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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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Ryax, realizing there was nothing he could do, decided it was time to leave, but his vessel's mind insisted he take the others with him. Ryax ran over to Dexer and Texsera before opening up a Dark Corridor. "Get in there, or you'll be destroyed when this world is ripped apart!" he shouted.

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Dexer grabbed Texsera and ran through the portal and watched Ryax do the same then the portal closed they were in the world Agrabah the sand reminded him of the island but it was to hot and a desert then Dexer rembered a dream he had in the Realm he had Dreamnt of a specail keyblade after his Creeprs shift was destroyed Ragnocks End was the name of it and was made for him from someone Dexer ran off towards the cave of wonders

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Texsera felt the sand."Agrabah?"Texsera asks.She looked around."Ryax...I hope he didn't kill himself in there."Texsera says.Then she sees that Dexer had run off."Huh?Dexer?Dexer wait up!"Texsera says as she runs after him."(I need to ask him what he ment by 'growing a heart'.Can nobodies even do that?)"Texsera thought as she followed Dexer through the desert.

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Ryax ran with him, keeping pace with the younger man with ease. His helmet had been half destroyed, which revealed his appearance. This, along with his deeper voice, would tell Dexer he was not the Ryax he knew. "Why are you headed towards that old cave? There's nothing there you can take!" His Keyblades and Guardian were recalled for now to maintain a low profile, lest they encounter bandits in the desert. (Growing a heart, if that were true, I would no longer be a Nobody, now would I?) he thought.

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"It was a dream I had something my Somebody used and I am going to need it his family left it for me" Dexer said as he kept running


Dexer had found where he dreamt the cave was but nothing was their he saw it was late so he set up a campsite in the middle of the area "Are you ok" Dexer asked he knew that something was bothering Texsera but he didn't know what it was, he basicly just ignored Ryax they didn't exactly see eye to eye or trust eachother

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Ryax turned around and noticed the same thing that Dexer had, discarding his half-destroyed helmet, which dissappeared as if made of smoke. He was a relic of a bygone age, anyone could see that, but nobody seemed to care, which suited him just fine. "What seems to be the matter?" he asked; he personally didn't care about the girl, but his vessel did, which is why he was concerned himself.

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Texsera looked up."Oh it's nothing really,it's just...Before you fainted back there,you told me that I was growing a heart and to watch out for my feelings.What did you mean by that?Is it possible for nobodies to grow a heart just like that?"Texsera asks.She was still curious.Ever since that day she fought against Ahtxson,she has had different 'feelings' surrounding her.She was confused about them.Especially since she didn't know what thye were at first.

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"Rember after that night we shared that Fruit well our lives became intertwined and we started caring for eachother just like when I traded life force with you I did that out of instinct I didn't even think about it I just did it and Died instead of you" Dexer told her that and saw Ryax was confused at the thought of caring

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Texsera analized it for a while.It kind of made sence.If that fruit did interwined their lives,that would explain all of the feelings.And maybe he was also right about growing a heart.Appearently the most important thing for living beings."I see.OK.I understand now.Thanks Dexer.You got me out of that question."Texsera says."(A heart huh?)"Texsera thought.

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"Oh yes, the legendary Paupu fruit" Ryax said with a hint towards ammusement, "If that were true, I wouldve settled down and raised a family long ago, but it doesnt quite work as one would expect." He sat down on a rock and stretched out slightly. "Besides, what do you hope togain from having a heart?"

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"your welcome" Dexer said. "You get love and that love gives you strength to move on thats how I survived the realm of darkness with only a few scratches love from my friends kept me protected" Dexer said then he stabed his Creeper's shift keyblade into the ground and it broke then a tiger's head appears in the sand "Who dares wake me from my slumber" the hea said


"I do I'm Dexer, Reed left an Item for me down in you" Dexer replied


"Touch only the item and leave" the head said


Dexer walked into the cave and saw gold and jewels all over the place

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Ryax smirked, deciding it was his turn to speak to the cave. "And I suppose you know who I am, do you not?" he asked as he walked in front of the cave, "I was known as the Darkness Incarnate in my day." (Dexer better not touch anything other than that item, or else he wont be leaving anytime soon...) he thought.

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Texsera watched as he entered the cave."Oh well.Better get some sleep while he's at it."Texsera says as she layed back.Then she sees Ryax talking to the giant tiger head."O...K...you're not getting a response you know."Texsera says as she layed back down.

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Dexer moved throught the cave knowing where it was he kept his hands in his pockets just incase he got tempted he finaly got down to the room with the item it was a keyblade it had two silver blades that hooked on each side at the top with an orange blade imbetween tiping it off then its hilt was was a silver heartogram with an orange handle in the middle the keychain was a heartogram two dexer pulled out his necklace and they matched he grabbed the keyblade and ran out of the cave with his friends he held up to the sky and watched it glisten "Ragnock's End is mine" Dexer said "its just like in my dream"

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(I didn't walk in...)


"Hmmm...not in the mood to talk, oh well..." Ryax said as he walked over to a patch of empty ground near Texsera and sat down. "So tell me, what is it between you and and Dexer?" he asked, "You two seem quite close for people without Hearts."

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Texsera heard the question and turned around to see him."Um,well,what do you mean?We're friends of course.We've been together since the very beggining of this disaster.We've fought together against enemies and been there for each other when we one of us was hurt."Texsera says."Why you ask?"Texsera asks raising and eyebrow.

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"I may not have a heart, but I still have empathy" he replied, "you seem to be more than JUST friends." He leaned back and turned towards the night sky. "Not that it matters to me anyhow..." he said, "I'm just saying that your feelings for each other seem quite strong."

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Dexer walks out of the cave and puts away his new keyblade, once he steps out the cave collapses, Dexer saw Texsera and Dyax talking so he went into the corner to let them finish up what ever they were saying. Dexer looked up at the sky adn thought 'this is beautiful, we should go into the city tomorow'

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Texsera was getting annoyed."Well,yes.We're really good friends,he's like a brother to me.He has saved me from so many dangers,and yet I don't know how to repay him for that."Texsera says."And if you don't care or if it dosn't matters to you,whay are you asking anyways?"Texsera asks as she turns around.

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"Because you have something I never had" he replied, "a Significant Other." Ryax, fully aware of Dexer's return return, ignored him as he lay back in the sand, being outside only because there wasn't enough supplies for him. "You know Texsera, once, when I was a young boy, I had dreamt of finding a significant other, much like you have found in Dexer" he said, "that was because I didn't have anyone in my life who gave a damn about my well-being. In fact, my father had nearly killed me on several occasions...and I dreamt that somebody would end the torture I endured, but the day never came..." He glanced towards her and continued, "the Darkness in my Heart became so powerful it completely destroyed my father, but caused my heart to collapse as a result."

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Texsera's eyes soften at this.She turns to see him."Wow.I'd never guess."Texsera says."Is your heart collapsing the result of you becoming a nobody?And,did you missed your father?"Texsera asks.Then she notices she's asking way to many questions."I'm sorry.I shouldn't ask things like that."Texsera says."(A Significant Other huh?)"Texsera thought.

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Dexer appeared in her mind and told her 'signifcant other is like someone you love like a mate' Dexer then stood up and walked towards them and said "its getting late we should get some rest" Dexer walked back to his spot layed down put his hands behind his head and gazed at the stars

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"I was actually sympathetic towards him" he replied with a tone that betrayed genuine sorrow, "my mother died right after I was born, so my father began drinking heavily, and it was that which destroyed the man he once was...and lead to my heart's collapse and subsequently becoming a Nobody." He turned back towards her and continued, "but as my heart was destroyed by the Darkness, a Heartless wasn't created, and so it is impossible for me to regain a heart unless I obtained Kingdom Hearts as my own...but I promised myself that I would never allow what happened to me to happen to anyone else...which lead me to do what I did aeons ago."

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Texsera looks at him sadly."Wow.That must have been real hard.Now I wonder if my brother feels the same way.Neku said he felt guilty about what happened to me.Now I just hope he dosn't feel guilty enough to do something stupid."Texsera says."Well,Dexer's right.Today was an exausting day.We need to rest.Especially you since you fought against that guy back at Twilight Town.Good night."Texsera says.

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"You too..." Ryax replied as he closed his eyes and fell asleep...


Ryax was dreaming, but his dream was of a memory. It was thousands of years ago, during the final battle of the Keyblade War. He was weilding the almighty X-Blade, which at long last, he had finally completed, and he was fighting against the Champion of the Light, a warrior so powerful he was known as the Light Incarnate, as he was the Darkness Incarnate. The two of them were doing battle, Ryax with the X-Blade, and his foe with the Keyblades Two Become One and Way to Dawn, as he had mastered both Light and Darkness, the second to do so after himself.


The battle was intense, and in the end, a strike on the X-Blade shattered the mighty weapon, rendering Ryax defenseless as he was mercilessly struck down. He lay defeated at the feet of his foe when he said with his last dredges of life, "I may have fallen...but one day, there will be a one who will avenge me...his name...is Xehanort!" With that, he released all the power he had, creating a massive surge of energy that completely wiped out all the combatants in the area, causing the Worlds to separate and leaving a massive graveyard, with only the Keyblades of those fallen souls remaining...


Ryax quickly woke up again in a cold sweat when he realized it was just a bad dream and fell back asleep without paying it further heedance.


However, he was dreaming again, this time of something far different. He had, at one point, loved someone, which he had never told anyone. She was a beautiful young woman named Emily, with red hair and brilliant green eyes. In this memory, the War had just begun, and he was saying goodbye for the last time.


"My darling" Ryax said softly, "Remember how I promised you something earlier? Well...this is my chance to fulfill it." "Really? You mean we'll finally be able to settle down, you and me?" she asked excitedly. "Yes, but first, I must unlock Kingdom Hearts, to purify the World of its injustices" he replied, "Once that is done, I will return to you, and I will abandon the Darkness forever." "But...what if you're killed or..." Emily replied anxiously when Ryax placed a finger over her mouth. "I will return to you my love, I promise, and we will be together forevermore..." he replied as he kissed her passionately for several seconds that both wished could last forever, but it wasn't to be. Ryax at last broke the embrace and stepped out onto the balcony. "Farewell my love, I will return..." he said with a warm smile as he openned a Dark Corridor and stepped through. The Corridor closed, leaving Emily alone. "Goodbye...Ryax..." she muttered.


Ryax didn't awaken from this dream as he slept, now leaned against a rock, but the memory, his most cherished of all, was too much for him, and caused him to do something he hadn't done in thousands of years. He shed a single tearm which streaked down his cheek and off his chin to the sand below. (I'm sorry Emily...) he thought mournfully (Please forgive me...)


(I know, I'm such a Drama King aren't I?)

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