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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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in twilight town where ashlynns and ahtxson bodys r on the ground.ahtxson got and said fnally a new body to take cortal said austin as he summoned his x-blade ready to kill ashlynn.inside ashlynns mine)no u dont said ahtxson as he tackled austin down stoping ahtxson body from killing ashlynn.

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Ashlynn reached her hand out, waiting for her Keyblade to appear. "Huh?" She asked in confusion when she couldn't seem to summon it. "Where's my..." She shook her head, and concentrated. "What happened to my Keyblade!?" Austin flickered in front of her. He didn't look mostly-real-but-slightly-see-through like before, he looked REAL-real. When he spoke, it wasn't in her mind, either. "It's not yours anymore, Ash." He closed his eyes, smiling slightly, shaking his head a little. He reached towards her, and Rain Fall appeared in his grip. HER Rain Fall Keyblade. NOT his. Why could he summon it and she couldn't? "Austin, that's mine!" She yelled and lunged towards it. "Not anymore," He laughed, and jumped backwards. Ashlynn realized his words weren't floating like hers were. He leaned against the blue bubble layer. "NO! Austin, it'll--" Instead of it eletrocuting him like it had her, he easily slipped through the barrier. "What...?" She stared in disbelief, and then ran to the spot he'd disappeared through. When she touched the bubble barrier, it shocked her again. "OW!" She recoiled, and stared at Austin on the other side. "You don't exist anymore. Your mind and your body aren't yours anymore. This Keyblade isn't yours anymore!" "I'm not...me?" Ashlynn stared at him in absolute horror. "You'll fade in here. Slowly, you'll stop existing. You have no place to exist to anymore." He started walking away. "WAIT! Austin, don't go!" She yelled, but he kept walking away. "No..."

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in twilight town)ahtxson body was still forzon from ahtxson tackleing austin.this now my body ahtxson said austin as he rushed to ashlynn ready to kill her.ahtxson regain cortal of his body for a second.i thought think so said ahtxson as he stabe his feet so austin couldnt move his body.

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Dexer went back to twilight town and saw Ahtxson was frozen he didn't know how or why this happen Dexer was just kinda glad then he saw austin gett stabed in the foot by Ahtxson so Dexer went over up closer to see what was going on with these to he didn't know which one was good or bad

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Austin played it out for Ashlynn, even though it didn't seem to be her mind any more. Austin stood, using Ashlynn's body. "You idiots!" He chuckled, and her Rain Fall Keyblade appeared in one hand, the X-Blade in the other. "You can't destroy me. That's just a form I use to keep things simple. My heart is inside of your friend. I am HER. She'll eventually just fade away--she gave up control." His smile grew in triumph. "If you truly want me destroyed, you'll have to kill her to do it." Ahtxson was still frozen, unable to give much of a reaction. Dexer and Texsera looked horrified, as if just realizing what Austin could REALLY do. Ashlynn suddenly realized why Austin was playing the scene out for her. When she faded into nothingness, her final thoughts would be that her friends had been destroyed because of her. Because it had started so many years ago, when she was too afraid to step up even to save her best friend in the worlds. Because shed been afraid, all of them were going to pay the price for it. "My fault..."

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ahtxson became unfozon and got his sword like keyblade.he thought tht the only way to save her is to kill ashlynn its a risk to take he thought.dont worry ashlynn i will use my last of my kingdom hearts power to bring back alive said ahtxson he rushed to ashlynn who was posses by austin

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Austin was geniunely surprised that Ahtxson would attack him in Ashlynn's body. He was unintentionally relaying his own thoughts to her, too, while he played the scene. "Dang!" She yelled in frustration, and banged on the bubble. The shock didn't seem so sharp now that she was expecting it. The 'D' popped, and the other letters made a wierd sound. Ashlynn looked up in surprise. Instead of the letters popping into sparkles and disappearing, there were more words. Somehow she knew the first ones were Texsera's. "Hang on, Ash!" She yelled--next was Dexer's voice. "We'll get you out." She wasn't sure they could do what they promised, but she was hopeful. "You're not getting out." Austin snapped from behind her. She whirled, and he walked through the bubble barrier. "You gave up control. There's no way for you to get it back, unless I choose to give it to you." "Ahtxson's going to kill me! Or you! Or us! You won't have a choice! You'll be gone!" "And your heart will join Kingdom Hearts. It will gather again, slowly. All of the hearts it lost. Your friend will just help with all of the world's destruction by killing you." Ashlynn's jaw dropped. "WHAT!?" "It's too late--no matter what you try to do, I have control, and I intend to keep it!"

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ahtxson stabe austin which is in ashlynn body.now time to get u out said ahtxson as both of them foze.inside ashlynns body)ashlynn where r u said ahtxson as he was being careful to watch out for austin.he thought maybe he can get ashlynn her body back.

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Austin played it for Ashlynn in her mind when Ahtxson charged him--her--them--whatever, and attacked with his Keyblade. He didn't even try to block with Ashlynn's Rain Fall or his X-Blade. Austin leaned back, closing his eyes, smiling slightly. He stopped playing it back for her, and the floor shook. "Whoa!" Ashlynn stumbled, and jumped to her feet. The 'o' in 'whoa' banged into her head, and dissolved in sparkles. There was a loud boom, and the floor started cracking. Ashlynn scrambled to one side, but slid through one of the cracks. "Ahh!" She managed to catch the edge of the platform, which was shaking wildly. She glanced down, seeing endless blackness, and decided not to look again. Ashlynn pulled herself up, gasping, and pulled her knees in as the ground cracked around her. "Where are you?" Even though there was no voice, just words floating through the air towards her, she knew it was Ahtxson speaking, like before she'd known it was Dexer and Texsera. Before she could happily yell an answer, the bubble exploded. Sparks rained down around her, and she lifted up her arm, covering her face. She heard a boy screaming--AUSTIN screaming. "Austin!?" She immediately jumped up. He was barely hanging on to the edge of the platform, sinking through one of the cracks like she had. "Please! Please, don't push me off of--" Ashlynn yanked one of Austin's hands. He screamed as he lost his grip, but she didn't let go of his hand. "You're heavy," She groaned as she tugged on his hand. He stared at her in absolute disbelief. "Ashlynn, you're...HELPING me?" Austin stared. "Not now!" She yelled, leaping over a crack, pulling Austin with her. "We have to get out of here!" "I know a way," He whispered. "Follow me."

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ahtxson got to where ashlynn and austin were.he thought hwo did they get he forgot tht this ashlynns body and anything can happen.he got his hand and said ashlynn grab my hand and i could take you to the real austin.he thought maybe the real austin is cotorling this austin

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"Shoot," Austin grumbled, leaping over another crack. Ashlynn jumped to follow, short by an inch. "Ahh!" She flailed madly, reaching for the edge. Austin reached down, catching her arm and pulling her up. "Ash? Are you okay?" She stared at Austin for a moment, not comprehending, but finally nodded her head. "Y-Yeah, I'm alright," He nodded. "Good," They stared at each other for another second, before a piece of the blue bubble barrier crashed down behind her, and they scrambled across another shard of the cracking platform. "It's going to fall!" The ground shook violently, and their hands ripped apart. Austin was sprawled an inch from one of the cracks, and Ashlynn almost tumbled through another. "Grab my hand!" She heard Ahtxson yell over the loud cracking. Another piece of the bubble fell behind him, and the platform shuddered. Ashlynn's fingers started to slip, and she reached up. "What are you doing here!?" She heard Austin screaming. "Austin!" He barely managed to pull himself upright. "Run!" He yelled. "We don't have long!" Ashlynn's Rain Fall appeared--she was at least releaved she could summon her Keyblade again. "Run WHERE!?" She screamed. "It's YOUR head! YOU get us out of here!" The platform trembled again, and they all fell. "And if you wouldn't mind my saying, hurry up with it!"


To Austin and Ashlynn


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ahtxson was thinking she has to save them three because she dosent know whts happening on twilight only ahtxson does.

twilight town)ashlynns body pull the sword out and was going to dexer and texsera.this is my body said austin as he was walking to the two.in ashlynn mind)hurry ashlynn or we wont be alive anymore.

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(It's alright with me, at least ^^) "What are you talking about!?" Ashlynn shrieked as the platform titled right. "What do you mean!? I can't stop this!" Austin scrambled frantically for something to grab on to. "Yes, you can! It's YOUR mind! THINK us out of this!" She blinked. "What!?" Suddenly, the part that was tipping towards the blackness broke off. "ASHLYNN! Get us OUT of here!" Austin screamed as they all slid towards the edge. "Austin!" She reached her hand out as he slipped towards the edge. His eyes were wide with fear. "Austin! Hold on!" Ashlynn reached her hand out. She couldn't let him go again. She couldn't let him down again. "Ahh!" He yelled, tumbling off the edge of the platform. "NO! Austin!" Ashlynn clung to one of the cracks. Ahtxson stopped sliding a few feet above her. "Ash! Think us out of this! Before he hits the bottom!" He yelled, but she couldn't look away from the blackness. The last speck of Austin's blonde hair slipped into the black. "Think!" Suddenly, she was back in Twilight Town, running towards a stunned Texsera and Dexer. She pulled back. "What!?"

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ahtxson became unforze.hey ashlynn r u alright and have u contorl your body if not then i will have to go into you head again.said ahtxson as he putted his sword away.he thought whoa we beaten austin just the two of us thank kingdom hearts for letting me have the last of its power.

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(Alright, I'll just type myself an intro. Also, I'll be Xigbar and Axel as well.)


Meanwhile, back at the Castle that Never Was, the twelve members of Organization XIII (I'm assuming Roxas isn't among them) sat in its circular meeting room. "Ryax is no more..." Saix said flatly. "Hah! So much for the Darkness Incarnate!" Xigbar exclaimed sarcastically, "Just as I thought he'd come back!" At this, Xemnas (or Xehanort, depepnding on whether he's whole again or not), noticed Marluxia deep in thought. "Marluxia, is there something on your mind?" Xemnas asked. "Ryax defeated me...but I shouldn't have lost to him, even with his Keyblade" replied the Graceful Assassin, "I must train more and become stronger..." Xemnas nodded and said, "Very well, I give you, Axel, and Xigbar the job of disposing of the traitors. Dismissed!"

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Texsera watched at Ash.She was being controlled by Austin once more.Texsera really didn't wanted to hurt Ash,but with Austin controlling her and was attacking back."(I need to find a way to buy time for them to get Austin out of Ash's system.)"Texsera thought.She bit her lip as she thought."Got it."Texsera says.Texsera stretched her arm and concentrated.She made wolves,but unlike the others,this ones were like Neku,they looked real,but couldn't actually hurt or bite someone.They were ghost like.These were spezcialized to scare enemies and buy time."(This should scare and distract him for a bit.)"Texsera thought."Attack!"Texsera yelled and the wolves attacked.The wolves surrounded and growled at Austin,making him a little afraid.



(Hey,ixlovexventusx,you want to control Austin from the outside or do you want me to control him?)

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ahtxson blocked the wolves and said hey she back so stop attacking ok said ahtxson as he blocked the wolves.a strange voice apper inside ahtxson and said hey neku havent seen u in a long time said a lion.who r u said ahtxson as he was talking to a lion.my name soku and im your gudain said lion

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Texsera called off her wolves."(Guess I will have to dodge the attacks until they're done in there.)"Texsera thought."Texsera."said Neku."Neku.So you finally decided to talk to me."Texsera says."Never mind that,you can't attack Aah,or Austin I should say.But you can't attack.You will hurt Ash and Ahtxson from the inside."Neku says."What am I suppouse to do?"Texsera asks."Anything but attack.I'll try and help Ahtxson and Ash and you and Dexer do anything but attack."Neku says."Fine."Texsera says."OK,then,no attacking."Texsera says.She stretched her hand."Nebula shield!"Texsera says.A shield is formed,that way they won't get hurt and Ash's body will stay in place until they were finished.

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Dexer drew his keybldes wondering what the crap was going on so he just thought he would fight until he heard Neku and Texsera talking in her mind so he doubled the nebula sheild Dexer then used bindera to make sure the body wouldn't leave only he could undo the binds

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"Hey!" Ashlynn yelled angrily. "What's with you guys!? Stop it! It's me!" Texsera and Dexer gave her doubting looks. "I'm serious!" She complained, glaring. Why was it so hard to believe. Austin shimmered into existance next to her. Automatically she jumped slightly in surprise. 'Austin?' "I'm not an illusion anymore, Ash." He smiled. "I'm not in your mind anymore." It took her a moment to realize she was in control again. She wasn't struggling to hold Austin back. "W-What?" She stammered aloud. Ashlynn realized by their expressions that Ahtxson, Texsera, and Dexer could see him, too. Texsera raised her Keyboard, slipping her headphones on. Ashlynn tried to reach up to cover her ears, stopped by the Bindera. "Austin...what happened?" She whispered. "I gave you control again." He smiled at her, but watched her friends carefully, as if afraid they'd suddenly attack him. Which they just might. Texsera's wolves barked around their feet. "Texsera! Call them off! Don't hurt Austin!" Austin's expression showed absolute shock. Like he was surprised I cared anymore. "After all that I did to you..." He murmered, unable to finish. "We're still best friends, right?" Ashlynn grinned. He smirked. "Yeah. Yeah. We are," He nodded excitedly. She waited--she needed an explanation. He sighed, knowing what she was waiting for. "The darkness leftover inside of me when I lost my heart...I really didn't know what I was doing, Ash. I'm so sorry," Austin shook his head miserably. "I forgive you." She smiled. She knew exactly how it felt. How it felt to know you'd abandoned your best friend.

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this guys r suptid said soku.sht up soku and go hang out with neku seeehs said ahtxson in his mind.so ashlynn is austin going to behave and dexer do u still hate me and same thing texsera do u still hate me.ht thought maybe they would forgive them ashlynn already forgave ahtxson.

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Ashlynn noticed Ahtxson's expression grow irritated, like he was having an Austin in his own mind. "Yeah, we can trust him." She nodded confidently, and glanced at Austin. He smiled slightly, and shook his head. "Right," Ashlynn suddenly realized what it could mean if Ahtxson was hearing a voice in his head. Austin didn't seem to be a flickering image like before, and they could all clearly see him. There was nothing he could gain from controlling Ahtxson. So it couldn't be that, could it? He seemed to have the same confused expression as she must be wearing. "Ahtxson, um, is there some kind of..." She began carefully. In her mind, she finished. 'Some kind of wierd voice in your head telling you what to do and possibly trying to control your mind? Because if there is, it's totally okay.' "...I mean, is something wrong?" She decided. Austin shot her a look, but turned his head before she could understand what he was trying to tell her with his eyes. Ashlynn looked back to Ahtxson, and jumped. Not ANOTHER voice in her head. 'Hello, Ashlynn,' It greeted kindly, not teasingly, like Austin had. 'Hi...' She thought back tentatively. 'I'm your Guardian.' The voice said sincerely. 'W-What?' She stuttered in surprise in her mind. 'Like your friends Texsera's and Ahtxson's.' 'Ahtxson has a Guardian?' Ashlynn asked in surprise. She realized it meant she was trusting this voice. Why was she trusting some wierd voice in her head? 'Yes. Soku.' 'And exactly who are you?' She asked carefully. 'Gaurdian Deku at your service.'

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Texsera looked at Ahtxson and thought hard.She was doubtfull,because of his mistake,all of this started in the first place.She then used her ability to feel feelings.She concentrated,she felt that he ment it,but still..."Texsera."Neku says."What is it this time?"Texsera asks."I think you should trust him."Neku says."What?!But I thought you said-"Texsera says."Yes,I know.But inside him lies Soku,a guardian like me.He was a good friend of mine and still is.If he chose Athxson to protect him.He must have good inside him."Neku says."But..."Texsera says.Then she remember of the first memories of her nobody state.She sighs."Fine.If Neku trusts you.I guess I can too."Texsera says."What do you think,Dexer?"Texsera asks looking at him.

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