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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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Ashlynn glanced down and saw the odd patterns in the dirt. "What is that?" She walked over, and looked up in horror. "Dexer, what are you talking about? Please, don't leave, Dexer..." He asked, distracting her. "Was that Austin?" Ashlynn hesitated. "I don't know what happened. I saw him, but that doesn't mean he was really there." She decided not to mention hearing his voice in her mind. Hearing him plead for control, and then taking it anyway. Ashlynn looked away, remembering the fight in her mind. ~flashback~ "Austin!? Your okay!" Ashlynn yelled happily, but he glared at her. "No, I'm not okay. It's your fault, too! I NEEDED you, Ash, and you ran away!" He accused angrily, and a weapon appeared in his grip. The X-Blade. "A-Austin! What are you doing!?" "I'm getting my justice for you ABANDONING me! You LEFT me! You LET them take my heart! Now I'm going to destroy Kingdom Hearts!" Ashlynn blinked. "What?" "And I need your body to do it. I can't have you messing me up, though." He pointed the X-Blade at her. "Are you going to help me or not?" Gritting her teeth, she summoneded her Keybade. "I'M NEVER GOING TO BETRAY MY FRIENDS!"

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Texsera steared at Ash. "Wow,that must have been intense." Texsera says. Then she realizes what she just did. "H-Hey. I think I just read Ash's mind, or memory. Or whatever." Texsera says. She was surprised. She never expected to actually read someones mind, especially out of the blue like that. "Anywho,I'm glad that you're back." Texsera says. She looks at Ryax. "Dexer,what should we do with him?" Texsera asks.

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"My power is to strong I lost control I nearly killed Ryax with a toss and I broke a nebula shield if I ever loose control agian and I hurt yall, I'm leaving if I regain control but I'm worried that wasn't even close to my final form that was like a level one form I need to work on my control" Dexer then pointed Ragnock's end at her head "This shouldn't hurt" Dexer said as he locked her mind keeping it from being controled by anyone elese


Dexer realized what Texsera did he felt proud then he stood up and said "I don't know" Dexer said as he walked towards him and used bindera on him to tie him to the ground "That will keep him busy for a while

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ahtxson appers in a place where he can hear them talking.they dont know it but ryax has a dark future ahtxson thought.i got to tell them but they dont know if im alive or not.he thought maybe he can atack the guy and tell them he will betryed and kill someone but he dosent know who.

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Dexer turns around and see's Ahtxson, Dexer had grown to hate Ahtxson he realized that he was the reason that Texsera was being hurt Dexer walked over to him and asked "What are you doing here?" Dexer started getting mad his hands started to flame but he called it off

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Ashlynn blinked. "Ahtxson?" She stared in disbelief. That was impossible. He was destroyed, wasn't he? Flames started burning in Dexer's palms. "What are you doing here!?" He demanded, glaring at Ahtxson. He seemed to get himself under control, and the fire faded. "I'm here to warn you." Ahtxson snapped. "Ryax. Get away from him. Now." Texsera blinked, and shook her head. "What are you talking about? We know Ryax." Ahtxson glowered at all of them. "He just tried to attack you, didn't he? He would've killed you if he could. You know he would've." She looked away, and Ashlynn got out her Keyblade, pointing it at Ahtxson. "Get out of here! You don't know what's going on!" She yelled. 'And neither do you,' A voice in the back of her head reminded her. She nearly jumped out of her skin. 'Austin! He got rid of you--' 'Just held me back for a bit. You're stuck with me.' Ashlynn shook her head to herself. 'What do you want?' 'Finish or destroy Kingdom Hearts. Whether you let me or not, eventually that boy's curse on me will ware off. He can't hold it up forever, and you can't fight forever.' 'Watch me, Austin. I'm crazy enough to tell you to leave it. Kingdom Hearts NEEDS to exist.' 'What are you TALKING about!? It needs to be finished or destroyed! You're crazy!' 'And I'm right, too.'



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cant all of u just listen to me real quick i cant all of you how im alive not yet and ryax is evil just becare for and ashlynn i saw your future its not good its really bad it had kingdom hearts in it and u holding a werid keyblade and dexer u need to snap out of it ok since u went to realm of darkness your nothing but touble and texsera u need to understand u dont know your weapon true form said ahtxson

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Ashlynn's jaw dropped. "Nothing but trouble!? Okay, seriously, get out of here. I don't have any reason to hear you out now!" 'It's not my fault'. She thought miserably. 'I don't know what happened. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm trying not to, I'm trying, but I'm not winning...' 'Nice of you to finally notice.' Austin snapped. 'Oh, will you SHUT UP!?' He pretended to think about it. 'What's the word I'm looking for...? That's right, NO! This is your own fault.' Ashlynn looked at the ground, tears springing to her eyes. 'I'm sorry, Austin. I'm sorry for what I did. I shouldn't have run away. But if I stayed, I would've lost my heart, too! Kingdom Hearts would be complete! The worlds would be in chaos right now if I hadn't run! Your heart's back now, anyway.' She tried the last part lamely. 'Does any of that matter? You. Left. Me. You TRAITOR!' 'You would've left me.' For that, Austin had no answer.

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fine guess i hav no choice said ahtxson as he pull out his sword out.i got to kill all of u said ahtxson as he rushed to ashlynnn first.he change his sword into a chain and he got ashlynn in to it an he pulled her to him and he threw her into the sky and ahtxson kick her to the ground.he thought since they wouldnt listen they will hav to die.

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"Ow!" Ashlynn yelped when she hit the ground. 'What is WITH you!?' She thought angrily at Ahtxson. 'Give me control!' Austin practically begged, thinking that in a fight she'd let him help. 'NO! Shut up and go away, Austin! This is MY body, MY mind, and MY fight!' She jumped to her feet and summoneded her Keyblade. "Anyone who DARES mess up my hair deserves to have their butt kicked. Yah!" Ashlynn ran towards Ahtxson, and slashed with her Rain Fall. He ducked, and she kicked him backwards, and stabbed with her Keyblade. Little bits of sparkles and glass-like shards floated towards the sky. 'You just killed Ahtxson.' Austin teased in her mind. 'Your poor "friends". They have to be careful you don't try to go off and kill them.' Ashlynn shook her head, and her Keyblade disappeared. "Austin...you're wrong!" 'Look what you just did.' "I didn't-I didn't mean to. I..." She shook her head. "Go away, Austin! I don't want to see you ever again!" 'What happened to being best friends?' He snapped sarcastically. "I don't care! GET AWAY FROM ME!"

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ahtxson apper in behind her and grab her neck and said listen i must kill u since u wont listen and nobody cant save u said ahtxson as his sword transformed in to a gun ready to kill her.he was thinkin this people were not his friends anymore and after all he did for them.he shoot ashlynn in the gut.

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"Ahh..." Ashlynn moaned as she sank to her knees. "My...my..." She whispered, unable to finish her sentance. 'You IDIOT!' Austin shouted in her mind. 'You got SHOT! I can't use you if you're broken!' 'Broken?' Ashlynn thought weakly. She could barely piece her thoughts together. The edges of her vision became fuzzy, and then blackened. The wall of blackness slowly crept inwards, and she finally understood the phrase "tunnel vision". 'Like...a tool.' 'Which is exactly what you are!' He yelled. 'You wouldn't be if you just did what you knew was right!' 'This IS right...' She barely managed to think. 'You're wrong! This isn't RIGHT! It needs completed or destroyed! I don't care! It needs to be out of the way!' 'Out of the way for...for what?' Ashlynn thought, clutching her stomach. She could faintly hear screaming. Was that Dexer and Texsera? For all she could process, it could be aliens. Or maybe it was her. Ashlynn shook her head weakly, and had to look up towards the sky to see Ahtxson's face. "I am...going to kill you for...this."



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yeah right said ahtxson as he shot her again in the arm.you cant kill me if your dead said ahtxson he shot her again in the gut.now dont worry i avoided the vital organs so u be alright be i dont know about your lung u might not live its a 50 to 50 chance of u liveing said ahtxson as he left to finish off texsera and dexer.

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Ashlynn hunched over, holding her stomach in pain. "Don't hurt my friends!" She screamed, and bright light exploded from her. Texsera and Dexer were alright, but Ahtxson flew backwards into the clocktower, just out of reach of the ledge they'd been eating ice cream on not long before. When she glanced down, she was glowing golden. Tendrils of more golden light spun around her wounds, healing them. The blackness that had almost sucked her under crept away, and she looked around. Had the sky always been such a bright blue? She reached out carefully, getting a grip on her Keyblade, and stood up slowly. Austin was surprisingly silent in her mind, but she could feel how angry he was. "Ash? H-how did you d-do that?" Texsera and Dexer stared. 'I don't know...' She thought to herself, and raised her Rain Fall. Light swirled around the tip, and made a beam that caught Ahtxson. He yelled in pain. "Don't hurt my friends." She repeated, and suddenly felt dizzy. The golden light retreated, and she collapsed.

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"Hehehe," Ahtxson laughed as he picked up her keyblade. "This is worthless," said Ahtxson as he broke it in half. He went to Dexer and Texsera and told them, "guys Ashlynn attacked me and she was goin after u two next! I had to break her keyblade so she wouldnt attack us."

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Texsera watched this in horror.She looked at Ahtxson with hatred."You monster!!You're going to pay for that!!!"Texsera yelled as she summoned her Stardust.Stardust was a little different.It was a little bigger and it had changed from blue to silver.Texsera played a tune and send Ahtxson flying.Then when he's in the middle of the air she punches him in the gut,making him to fall to the ground woth force,making a crater on the spot.

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Ahtxson got up and took her stardust and then broke it, "You guys too huh guess I have no choice," said Ahtxson. He then shot Texsera in the gut three times. He started to feel as if these guys are a threat and must be killed. He brought out his sword out ready to fight Dexer, and so he could also kill them all.

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Texseraa fell but stood up quickly.She had trained for this kind of hits. But yet she was still in disbelief. Her Stardust...had been broken."(What the-my Stardust!)" Texsera tought as it watched it in peaces."How..." Texsera says. "(How could he do that? Is it even possible for someone to break a weapon just like that? He even broked Ash's keyblade. What has he becomed this time?)" Texsera thought.

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Ashlynn sat up slowly, and rubbed her head. At least her injuries were gone--it just felt like she had a bad headache. She heard Texsera yell. She leapt to her feet to see Ahtxson shooting at her and Dexer. "Stop it!" Ashlynn screamed, and grabbed Ahtxson's arm as Texsera collapsed. His gun was aimed harmlessly towards the sky. Ashlynn wrenched it from his grip, and Ahtxson stared. "W-Wait, Ash--" He stammered. Her arms shook, and she couldn't line up the sights. Ahtxson was still close enough she could point-and-shoot. "I thought we were your friends." Ashlynn managed shakily. "Then you tried to kill us." Ahtxson waved his arms. "Wait! I-I was j-just--" "Trying to kill us." She finished, and her voice sounded firmer, and her arms didn't shake so much. "I'm sorry, Ahtxson." And she pulled the trigger until the slide locked back. He hadn't even brought a spare magazine. Ashlynn dropped the gun "I'm sorry," and ran over to Texsera and Dexer.

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ahtxson stabe ashlynn with her own keyblade and he used stardust against texsera and said he guys will never understand said ahtxson as stardust transformed into a star keyblade.he thought hes stronger then all of them and he could at least kill one of them.

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Texsera looked at Ahtxson. Her eyes widen. She couldn't belive that was the nobody that she thought it was one of her friends. She got angry as she sees that he transformed her Stardusst into a keyblade. She stopped holding her wounds and fought against the pain. "Ahtxson,I don't know what happened to you, and what have you become. But I'm gonna stop you from doing something you regret." Texsera says. "Forgive me." Texsera says as she charges and starts to punch and kick Ahtxson. Only a few martial arts tecniques she learned in the realm of the darkness.

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he kick her into the tower amd said man this is boring bye guys see u again. said ahtxson as he left with texsera and ashlynns weapons.he thought tht they could become stronger if they knew they had a spiecal power inside them and he could tell them.

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Dexer was so angry by what Ahtxson was doing he wanted to kill Ahtxson but didn't know where he went Dexer ran to Texsera and helped her up Dexer pulled out his Supernova and gave it to her then he ran to Ash to mak sure she was ok

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Tears sprang to Ashlynn's eyes. "My Keyblade...it's gone. Does this mean I'm not a Keyblade Master anymore?" 'You lost your Keyblade! It was broken! If you'd let me take control I could've--' Austin ranted, but she cut him off. 'What? You could've what? Saved it now, then destroyed it later for Kingdom Hearts? If you don't like what I'm doing, don't watch! GET OUT!' Austin glared at her in her mind. 'This is the only way I'll ever complete or destroy it.' 'Make up your mind!' She screamed. 'Destroy it or don't!' He didn't answer her, and she reached towards where Ahtxson had disappeared. "I need my Keyblade." Ashlynn shook her head slowly, and then looked up determindely. "Come on. I'm going to get our Keyblades back, Texsera." She promised, and looked at Dexer. "Do you know where he went? We need a portal." 'And you need to get your priorities straight! Screw your "friends"! Get your Keyblade back!' 'I'm planning to,' She assured. 'WITHOUT abandoning them. I learned my lesson from you.'

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Within a few minutes, Ryax was conscious again, and his armor regenerated. He stood up and looked at the Wolves around him, who were all looking at him threateningly. "You don't scare me" he said flatly when he noticed Dexer was fighting Autxson. (I KNEW this would happen...) he thought. "Like I said, you should've listened while you could, but it's too late..." (If only they knew that Kingdom Hearts is more than a cause for war), he thought, (whoeverso can control it gains infinite wisdom and power, and full mastery over both light AND darkness. THAT is why it is the only thing that can reunite the Worlds...)

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