maybe they can have ice cream again together but how could they after loseing ashlynn and ryax man this blows

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Dexer came out but he wasn't a lion even more he was a legendary griffon Dexer then flew around and showed off his wings he felt kinda cool and happy then Dexer struted up to Texsera and put extended his wings wich were 4 feet each in length Dexer then open a portal to Twilight town and walked through and was normal agian

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Meanwhile, a portal opened in Twilight Town at the top of the clock tower, and from it stepped a man in a black coat, but he had his hood down. He had nothing to fear from others, as to him, it didn't matter what they thought of him, as long as they left him alone. Ryax had arrived in Twilight Town, this time for real. (Twilight Town...a town right in the middle between Light and Darkness...) Ryax thought, (Sounds like home to me...) He sat down on the ledge and looked out at the sunset, remembering times long ago where he and his only true friend in the Organization, Xigbar, would sit here and watch the sunset.

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Dexer stood up and saw an arm band floating in the air it had the symbols on it, it was black it was a warlord arm band so Dexer's thinks maybe I can meet these guys and it would keep me from hurting Texsera like in the dream so he puts it on and he disapears it made him feel stronger and faster his had a lightening bolt in the middle Dexer then thought 'this is a trap' so he quickly drew his keyblades and saw a bunch of weapons pointing at him Dexer grinned crouched and spun around knocking ever one down then he jumps in the air and preforms Ragnock over and over agian then he saw the leader was the only one standing he was the first of the six wich is now five, but he just told him "Welcome to the Warlords you have passed all the test are you ready to become one of us?" The man asked


"I don't think so I don't know anything about you" Dexer said


"We the Warlords are verry powerfull beings far above the other humans we keep balance and protect most people there are evil us but there are good since we are about balance" The man said


"I guess I'll give it a try since it will protect people, but I'm going to go now" Dexer said


"Great, thats perfectly fine go ahead we will call you when your needed" The man said


Then Dexer left and saw his friends agian but forgot he still had the arm band on

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ahtxson and texsera went into the portol.all of them went to the clock tower and got ice cream.they sat and watch the sunset.so dexer how can your somebody be not alive because back in our time i used my kingdom hearts powers and he must have came back alive

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