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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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"Neku!!!"Texsera yelled."Impossible...His scythe...actually penetrated me..."Neku says."Neku,return,we'll handle this."Texsera says.Neku nods and dissapears.More wolves appear by Texsera's side."(This is not good...)"Texsera thinks.She looks where Axel and Xigbar are hiding."Forgive me..."Texsera says.She sends her wolves to attack Marluxia and then she makes a tune directly to the pillar and destroyes it.

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Maluxia fought back against the wolves, attacking ferociously at any and all opportunities, the Sorcerer Nobodies holding most at bay. "As lightless oblivion devours you...drown in the ever-blooming darkness!" Marluxia shouted, "Deathscythe!" Marluxia slashed the wolves away before unleashing Phantom Cyber, a powerful forward slash attack that placed him right in front of Texsera. He blocked her weapon with Graceful Dahlia and pushed her back. "You're fighting me, leave them out of this!" Marluxia shouted angrily, "Xigbar, get Axel out of here!" Xigbar nodded and started dragging Axel towards another hooded figure, which was none other than Luxord. In a swirl of darkness, the three of them returned to their time, leaving Marluxia alone to fight Texsera. "I will crush your heart and scatter what remains to the four winds!" Marluxia shouted as he flourished Graceful Dahlia.

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Texsera looks at him.She smirks a bit."I'd like to see ya try!"Texsera says.The wolves that Marluxia destroyes keep appearing by Texsera's side."I'm like my wolves.Loyal to my friends,dangerous to my enemies,and i think that they agree."Texsera says as the wolves growl.She gets Stardust ready.She then starts to play 'Headstrong' sending a wave at Marluxia,sending him back.The wolves take the opportunity and attack.

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Marluxia blocks the wolves and hits them back, knocking them out, but he saw something that made him stop. It was his past self, returnign from a mission. His past self stopped and stared at him. "I thought I told Vexen No More Replicas!" Past-Marluxia shouted angrily as he summoned his own Scythe, leapt high over Texsera and attacked Future-Marluxia, the identical blades of their scythes slamming into each other as they pushed each other away, the two of them attacking each other while oocasionally catching a wolf in the crossfire with their blades.


(It was bound to happen sooner or later! xD)

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pesent ahtxson came by texsera with 10 lions.he thought she going to fight him on her own thts crazy.alright texsera you r going to need to use stardusts keyblade form and u need to do it now said ahtxson.ahtxson thought maybe ahe can use stardusts keyblade form.

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Texsera looks at Ahtxson and his lions.Her wolves strangely were fine with the lions."Stardust Keyblade?You mean,the one from before?But,do you really think that's nessesary?I'm more used to my Stardust keyboard than I am to a Stardust KeyBLADE."Texsera says as she stears at her Stardust."Besides,I don't know if I can summon it."Texsera says.

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Eventually, the two Marluxias were exhausted, and the past one teleported away, while the future one dissappeared into a Dark Corridor, Luxord clearly being the one to open it. The two were now left alone, the Organization XIII having retreated.


Marluxia and Xigbar walked into the Gray Area, with Axel supported by the two of them. He was still unconscious, but far from dead. "I suppose you lost your round?" Luxord asked Marluxia, "Oh well, at least you didn't go all in." "If my past self didn't show up, the traitors would be dead by now" Marluxia replied, "Next time, send us somewhere I won't be at the same time."

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Texsera watched as they dissapeared."Oh great..."Texsera says.She looks down."Texsera,maybe you should do what Ahtxson syas and try to use tha Stardust Keyblade."Neku says."But Neku,I can't wield it.I'm used to my Sradust,my original Stardust."Texsera says."You won't be able to win with just one weapon Texsera."Neku says.Texsera thinks and closes her eyes and stretches her arm with stardust on her hand.Suddenly Stardust truns from a keyboard to a keyblade.she looks at it and swings it around.

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with tht keyblade you can swing it and create music notes tht can hit the traget and it cant be blocked or evade said ahtxson as he called the lions off.so wht do we do now ahtxson said soku.i dont know we have to teach texsera about the bonding of the animal.

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Texsera stops swinging the blade and looks at him." 'Bonding of the animal'?Something you forgot to meention,Neku?"Texsera asks as Neku appears besides her."Bonding of the Animal is when the Guardian and the wielder bond as one for a period of time and share a massive amount of power.The power let's you do certain things,depending on the guardian.Isn't that right,Soku?"Neku asks.

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(This is random, but I'll do it because I can)


At that moment, Demyx walks in and sees Texsera. "Don't mind me, I'm not in the mood to fight!" he says sheepishly as he slowly walks past her before breaking into a run! "AHHHHHH! DOOOOOOOOOON'T KEEEEEIIIIILLLLL MEEEEEEEEEE!!!" he shouted, running out of sight before she could attack him.


"Oh, looks who's finally conscious!" Xigbar exclaimed as Axel woke up, "You're a bit washed up flamesilocks!" "Call me that again and I'll..." Axel shouted angrily when Xigbar cut him off. "And you'll what, flamesilocks?" At that, Axel leaned up and placed a kiss right on his lips before turning around and wiping his mouth. (I really didn't want to do that, but you gotta do what you gotta do...) Axel thought. "AHHHHH!!!" Xigbar screamed as he ran out, Axel grinning evily. Xigbar didn't stop running until he got to the bathroom, at which he tripped on his coat, causing a bottle of mouthwash to spill all over him. "Who turned out the lights?" Xigbar moaned in pain *sob*.


Thirty minutes later, Xigbar walks up behind Axel, only for Axel to say, "Xigbar, you're smelling minty fresh today." "AHHHHH!!!" Xigbar screamed as he ran away, again, Axel grinning evily, again.

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yes me and ahtxson can do it but you and texsera neku i dont see it happening said soku.soku should we show them how its done said ahtxson.yes we should said soku as he came as a lion.soku and ahtxson jump in the air and soku went on to ahtxson back and bite ahtxson neck with this a ball formed around them and came out ahtxson with a lion coat and a lion keyblade.this is the bonding of the animal said ahtxson as his voice was merge with sokus.

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yes me and ahtxson can do it but you and texsera neku i dont see it happening said soku.soku should we show them how its done said ahtxson.yes we should said soku as he came as a lion.soku and ahtxson jump in the air and soku went on to ahtxson back and bite ahtxson neck with this a ball formed around them and came out ahtxson with a lion coat and a lion keyblade.this is the bonding of the animal said ahtxson as his voice was merge with sokus.


(You didn't notice Demyx running away from you?)

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ahtxson and soku went back to notmal.wow lets never do tht again said soku as he was tired.yeah said ahtxson as he lay on the ground.ahtxson thought maybe texsera and neku can do it.i dont think they can do said soku as he went back into ahtxson body.yes they can said ahtxson now go back to your bed soku.

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Texsera looked at Demyx running away but looked back to Ahtxson.She was surprised."Neku.How come you never told me about it?"Texsera asks."Because you're weak and nothing but weak.Your timing has improved,but until you show that you're worthy enough,I'm not going to show you."Neku says coldly."Not wworthy enough?!You know how much pain you could have saved me if I used that back at the realm of the darkness?!"Texsera asks furious."Yes,but then you wouldn't have becomed stronger,and then those years would just be a waste of time.You must understand I only did it because of your own good.You're still to weak anyways.And besides,I'm not that easy to convince.And you of all people should know that better...Soku."Neku says.Texsera stares at her with a furious expression.

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dont worry texsera said ahtxson you have another animal its just somewhere inside you and neku know where it is and tht animal u can do the animal bonding said ahtxson as he got up and said alright guys lets find ashlynn and get out of here said ahtxson as he got up.

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"You really must hate my guts Neku."Texsera says."You can say that."Neku says."Then if you do so much,why did you became my guardian in the first place?"Texsera asks."Because I have no choice."Neku says."Fine then.Tell me where this other animal is inside of me,and you can get out and find another person to guard."Texsera says."I can't.We get stuck with the person until the person dies."Neku says."Well,hope you don't have any plans,cause I'm not dying for a LOOOOONG time."Texsera says.She looks at the castle."We're coming Ash..."Texsera says.

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alright lets go said ahtxson as he and texsera were running down the hall.wow they really rebuilded the place right texsera.ahtxson thought after 5 battles here and the castle could still be fixed.ahtxson kept slashing nobodys with his sword like keybalde.

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Texsera struggled to get a grip on the blade,but managed to wield it and kill the enemies that came to them.It was only the second time she wielded a sword,so it was kind of difficult."(Who knew wielding a sword was going to be this hard?Ash,Ahtxson and Dexer make it look so easy!)"Texsera thought."Maybe because you never actually practiced?"Neku asks."SHUT UP NEKU!!!!I just got this thing so I don't need anymore opinions from you!!!"Texsera says.Texser slashes the dusks around and kept running down the hall."(Ash...)"Texsera thought.

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At the end of the hallway stood a tall hooded figure. "What the...what's going on!?" he exclaimed in a voice that would be all too familiar to Texsera; this was the PAST Ryax, still a member of Organization XIII at this time and very much alive, unlike his future self, who was now the equivalent of a smoking hole in the ground.

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Texsera thought and heard the voice of the hooded figure."Huh?No way.Ryax?Ryax,is that you?"Texsera asks as she gets closer."Dood!I thought you were dead after that explotion!Why didn't you come and looked for us?!We were really sad when you dissapeared just like that."Texsera says while putting a hand on his shoulder.She was completly clueless that some members of the castle,were from the past.

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ahtxson saw ryax and said ryax how r u aliv said ahtxson as he thought this is the past and ryax is alive and his past is right now on his way to kingdom hearts.suptid xemnas kidnapping our ashlynn from our time.ahtxson and texsera just ran pass ryax.texsera we r in the past when i rebel this is ryax when he joined in our time hes dead said ahtxson

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"What the...what explosion?" Ryax exclaimed in shock, stumbling back in recoil and causing his hood to fall back. His appearance was obviously younger than the one Texsera knew. He ran up in front of them and stopped them. "Uh...who are you? Are you part of the Organization?" he asked in confusion.

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Texsera looked at Ahtxson."The...past?"Texsera asks.She looked at Ryax.She noticed he was younger than the last time.Her eyes then close in dissapointment."I...see...the...he's really gone...isn't he?"Texsera asks.She looks at Ryax one more time.She smiles as she remembers the Ryax she knew."Well,let us not interrupt with the timeline.Come on,let's get Ash and get back to the future,OK?"Texsera says.

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