Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 4, 2010 Ashlynn heard Texsera and Ahtxson fighting behind her. She hoped neither of them were hurt by the end of their battle. She shook her head--she didn't have enough time to worry about that now. Or, with the little time she had left, ever. Ashlynn sprinted through the Castle. Members parted for her, surprised. "Move!" She yelled when Axel stood in her path. She shoved by him, and ran back to the crumbling room where Kingdom Hearts was being destroyed. Xemnas stood, braced against a railing, to keep from sliding. "Kingdom Hearts!" He yelled excitedly. "My final tribute to finish you!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 4, 2010 "Dexer!"Texsera yelled as he fell besides her.The wolves dissapeared and she was shot.One in the arm.Then he shotted her right in the chest.It wouldn't do much of a difference since she didn't have a heart,but it was hard enough to make her fall to the ground.Now she was bleeding heavily.She watched as Dexer was uncounceous besides her."Darn it!I'm to weak..."Texsera says.Suddenly she feels that the gun points at her head. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 4, 2010 Dexer wakes up and kicks then gun away from her then dexer threw his sheild knocking him down then Dexer stabed the gunman and said "Who are you?!!!" then the man laughed and started to fade then Dexer stabed him agian and the gunman the disapeared. Dexer ran to Texsera and made her drink a postion then laid Cure leaves on her wounds "your gona be ok Texsera" he said worryingly he didn't know who was more worried her or him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 4, 2010 died said ahtxson as he shot texera in the head and went to the castle to get ashluynn bac.he got to the castle but people were still trying to find out who did this.he mange to get to kingdom hearts where ashlynn and xemnas were. ashlynn stop doing this said ahtxson. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 4, 2010 Ashlynn heard Ahtxson run in the room. "Ashlynn! Stop doing this!" He yelled. 'Yeah, right, THAT'S going to happen.' Ashlynn thought sarcastically. She ground her teeth together, and ignored him. She ducked under Saix's claymore, and attacked with her Rain Fall Keyblade. He parried, and they kept bouncing back and forth, evenly matched. A few minutes later, they were both breathing hard. Why wasn't Kingdom Hearts being destroyed fast enough. "Ahtxson!" She screamed. "Destroy Kingdom Hearts and get out before it explodes!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 4, 2010 Dexer stoped the bullet with his mind and tossed it aside then he pulled the bullets out with his mind and started to cure her with potions and Curaga leaves on her wounds if it had hit her head she would've died good thing she diddn't though "I hope Ash suceeds" Dexer said outloud then dexer Covered Texsera's body with creeper armour to speed up the healing and to protect her from future explosions Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 4, 2010 fine said ahtxson as he jump to kingdom hearts going to stabe kingdom hearts and set it free said ahtxson as he piece thought kingdom hearts.BOOOOOM kingdom hearts went while it was fading ashlynn was alive because she had a heart and xemnas left before it happen ahtxson wasnt anywhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 4, 2010 "Uh?Where am I?Neku?Are you here?"Texsera asked."Yes.I'm here."said a voice as a wolf appeared."What's going on?Everythings going on in chaos!"Texsera says."That fool of a boy has started to follow Xemnas example.Now that other girl has done something to Kingdom Hearts.Heavens knows what will happen next!You need to go.NOW!"Neku says."Wait!"Texsera says. "Uh?What the-Dexer?"Texsera asks as she sees that she's in a armor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 4, 2010 Ashlynn flew backwards from the explosion of power. Before he disappeared, Xemnas gave her a cruel and knowing smile. It felt like her heart was literally being ripped from her. Ashlynn knew she'd planned for this to happen, and she shouldn't be afraid, but instinct took over and she scrambled away. The floor was still cracked, and she managed to catch hold of another crack in the floor, seeing it dropped off into nothingness. "Oh, boy, I don't like heights!" She squeezed her eyes shut, but quickly they reopened in realization. Kingdom Hearts wasn't being destroyed, and it couldn't be destroyed. She couldn't fight like this. If someone came...there was nothing she could do. She would lose her heart, and Kingdom Hearts would be complete. The exact thing she'd been trying to stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 4, 2010 Dexer flew and grabed Ash and flew her back to Texsera to see her dreaming of something "it was to protect you from the explosion that just happen because of the destruction of kingdom hearts look everything is in ruins we survived because of the strength of Creeper skin they evacuated the world but we weren't able to leave so Demyx is ok just so you know and I don't know if Ash and Ahtxson survived but who knows maybe the did I'm not sure If I like that or not but atleast your healed from your wounds but be slow when your getting up" said Dexer as he helped her up and made a portal "lets have a beach vacation hopefully nothing bad will happen" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 4, 2010 ahtxson somehow was alive on the islands just sitting on a tree. he saw the three but he didnt do anything he just sat there and was eating a furit.after he was finish he jump into the water. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 4, 2010 Dexer rested on the tree and didn't see ahtxson and talked with everyone around the tree and just rested it was the most peace they had seen in hours "we should jam out agian to headstrong" Said Dexer as he made his creeper form into a guitar and started to play Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 4, 2010 Texsera rested besides Dexer.She watched at the scenary.The waves of the water moved in a rithym.The sky was as blue as it can be.And the sand was white and soft.She listened to Dexer as she played Headstrong."~Headsrtong,we'll take you on.Headstrong to take on anyone..."Texsera said softly as she bagan to sing along with the song. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted August 4, 2010 SORRY CANT THINK OF ANYTHING THING RIGHT NOW THTS THE IT FOR THE RP FOR TODAY NO POSRTING TILL I POST Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 4, 2010 "hope you have a swim suit cuz I bet this water feels great" then dexer dived in then came back and handed everyone a sea shell "these are cool looking don' you think? What do you think these are for?" Dexer asked then he leaned back and tried to tan "This feels good" then Dexer closed his eyes and rembered reed walking on the beach with his kids Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 4, 2010 Ashlynn cupped her throat. "No..." She whispered sadly. "My-my heart..." Ashlynn trailed off in horror. No! Why'd they have to take her away? Did she still have a heart? Suddenly, Ashlynn wasn't so sure. Why hadn't they just left her there? If Xemnas and Kingdom Hearts ended up being destroyed along with her, things were still right, it was still okay. If Kingdom Hearts and Xemnas were not destroyed, she would destroy Xemnas and leave Kingdom Hearts to someone else. But if Xemnas fled and Kingdom Hearts wasn't destroyed, and her heart was lost...did that mean that Kingdom Hearts was finally complete? If they'd left her, this wouldn't have happened... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 4, 2010 Dexer went into ash's thought 'you have a heart do you see how your worrying, nobies don't worry that bad so calm down and relax and I saw a heart floating to Moon but i got a creeper to catch it so everything is ok for now so take dip in the ocean' then Dexer stood up and got a fruit down and sniffed it "smells good" took a bite of it "taste good" then layed it on a leaf if either of them wanted it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 4, 2010 Texsera took a peace and eated it.It was really sweet.She smiled as she looked at one of the sea-shell.It was very pretty.It was blue and it had soft pink lines over it.She looked at the sky.More memories came to her. "So,if Neku is my guardian,then witch one is yours?"She asked while playing the piano."Mine is Speedy."Her brother answers."Why would you name him like that?"She asked laughing a bit."Because he's fast.REALLY fast."Her brother answered."Hey.Think we can go to the beach next weekend?"She asked."I don't know.Will have to ask mom first."Her brother said."OK."She said as she starts to play 'Numb' on the piano. "Memories..."Texsera says.She looks at her wounds.They're a little better."I think going to the water wont hurt..."Texsera says as she gets up,takes of her boots and goes to the water. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 4, 2010 Ashlynn weighed the fruit carefully in her hands. "You don't understand what I'm saying. My heart was supposed to--" She cut off, and stared at Dexer. "Did-did you just-just answer me in my m-mind?" She shook her head. "Forget I said anything. Never mind," Dexer smirked. "Yeah, I did," Ashlynn's jaw dropped. "What!?" "Just a little trick," His smirk grew. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 4, 2010 Then Dexer dove into the water and splashed Texsera "how does the water feel to you, Texsera?" Dexer pulled her in deeper "Hey Ash come in the water feels great so jump on in" Dexer looked up at the sky and saw the beauty "man I like this place" Dexer floated on his back and stared into the blue sky Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 4, 2010 "It feels so good!It's been years since I've been in the ocean like this!"Texsera said.She decided to take a small dip into the water.She came out and saw Ash."Come on Ash!"Texsera said as she waved to her.She looked around.Everything was so peaceful."(How I wish...we could stay like this forever...)"Texsera thought.She started to swim soflty around the water. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 4, 2010 Ashlynn shook her head. "Nah, I don't think so," She waved her hand, and Texsera protested. "What? Why not? Come on, Ash! Look at all of the seashells here!" She picked one up, dripping wet. "Ooh, this one's shiny! I think I'm going to keep it." "I don't know how to swim," Ashlynn admitted, and fell to the sand. "I'll just chill..." She sighed, and laid back, staring up at the sky. "This place is more beautiful if you're not splashing around." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted August 4, 2010 Texsera shook her head."OK then!"Texsera says.then she gets an idea.She gtes out of the water and gets to shore.She starts to untite the sand into a small mountain.the she picks up some sea-shells and starts to do something.After a few minutes she's done."Done!"Texsera says.She had made a small one tower sand castle.And some of the sea-shells shined with the sun.Not a master piece,but it was good enough for her."(Just like when I was little!And my brother was still around...)"Texsera thinks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted August 4, 2010 Dexer used his mind powers to left her up without her realizing and dropped her in the water "I'm a proffesional swimmer I'll help you if you need then Dexer laid back agian and prented he didn't do it then Dexer went into Texsera's mind and said 'It can be if you stay here or fight for the right, so you have a lot of memories' then Dexer got out of the pool and went to the little water fall pool thing and heated it up with his fire "hey its a hot tub" said Dexer as he sat down in it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 4, 2010 "Ahhh!" Ashlynn screamed at the top of her lungs. The freezing water was deeper than she could stand. She straggled onto a sandbar, and spit saltwater out of her mouth. "Oh, gross! This is bad tasting water!" She complained, and wrung out her auburn hair. "I told you I couldn't swim, Dexer!" Somehow, she couldn't help laughing, though. She leaned so only her ankles were in the water now. She looked up and watched the sun setting, a beautiful orange and red blaze. "That's so pretty..." She murmered. "I haven't watched a sunset in so long." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites