Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 8, 2010 Texsera went destroying Ryax's army and going directly to Ryax.She jumped at Ryax."Ryax!"Texsera yelled as she hits Ryax with her keyblade.She kept hitting him ad he hit the ground."(This time,the darkness ill be detroyed,once and for all.)"Texsera thought as she charged again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 8, 2010 Dexer then went into his dark fire form and lost control he stuck out his hands and unleashed a dark firey blast that penetrated the Ball and knocked Ahtxson out then he grabed Ahtxson by the neck and threw him into the ground without letting Dexer kept doing it and doing it to him over and over agian then he threw him at Ryax knocking him off his wings Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 8, 2010 ahtxson transformed into a warrior with wings and a keyblade tht can pecth thought anything.guys u need to stop kingdom hearts yelled ahtxson.guys listen the only reason i did this is because i wanted a heart and the the reason im doing this is because of austin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Way_to_Dawn 0 Posted August 8, 2010 (Ryax's wings are part of him, they can't be knocked off) Ryax slashed Texsera away from him, knocking her to the ground. He kicked away her Keyblade and placed a foot on her chest, pinning her down whilst pointing the X-Blade at her neck. "I made a promise to someone, that I would return to them, and I intend to keep it" Ryax said in a tone that betrayed his feelings, as Kingdom Hearts had, without him knowing it, restored his heart. He really didn't want to kill them, ever, but he felt there was no other way. He raised the X-Blade to finish Texsera when suddenly he stepped off of her, his arms outstretched. "What!? What's this!?" Ryax exclaimed just as a figure of pure light appeared in front of him; it was the young Ryax, the one that had appeared at first in Twilight Town, and Master Ryax's vessel. "Texsera, you have my keyblade, Divine Valor, turn it on me, before its too late!" he shouted frantically as he tried to hold back Master Ryax. "If you kill me, there will be no one to stop Ahtxson!" MAster Ryax shouted angrily, "Don't be a fool!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 8, 2010 Dexer realized that Ahtxson finaly got a heart Dexer knew what he had to do Dexer droppd his desummoned his Supernova and summoned the Dark Keyblade then he threw it straight at Ahtxson and watched go into Ahxtson's heart forcing him to fall down once he fell Dexer ran to him and saw him fading then Ahtxson's heart floated away but the Dark Keyblade pulled it back and absorbed it so it wouldn't get added to Kingdom hearts then Dexer turned to Ryax and watched Texsera decide Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 8, 2010 Texsera sat up and saw in amazement.She didn't know what to really do.She followed her instincts."Forgive me."Texsera says as she picks up the keyblade and stabs Ryax right in his 'heart'.She keeps pushing it until it crosses right through,It stung Texsera to do this ti him.But she knew it was for the best in someway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 8, 2010 ahtxson appered in front of texsera saying.guys im sorry here texsera your stardust as a music keyblade just swing it and music cames out and ashlynn here your keybalde with this you can use light and darkness said ahtxson as he bought out the kingdom hearts keyblade lets destory ryax this is wht i was talking about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Way_to_Dawn 0 Posted August 8, 2010 Ryax let out an almost primal scream as his heart was struck, the X-Blade dissappearing in a flash of light. Within seconds, he had transformed back into the normal Ryax, who now lay on the ground, his helmet having slipped off. He was far from dead, but he was critically wounded. "Master Ryax!" two Dark Keyblade Knights exclaimed as they helped him up. "What? I'm not Master Ryax..." Ryax replied to them. "You have his heart, and his family is our family" one of them replied. At this, Ryax's eyes widened in surprise. "His...his heart!?" he exclaimed, holding his chest and feeling an unfamiliar beat, " is this possible?" He shrugged the others off and looked at the others sadly. "I'm sorry Texsera, I must set things right" he said, "I'm going to release all of my power to return to whence it came. You won't be affected by the blast as long as you look away..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 8, 2010 Dexer grabbed Ahtxson and threw him away like he was trash he still had no control in his Dark Fire mode and saw Texsera stabing Ryax he walkedd over their and started flaming more brighter he didn't know whether to attack or be calm Dexer then went back to normal but used to much power in his last form cuasing him to collapse Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 8, 2010 Texsera looks at him sadly but nods."I understand."Texsera says.She gives him a small hug and then lets go."Fufill your destiny."Texsera says.She goes over to Dexer.He was uncounceous.She puts his head on her lap and looks at Ryax."Go.And don't worry.We won't look."Texsera says as she covers Dexer's eye wwith her hand just in case. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Way_to_Dawn 0 Posted August 8, 2010 "All's forgiven..." Ryax replied, "I hold nothing against you...but I need to set things right...and that means that somehow, I have to reverse the damage caused by Master Ryax." He recalled Divine Valor and lied down, stretching out his sore limbs as he did so. "I don't know how I can answer for the atrocities he commited." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 8, 2010 here dexer heres your heart this was all the power from kingdom heart i had left said ahtxson.he thought they will forgive him.alright come back reed and dont become dexer.he thought they would all go back to normal and have ice cream again on in twilight town Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 8, 2010 Dexer open his eyes and saw the heart "What are you doing?" Dexer asked "I am Dexer not Reed I was Reed but then he died creating me Dexer but I have my own heart me and Texsera both do I will never be Reed unless... I won't even go there but why do you want me out of the way what is your probelm" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 8, 2010 Ashlynn inspected her Keyblade carefully as she spoke. "Ahtxson, what did you mean that it was Austin making you do this?" She deliberately didn't look up to meet his eyes. Austin appeared next to her. 'You're like a ghost only I can see.' Ashlynn sighed unhappily. He didn't answer, and just glowered. 'Is it complete? Is it destroyed? Is it neither? You're friends and idiot. He can't absorb Kingdom Hearts in such a state. But I could...' He started slowly for where Kingdom Hearts had been, his eyes closed, a small smile on his face. Ashlynn gasped, and reached for his arm. "Austin! Wait! Don't!" She yelled aloud, and Ahtxson, Texsera, and Dexer stared at her like she was crazy. "Austin!" She ignored them. As annoying, crazy, and possibly evil as Austin was, he was still her best friend. The same way he'd been since they were little kids. "It'll kill you! You can't control Kingdom Hearts! No one can keep that much power inside of them without being destroyed! Look at Ryax!" He ignored her, and her hand slipped through his arm, like he really was a ghost. "Austin, please!" She begged. "Don't!" Texsera came up behind Ashlynn. "Are you feeling okay, Ash?" She stared in disbelief and fear as Austin raised his arms. Her friends couldn't seem to see Austin, but they saw all of the hearts appearing in mid-air and swirling together, forming a giant heart-shaped moon. 'Kingdom Hearts,' Austin smiled. 'Fill me with your power! Give me my heart back!' "AUSTIN!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Way_to_Dawn 0 Posted August 8, 2010 At this, Ryax found strength within him he never knew he had. He stood up and ran over to Austin, pushing him aside and absorbing Kingdom Hearts, aware that he would be destroyed by its power. "Get out of here, now! I won't be able to contain its power for long!" he shouted frantically. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 8, 2010 Dexer tried to get up he was still weak from the battle but he was to soar but he heard Ash scream Austin and he crawled toward this body shaped spirit that was gaing power from Kingdom Hearts until Dexer pushed Ryax out of the way Dexer then used his dark keyblade to absorb the hearts so Dexer stabed it into the ground and moved out of the wa a few hearts went into him but it only helped him regain his energy so Dexer picked up ash and Texsera opened a portal kicked Ahtxson and Ryax who had regianed his body then jumped inside the portal as Kingdom hearts exploded it wasn't destroyed but it was emptied they would have to restart agian Dexer summoned his Dark keyblade and hid it inside him so no one would realese it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Way_to_Dawn 0 Posted August 8, 2010 Ryax watched others go and smiled, knowing he had finally found redemption. "Thank you Texsera, two showed me the Light..." he said as he closed his eyes and released the power, creating a cataclysmic explosion that destroyed the entire Dark Keybearer Army. When the light faded, Divine Valor was on the ground, and next to it, Ryax's armor, with Ryax having been completely destroyed by the light. (Okay, I'll need to make a new character, or I could just use an Org XIII member...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 8, 2010 Texsera went trough the portal as she senced Ryax dissapear.She looked down in sorrow.Another life taken away.Her necleace stoped glowing red and went back to blue.She sigh."Rest in peace...Ryax..."Texsera says.Suddenly she falls on her knees and falls uncounceous."(What...?What's happening to me?)"Texsera thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 9, 2010 Ashlynn turns around when she hears a thud. "Huh?" 'Oh, just GO! Leave them behind, they're slowing you down!' Austin protested beside her. She ignored him, and saw Texsera collapsed on the ground. "Texsera! Dexer, hurry, before Kingdom Hearts explodes, help me get her out of here!" Dexer lifted Texsera up, and Ashlynn glanced back. Beside Kingdom Hearts, where Ryax's armor and Keyblade still lay, was Texsera's Keyblade, turned back into her Keyboard. She looked up, the heart-shaped moon looking almost like it was bubbling. She sprinted towards Texsera's Keyboard. "Ash! What are you doing!? Kingdom Hearts is going to be destroyed--we have to get out of here!" Dexer protested behind her. "I have to get that for Texsera!" 'Ashlynn, go back. Get out of here. You have nine seconds before Kingdom Hearts unleashes the energy. It'll destroy you and your friends. Though you COULD just leave them here to be destroyed. It would be much simpler if you did...' She ignored him, grabbed Texsera's Keyboard, and turned to run. She heard a loud BOOM, Kingdom Hearts exploding, and it flung her into the air, straight through the portal. Before she disappeared through it, she grasped Dexer's arm, who was still holding Texsera, and pulled them through with her. Austin's image next to her shook his head with an amused expression. 'Not fast enough, Ash.' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 9, 2010 ahtxson grab ashlynn by the hand and he opened a portal tht lead to twilight town.they enter the portal.he thought maybe she can forgive him for wht he did to her.he was going to say sorry but he dosent know if she will forgive him.hey ashlynn im sorry for almost kill ing u back there can u forgive please said ahtxson Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 9, 2010 Ashlynn ignored Ahtxson for a second and looked around. She didn't see Dexer or Texsera, and unfortunately Austin had followed her. He shook his head, and started making faces at her from behind Ahtxson. Austin was definately taking advantage of the fact only I could see him, and no one could bash him in the head. She looked away from Austin and glared at Ahtxson. "FORGIVE YOU!? You tried to KILL me! You tried to complete Kingdom Hearts! You tried to finish it using MY heart! You would've if you could've!" She screamed, and shook her head slowly. "I need out of here." Dexer's spell on Austin seemed to be waring off. Ashlynn could hardly think straight anymore. His image flickered, and disappeared. She was hopeful that maybe he'd gone away for good, or at least left her a few moments of peace. Instead, his face was in her mind again. 'Kingdom Hearts is destroyed, Ash. This is what I wanted. All I have to do is complete the X-Blade and gather the power it released, and I can become whole again! I can be the most powerful Keyblade Master there ever was! I can stop taking a ride with you. It's slightly annoying having to work to keep your mind under control.' 'Under control?' She thought back acidly. 'Like this.' Ashlynn felt her mind lock down under Austin. "My...head..." She reached up slowly. "Dexer! Texsera!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 9, 2010 okay austin lets take a little ride said ahtxson as he grab his neck and bought him in the realm of darkness.there no more austin and i can see him and touch him because he used me to get him whole said ahtxson as he came back.he thought why cant she forgive him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 9, 2010 Ashlynn faintly heard Ahtxson's and Austin's voices. In her mind Austin played the scene out for her. Austin ripped away Ahtxson's hands away. 'Don't even think about it!' He growled, and the X-Blade appeared in his grip. Ashlynn gasped, and she realized he was playing this for her so she could watch if he killed Ahtxson. "Austin, stop it!" She screamed aloud. He lunged towards Ahtxson, who barely managed to raise his Keyblade in time to block the attack. "AUSTIN! Austin, please, I'm sorry! Don't hurt him--I can give it to you!' Suddenly, Ahtxson froze. After a second, she realized he was still moving, but extremely slow, like Austin had slowed down time. His eyes flitted around in confusion. 'Give me what?' He asked cautiously. 'Kingdom Hearts is complete. You have nothing more to offer.' Ashlynn took a deep breath. 'If you swear to me you won't hurt any of my friends..." She could barely force herself to say the words. "I'll...give you control." Before he could say anything, she quickly added. "SWEAR to me you won't hurt ANY of them. Promise me that if I let you, you'll leave them alone. You'll let them live. You'll leave them out of this." He nodded eagerly in her mind. 'You never were good at making deals, Ash. An ice cream bar and you'd do my homework, and you give up your own freedom for your "friends". You can't trust friends. They'll just stab you in the back in the end.' That stung worse than the pain the flooded through her as Austin took control. She managed to think, hoping Texsera or Dexer or someone could hear her. 'I'm sorry, you guys.' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 9, 2010 ahtxson got the x-blade from austin and he stabe austin in the heart.goodbye austin this is payback from useing me yelled ahtxson as he pulled out the x-blade and gave to ashlynn.he thought now maybe she would forgive him now and they could became friends again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 9, 2010 Ashlynn didn't understand what was going on. Austin hadn't been completely destroyed. Just the image of himself he was creating. She'd given him control, and he intended to use it. Ashlynn coughed, reaching up, but when she looked up, it wasn't Ashlynn. "You fool," Austin laughed in her voice. "I cannot be destroyed! My heart is inside of her! Unless you destroy your friend, you can't get rid of me!" He laughed harder. Ashlynn thought she was inside of her mind, but she wasn't sure. She looked around the small area, with a light blue tint covering it like a bubble. She carefully reached out to touch the bubble. It made a sharp eletrical sound and zapped her. Ashlynn yanked her hand back, blowing softly on it, shaking it, and looking around. "Where am I?" Her words literally floated. She stared in awe and horror as the letters drifted upwards, slowly pulling apart, and popping, first to last. "What's...happening to me?" She reached for the 'h' in 'happening', and it exploded into dusty sparkles in her hand. She took a step back. "How do I get out of here!?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites