darklunatic 81 Posted August 5, 2010 nixs looke's at saix then grabe's his arm form the girl's neck"..go"was all he said to her befor he pushed it and tunred back at saix ..danm basterd..i used to be cool with you.,.but ill just kill you. he ran at saix and spon around on his hand's kicking him in the face then triped him saix used his claymor to push his self back up then he started moving rapedly nixs had sin's power soo he could move with es agiast this attack's then he kicked saix in the stomic knocking im out of his rampage "nixs number 17...your leaveing as will i take it."nixs looked at him "..no..."was all he said as him and saix clashed as he let the other's get away Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 5, 2010 saix knock them back and summoned two dancers and said now come with me taidors and i might spare said saix as he got ready for an attack from the girls and was wondering if ahtxson was giong to wake up from the ground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 Dexer and the others drove on the light bikes Dexer turned around and gave a salute to Nixs as a thank you then he kept driving "where are we headed next?" Dexer asked as they spead away with Siax, Xigbar and Demyx gone that leaves Xaldin, Xemnas, Roxas, and Axel still wanting us dead so Dexer thought of a place to go... Twilight town Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 "Ash!I suggest you covers your ears!This one's gonna be big!"Texsera says.She puts the volume over the max and jumps.She makes one note and the earth starts to shake.Suddenly wolves start to come out of nowhere and attack Siax."Ash!Kill him!I can't hold him off much longer!!!"Texsera says as she does her best to keep the wolves attacking Siax. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted August 5, 2010 nixs lookeda t saix and shook his head he still didnt pull out his sword he ran up to saix and put his hand on his head then sent a shock wave thorw siax's whole body he was shaking nixs looked at himsorry abotu this but your in my way!then he let him go and saix head whent back with blood coming out of it "you fool..why did you kill him that was dunm he was stronger than this guy's you hsould have atleast made him your slave"sin said to him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 Texsera de-summoned her wolves.She fell to the ground at de-summoned her Stardust.She was gasping for air.Right now she was at peak.If she wasted any more energy,she was going to faint.She looked at the boy that killed Siax."Thanks...I owe ya twice now huh?"Texsera asks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 Dexer Picked her up and nodded at Nixs to tell him thanks and Dexer drove off hoping she was going to be ok 'who was that guy he looked familiar like somebody Reed's brother knew' but he didn't care Dexer just was glad that there were three members that wanted them dead had been killed Dexer started feeling something inside him, 'Did i finish growing my heart if I did then Texsera may have to, i'll tell her when she wakes up' Dexer thought Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted August 5, 2010 nixs looked at them he didnt say anythign"..."soo sad they wil keep coing after them til there died..next tiem i wont help them if ther oging ot leave like that.. he pulled out a snowboard thai is somebody ownd and boarded off on his way to somewhere "that was weak that punk ran away after we saved the girl" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 Dexer rode his light bike into a portal that lead to twilight town once they got there Dexer parked the bike in a tram garage Dexer cut off the bottom of his Robe then put a flame trim at the new bottom that ws at his waste then cut off the sleves then his armour changed into a White T-shirt and Blue jeans with the knees cut out then is hair became like Leon's. We should change our looks that way its easier to travel, we can blend in and we it will help us not get spotted by the Orginization Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 Texsera woke up slowly.She looked around.She looked at Dexer."Dexer?!Is that you?Wow,you look different without your cloak on."Texsera says."Well better change."Texsera says.She was already wearing an entire outfit underneath the cloak.She took the cloak off.She had a red tight shirt with red short pants with a black belt and knee-high boots.She took her hair and made it into a pony tail."I think this should be enough,right?"Texsera asked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 "Change the color and cut your hair like I did Im bout to make my hair blonde though" dexer said as he colored his hair then Dexer put on some shade like aviators, "that should be enough, lets go get your hair done so we are untrace able for a little while lets hope this works I don't want to be bothered for a long while Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted August 5, 2010 nixs stoped for a minut...im taking this off it's no good any more that iv killed saix... sin shook his head"go ahead you ahve a cool unaform under htis pull any way"nixs nodded as he pulled it off when he did he had mingnight blue eye's black hair that was down in the front but spikey in teh abck it had a little darkblue in it making it look black but still blue he had on a black shirt with chain aorund his neck that had a dog tag on it in the shap of a cresnt moon he had a hoodie on that was blue with a black skull on it he had wist band's on his right arm that where black he had a mark on his left arm he had on short's that where black with some blue on it as will and he had some blue shoes that had a stip of black in it there where chain's raped around his leg like it was a whole suit that whent togther that's better now im not in that gay thingno one had ever knew what he looked like under his closk soo know one knew him he pulled out a hat from in his hoodie pocket and it was blue he put it one ad got back on his board he was rinding thorw TTown hopeing to see someone he was naer where thos two peoply where he was rindign there themhe jumped off his board and looked ait it was black and blue the blue was like ice it said freez on the bottom f the snowbaord Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 She sigh and looked at a mirror that was near by.She already had short hair.She picked up a scisor and cut it shorter,making the bangs look really long.Then she colored her hair blood red and put some black stripes.It was one of the only colors that actually went well with her tan skin.She took something out of her pocket."I guees I can use this now."She says.She took off her glasses and put some contact lense that made her eye color to change from brown to red."Better?"She asked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 "Thats alot better I wouldn't have recognized you If I didn't see you do that stuff and nice hair" Dexer grinned then walked around "we need to find somewhere to hang out we could hang out in this town or on the other side, Heck even the underground tunnels" Dexer said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted August 5, 2010 nixs was walkign around the town on feet he saw the two peoply stadyign there and he walked up to them slowly...i guess i can have somthign ot do for now and they look ok not cool but ok. he stoped thinking as he got clouser to them he looked at them with his board in hand he moved his neck a little he had a cool look in his midnight blue eye's he was about to open his mouth but waited for the mto say somthign..danm i missed this clouth there soo nice even the chain's Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 "Thanks."Texsera says."The underground tunnels?I've heard about them.Most people don't go there."Texsera says."We could hide there or..."Texsera starts to think."I got it!There's an area around here where it's only woods.People bearly go there,especially at night.And I heard there's even an abandoned Masion just by a hill."Texsera says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 "Thats a great Idea" Dexer thought then they saw this guy walk up to them "Nice close man, whats your name, mine is Dexer" Dexer asked as he tried to be normal, Dexer was new at this somebody thing he didn't want to change his name but it could've been a good idea but he this guy didn't seem like he was in the orginization but then agian thats what Dexer was trying to do Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted August 5, 2010 nixs looked at them..that name is form the org tho=ey must be the one's for befor.. sin was lookign at him"go on adn say your name if they try to bring other;s here you could just kill them"nixs opend his mouth and said his name slowly" nix..s is my name.."he didnt have to try to be normal like the othre's seens he still had his somebody in his body it was easy for him.sin looked at him"that was good but form now on dont tal kto everone you see ok.."nixs looked thim "what ever"nixs said to sin then he put in a pair of black and blue head phon's Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 Dexer's eyes became wide but he rembered that Nixs was the one who helped the kill Saix so maybe he wasn't wanting to kill them. Dexer was speachless he didn't know what to say so he decided they should leave since the sun was starting to go down. "We gotta go home, its getting late um maybe we will see you tomorow, bye" Dexer and Texsera started walking to where they heard the mansion was Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted August 5, 2010 nixs looked at them then shook his head and telported to the mansion..im glad you know about this place sin..or id be out of a place for tonight..sin looked at him.'i have aroo here it's dow below it 's a dark room that a made in this place for me you can go ther." nixs shook his head and started to open teh gate but stoped for a minut then just kicked it open and started to twalk in Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 They walked up to the mansion but saw the gate was kicked down "Somebody is here lets go to the tunnels there is another city that can be reached from the tunnels there are empty appartments for rent that we could get and that would look normal we could even get jobs to pay for them, I think we should do that" Dexer started to walk away Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 5, 2010 Texsera looked at the mansion.She sigh and started to follow Dexer to the tunnels.She watch as the people walked around and talked and laughed with each other.Also how the children would play tag.Even though they were in undercover and all,she couldn't but to smile.Everything was so peaceful,that if she didn't knew better,she'd say that this was the perfect world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted August 5, 2010 nixs whent down staris he whent into the darkroom.soo if youv been here why is this place soo happy and non evil.. he was asking sin looked at him"becous i havent let this darkness out yet it will eat this whole world if i let it but i wont let it out til i have my body back ."nixs nooded"ohh ok soo what baout the two form befor should we go get them or somthign they wont be safe out side.."sin looked ath im"sure go get them but they cant go into this room or they will trun"he nooded and telported in front of dexer he stoped him".."then poited to teh mansion telling him to go back Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 5, 2010 Dexer turned around and looked at the mansion then started walking towards the mansion, 'was it Nixs who was at the mansion, why does he want us there?' Dexer thought to himself. Dexer just kept walking then they reached the mansion "Why did you bring us hear?" Dexer asked wondering this question Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted August 5, 2010 nixs looked at tehm".you can stay here.."was all he said as he started walking for stair's "there are room'sfor you"then he walked thorw a door .there we go now i can get back to the room of darkness sin looked at him"that was cool iguess you got them stay..but i wonder why that one is askign so much stuff we dont wont the org in our way but if they find thos two they will find us.." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites