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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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Texsera followed him inside the mansion."I wonder how old this mansion is?"Texsera asks."Ah.Wonderous as your brother I see."Neku says."Shut it Neku,you know that's not funny."Texsera says."Fine.Fine.Just saying that you have his attitud."Neku says."what do you mean by that?!"Texsera says."See?"Neku says.

Texsera sighs as she follows Dexer.

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"Uh thanks for the rooms" Dexer said as he walked into A super white room "you can have this one Texsera, I'll take the room underneath your room," Dexer walked into his roomm and it was fairly nice the bed seemed verry comfortable so he decided to lay down on it then Dexer drifted into sleep since he hasn't slept much due to all the drama and action that has gone on in this past 3 days

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Texsera entered the room.She looked herself in a nearby mirror.She was kind of covered in dirt from the last battle.She took out a hanky and wiped it all off."There we go."Texsera says.She lays on the bed and falls asleep insteantly.


"Well,sweet dreams Texsera."Neku says."Hold it right there miss guardian.You have some explaining to do."Texsera says."Oh boy..."Neku says.


Texsera goes into a deep sleep while she had quite the conversation with neku in her dream.

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Ashlynn stumbles into the mansion. It was freezing cold, and eerily silent. As she walked, her Rain Fall Keyblade flashed to her fingers in a flurry of sparkles. She opened doors as she went, but most of them were empty. The next she flung open, Texsera was sitting up in bed, talking to the air. "Texsera!" Ashlynn yelled. "Oh, hey!" Texsera waved her arms. "You guys forgot about me!" Ashlynn accused, somehow laughing. (I'm on my iPhone, so sorry if my posts are a little shorter than usual.)

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Texsera looked at her."(How did she know it was me?!I changed my hair and everything!!)"Texsera thought.It was true.From short browm eyes,brown hair and glasses.Texsera now had very short hair,color red and black and red contacts."A-A-Ash?!Is that you?!Where the heck did you go?!I was starting to think you were dead!"Texsera says.

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Ashlynn glared at Texsera. "No, I am not DEAD. You and Dexer left me in the middle of that stupid race! Then the announcer came over and started yelling and going all, 'oh, that was amazing, let's have a round of applause, everyone!'. And they didn't really want me to leave. Then some security guard took my Keyblade. So I knocked him on the head, took it back, and came here. You look...a LOT different. What did you do to your hair? I thought it looked cute before." Ashlynn noted. Texsera laughed weakly. "Dexer's idea,"

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"You see,he thought that we needed to be undercover so the organization dosn't reconize us that fast and we could have some peace for at least a few days.Even better if weeks.Did you went to see Dexer?He's in the room right underneath this one."Texsera says.She was glad that Ash was OK.After the disaster back there,it was quite the releif.

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"There's no WAY you're going to keep them off of us." Ashlynn laughed. "No matter how much you change how you look, they have a way to track you. Something Saix mentioned once--since you were Organization members, they know how to find you. Quickly. I can't be traced because I'm not a Nobody. Therefore I was never really a member. I have a feeling Xemnas knew I was faking, though. He knew he couldn't trace me. So I guess he tried to give me no reason to want to leave. I'm pretty sure he didn't realize what I was going to do before Ahtxson and I tried to destroy Kingdom Hearts." She nodded to herself, and then looked at the door, and marched out. "DEXER! YOU FORGOT ME!"

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"Really?They have a way?Wiat a sec.ASH!ASH!Hold it right there young lady!You can't go off screaming our names like that!We're suppouse to HIDE,not scream our names to the top of our lungs!Besides,people are sleeping.And if you can't be tracked down,then you should stay away from us.If you get hurt like that again,I will feel really guilty you know..."Texsera says.

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Ashlynn laughed that Texsera was worried. "Texsera, they can trace me, too. I'm untraceable in the way you are, but they'll follow the strength of my heart. They'll find us, no matter what we do. You're crazy to think you could be safe for even a day." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Don't you get what's going on? They're not going to kill you or Dexer. If the finish Kingdom Hearts you both would have hearts, so Xemnas claims. They think if they use me to finish it, you'll help them again. Traitor problem solved--of course, if something accidentaly happened to any of us along the way, the plan would still work perfectly."

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Texsera looked at her in surprise."What are you saying Ash?!You think I'm going to reunite with the guy who almost killed you for his own use?!And besides,I'm a traitor for life now.I killed Demyx,my mentor and the one who brought me to the organization in the first place.I don't think I'll be able to walk around those halls again with everyone giving me a traitor look 24/7.Me OR Dexer.I was OK when we did the missions for fun.When we did the missions and did them right for a job well done.But now...it's just so hard to trust them again,especially after all that they've done..."Texsera says.She felt somewhat ridiculous.She was acting like she had a heart,but she actually meant it.

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ahtxson came running also and saying thanks for leaveing me there too said ahtxson as he was right next to ashlynn.so why r u here texsera and whts up with this room said ahtxson asking texsera.i thought they were still at the race track but they left me and ashlynn and they came here to hide from the organzation man they r good.

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Texsera looked at Ahtxson with an angry expresion.After all the trouble he had caused,and the fact that he SHOOT her,Texsera wasn't very happy with him around."What the heck are you doing here?Haven't you caused enough trouble already?"Texsera asks angrily as Neku appears besides her.

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hey its not my fault tht the organzation is after us they want ashlynn rembethey need kingdom hearts and getting her heart is the main thing and we cant be here its only a matter of time tht DiZ and riku find out we r here said ahtxson while he bought out his sword-like keyblade.

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Texsera was starting to get a migrane.All of this was starting to confuse her.Right now she was exhausted,tired,hurt and all she wanted was to go to sleep."Listen,who ever they are,I'm sure hey won't mind if we stay one night here.Now if you escuse me,I'm going to sleep now.We can disscuss this in the morning."Texsera says as she goes back to the bed.

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ahtxson just sat down on a chair tht was in the room and he doze off he had a dream.the organzation is getting tried of our game of hide and seek.xemnas said tht they r going to send in a army of nobodys to getashlynn and kill the rest of the tradtiors.lurxod was going to lead them and hes coming to the mastion.

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Dexer woke up and said "Shhh, Luxord's here, we need to get out of here" Dexer open a portal and everyone walked through right wen Dexer was walking to the portal Luxord through a card at him Dexer turned around and closed the portal. "How did you recognize me?" Dexer asked his old Mentor


"Your Creepr is following you, You know I can't let you live your life is a gamble, right Dexer" Luxord Said while going through his cards


Dexer looked at him and grinned "You know I can't let you live either so I think this is a gamble for life and death" Dexer drew his keyblade and charged, Luxord put him Dexer in a card then slipped the card in his pocket then as luxord walked away an explosion happen and split luxord in half and Dexer was released from the card Dexer stabed Luxord and finished him off


"I told you I couldn't let you live" Dexer said as he met up with his friend in Wonderland

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wow how did u kill him so fast said ahtxson as he was hearing something from the world.he thought this world is going to be hit by nobodys as well.guys we need to go somewhere the organzation cant find us and we need to at least wait until sora wakes up ahtxson said

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Everyone was in Wonderland.Texsera,Dexer,Ash and Ahtxson.Texsera still didn't trust him after what he did.After all,because of his mistake everyone is on the run."Texsera.This hatred is not good for you.Especcially with everything going on like this."Neku says."But...he made a mistake..."Texsera says."Everyone makes mistakes Texsera.No one is perfect."Neku says."But how can I trust him?"Texsera asks."He did help save you guys from those bikers.And Dexer trusts him.If he trusts him,you should trusts him as well."Neku says."...Fine.But I'm keeping my guard up just in case.I'm tired of getting beated up."Texsera says as she stares at him.

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Dexer said "He had me in a card and I made the card exploded to escape the card, and we gotta stay for a little while and we can get around and without being noticed here this place is wonderful, but if you want to leave go ahead I'm staying here if we get in another fight here we will take them out but go ahead leave if you must" said dexer

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no im not leaveing said ahtxson as he pulled out his sword like keyblade.we r not alone said ahtxson as he heard card soldiers coming and saying all of you r under arrested by order of the queen her shelf said a card.ahtxson told everyone to back up

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"I hate cards, lets not fight it doesn't look like we are in a bad situation, lets go along with it" Dexer said as he was put under arrest by the cards with his friends "why do you think we are under arrest" Dexer asked as they walked into the courtyard where this fat lady was sitting with this short guy

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Texsera could stay in any world,but this one was her weakness.She had only got to come here on a few missions and in all of them the Queen has sent guards to arrest her.She had escaped all of the times by pure luck.Now this was not one of those lucky times.But she wasn't going to let that weakness take over,not now.She looked at the Queen."(Oh god,no,anyone but her!She hates me to the bone!)"Texsera thought.

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all hel your queen said the rabbait.all of u r on trail for tresspassing in my graden said the fat lady.hey i thought we arent suppose to talk untel the fat lady get it said ahtxson as he was yelling.OFF WITH ALL OF YOUR HEADS yelled the queen.hey dont worry i hav a way out of this said ahtxson.

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"we don't have hand cuffs we are just standing here, its pretty easy to get out of this Dexer shot fire balls at the gaurds and watched the m turn to ash then Dexer jumped in the air and shot one at the queen "Lets go through that doorway go" Dexer rushed them all out and they head up on a standing lily pad, "What the crap" Dexer said looking at this world

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