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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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right said ahtxson.they mange to get to the roof.ashlynn was on the gone.xenmas had he heart in his hand.xenmas said ahtxson as he summoned 5 lions.he thought ashlynns heart is gone now and xemnas from the past was going to have kingdom hearts complele

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Ryax heard the word 'future' and exclaimed "what the!?" He caught back up to them, this time with a naginata pointed at them. "Okay, what the heck are you talking about!?" he shouted angrily, "I demand an answer! What's going on!?" He had no intention of letting them go without an answer, and so he was prepared to fight to get his answers.

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Texsera saw the heart.She grew furious.Then something that has never happened before happened.Her eyes changed red and her theeth became more pointy,like fangs."YOU MONSTER!!!!!"Texsera yelled.Xemnas jsut smirked.She then looked back at Ryax pointing with his weapon."Ahtxson,get Ryax.I want Xemnas."Texsera says."Texsera what are you doing?!"Neku asks."SHUT UP NEKU!!!You're joining me like it or not!!!"Texsera yelled.A bright light came from Neku and she mreged with Texsera.She had a warrior armor.The headgear looked like a wolf's head.Her blade by her side."Let's go!It's my turn to face you xemnas!"Texsera says.Her voice combinded with Neku's.She charges.Anger completly taking over her.

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ahtxson ordered the lions to attack ryax.ahtxson summoned soku and they did animal bonding and said texsera u know me fighting ryax will change the timeline right said ahtxson as he rush to ryax with his lion keyblade.he thought he had to kill ryax and stop himin the past

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Ryax watched in horror as Xemnas was attacked when suddenly he heard a laugh behind him. "Don't move..." said a voice he recognized. Ryax spun around to see no one other than himself. "A replica!? Why would Vexen replicate me!?" Ryax exclaimed. "Replica, YOU'RE the replica!" replied the Ryax replica (I'll call him Replyax for identification purposes), "Xemnas told me you were going to betray us in the future, so I'm here to take you out!" Ryax was stunned; (I...become a traitor!?) he thought as he summoned his naginata, ready to defend himself. He didn't want to betray the Organization, but if they wanted him dead, then he would do everything he could to ensure his own survival, including killing every member if he had to. "No...no! I won't be destroyed by a fake!!!" Ryax shouted as his naginata glowed, suddenly transforming into a weapon he never had but certainly recognized; it was Divine Valor, a Keyblade. (Whoa! I have a Keyblade!) he thought as Replyax attacked him, Ryax striking back, and so the battle between the Darkness Incarnates began.


(Just so you know, the past Ryax goes with you and returns to the future, but Replyax also lives, in his case, he believes he is the real Ryax and later learns to wield the Keyblade. HE becomes the Ryax that is killed, and the REAL one lives. That is the consequence of Texsera's meddling.)

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Texsera looked back."TWO OF THEM?!"Texsera asks.She feels that Xemnas was about to hit her.She dodges the attack."Xemnas you little rat!How dare you steal her heart?!She was my friend and you killed her...NOW YOU'RE GONNA PAY!!!!"Texsera says as she charges at Xemnas again.Trying to kill him once nad for all.

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ahtxson left ryax to fight ryax.he spited from soku and got ashlynns body.texsera forget xemnas sora can kill him said ahtxson as he opend a time portal.dexer went in and he told him to get ashlynns body out of here.ahtxson closed the portal and said texsera we can kill him if we can use animal blast said ahtxson as he and soku went into animal bonding form again.

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Ryax kept walking backwards until suddenly, the future Marluxia returned from a time portal opened by Luxord when he noticed Ryax and his replica fighting each other. "No way!" Marluxia exclaimed, "TWO of them!?"


Ryax, meanwhile, was being pushed back, Replyax now having the upper hand. He was charged with darkness, and was using the darkness at every opportunity to attack Ryax. Ryax was on his last legs, unable to fight back when he heard a voice in his head. "Don't ever give up, my Son..." said the voice of his father in his head, "no matter how deep the shadow, a light shines within..." Ryax, despite having been abused, was still compassionate towards his father, and so took his words to his non-existent heart. "It's time you saw the light!" Ryax shouted as Divine Valor became enfused with light energy before he lashed out at his replica, striking him down with a flurry of rapid attacks. Replyax was far from dead, and was slowly rising to his feet, but Ryax saw a portal that he knew was his only chance of escape. He made a mad dash for it and dissappeared into it. "Uh-oh, he's in the portal!" Marluxia exclaimed as he jumped in after him.


"He should be returning in 3...2...1..." Luxord said as Marluxia suddenly came flying out of the portal, landing on the floor in a heep. After that, another person stepped through, wielding a Keyblade that the Organization recognized all too well. "It's Ryax! Stop him!" Saix shouted just as Ryax warped away. "You're too slow!" Ryax taunted as he openned a Dark Corridor and escaped, the portal closing behind him.


Ryax reemerged in an alley in Traverse Town, a world he had been assigned several missions to before. He knew the sights well along with the people, so he knew he could blend in perfectly. "Well, here's to a new life..." Ryax said as he recalled Divine Valor and walked out of the alley.


Meanwhile, back in the past, Replyax (I'll call him Past-Ryax now), had recovered and was now focused on Texsera. "Well well, a traitor..." Past-Ryax said as he summoned his naginata and lunged at her to attack from behind.

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ahtxson blocked ryax attack with his lion keyblade.here take this said ahtxson as he fired a lion roar blast with his keyblade.he thought maybe tht would kill him,but if its ryaxs clone then he uses the same moves as ryax.ahtxson fired a lion slash to finish the job.

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At this moment, Past-Ryax warped away, but was still hit badly. Upon reemerging, he was far away from the fight, and so he slowly crept away, out of the fight. "Fake...what does he mean I'm fake?" he said bitterly, "Wherever that replica is, I'll show HIM...and I'll show the others too...I'LL SHOW THEM ALL!!!" At this he slashed through a dusk that happened to be within arms reach and walked back to 'his' room.


(Just so you know, Past-Ryax, the replica, survives and becomes the Ryax that is killed in the future, the REAL one is in hiding in Traverse Town)

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"she is in wolf bane mode" Dexer was scared her anger wasn't helping her unstable Wolf Bane powers and armour he then ran to them and started to help her fight he summoned a dark pheonix that he had learned to control in the realm then the pheonix took over his body and merged with it then he grew new armour it was black with red lines triming it then red lines straight down his arms and legs and his middle part of his torso then he grew dark flame wing they were black and red then his helmet wich helped him keep control was like he wasin a pheonix's mouth Dexer drew his keyblades and shot a fire beam and used it to hit Xemnas in the air then Texsera jumped up and slamed her keyblade into Xemnas then Dexer preformed Ragnock as Texsera shot musical notes at Xemnas then Xemnas Exploded and died. But it seemed like Texsera wasn't quite in control yetw so he ran to her and took off his helmet and revealed blood streaming down his head over one of his eyes "Texsera do you have control" Dexer asked

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texsera r u okay said ahtxson he thought she was weak to use animal bonding.he opened a portal to the future.guys lets get back to the our time because the xemnas from this time is about to come lets go because we need to put ashlynns heart back inside her said ahtxson as he spit from soku

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"We can't go back we are staying our futures have been altered we can't do anything about it now its to late we just have to do this agian, and make things right keep the worlds from getting destroyed from our stupidity and we gotta destroy this time machine thing" Dexer then looked at how angry Texsera still was and hoped she woul come to

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how could it change lets just go okay i bet u everything will be okay because if we ome in conhact with our past shleves then we can destory the time noe come on because the time we come from is ours and its hasnt change yet because our past shlevs have not yet betrayel the organzation and we have time before it happens and we can still leave said ahtxson as he opened a portol to their time.

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Ustinax appears out of nowhere.He walks through the portal...

"OOOO shinny"he says...drooling.As he walks through everything,he looks at everything.

"What the...heck happened?"he says.He grabs a volleyball and a pencil and drew himself some food.

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"Since you aren't getting this let me explain, we are now taking the roles of our past selves so if we go to our time there won't be anything left of the worlds the Orginization will destroy everything looking for us" Dexer said then he looked at Ash's body "I don't want anymore deaths"

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guys ashlynn can come back alive i can use the rest of my kingdom hearts power to give her heart back said ahtxson as he bought out his sword ready to use the rest of the kingdom hearts power.he thought maybe this could work and if it did ashlynn could come back.

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Dexer looked at him "Don't do it we don't need her to go through that stuff agian she hated it lets just let her rest in peace and your powers don't work in the past the only powers that do are mine and Texsera's because technicly to you we were never gone long enough to get them" Dexer said to him

lets let Ash stay dead since IxLovexVentusx isn't here if she comes back she can resurect her

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ahtxson opened a portol to twilight town.he thought maybe we can at leash go and get some ice cream.guys since we do have our powers from our time lets just go and get some ice cream thts wht we did the after we left the organzation said ahtxson as he opened a portal

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"Go ahead and leave I'm staying here" Dexer then felt the world shaking and then a black whole formed and sucked them all in there were three tunnels in this black hole they all went through different holes until Dexer tried to fly out but got sucked into another one then he that he was alone on an abondend world they were all in different worlds then Dexer heard a Howl then ran to it where he saw Texsera in her Wolfbane mode

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ahtxson apper in hollow bastion with ashlynns body.he thought she needs to be put somewhere peaceful to rest in peace.ahtxson carryed ashlynns body to a flower bed.there he put her body on.ahtxson left and was trying to find dexer and texsera.while he was looking he saw a man.whts your name said ahtxson as he bought out his sword.i am one of the six warlords of the worlds and you must die said the warlord.


at the world where dexer was another warlord came to him and said you two must die said the warlord as he bought out a gun.

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Dexer saw him and thought the Warlords they are verry powerful people well atleast the higher order is Dexer then saw he had a blue arm band with the element diamond and knew that blue meant he was the weaker one of the Warlords, Warlords could control all the elements they were chosen for responsibilty for making worlds then Dexer knew he could do the same with his powers so Dexer decided to have an element fight with him Dexer made his keyblades disapear "Lets fight just with the elements" Dexer said to his opponet, his oppenet droped his guns and readied himself then as he was going to attack Dexer picked him up with wind then slamed him into the ground then Dexer used water to knock him into the air then he put the guy into a water ball then shot the ball with water causing the water to boil then Dexer stoped the water and used wind to throw his enemie into an earth pillar then he collapsed the earth pillar ontop of him then dragged his body out out then grabed him "Where are we" Dexer asked him "Its a world I created at random, the council won't like this" the guy said "WHere is the council?" Dexer asked him "Its on this world towards the center, the leader will like your talents" the guy said then Dexer made an earth hole and threw him int it then cealed it so he couldn't get out

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hey said the warlord as he became wind.u cant see me im the wind and i can kill you said the warlord as he unleash a strong element blast dexer.the warlord thought maybe dexer can became the next warlord after the one tht was killed long ago

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Dexer had finaly learned to control the elements so maybe he could become a warlord that would be pretty cool but he didn't care right now he just wanted to find out what this new threat was and why were they attacking us so Dexer ran to this huge castle three times the size of the Orginization Castle

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