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organization 13 the forgoten mambers

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these rp is about some members who xemnas forgot about and they took action.this is the thing to set your charater up.


number must be over 14:




who u got discover by:



heres my





bio:does not hav memory from his somebody and was forgoten by axel

discover by:xigbar


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Name: Dexer

Number: 16

Gender: Male

Weapon: a shield shaped like the nobody emblem and a sword with the hilt is the symbol of the unversed

Bio: Dexer is the nobody of the famous fighter and most beloved knight guardian Reed, Reed was murdered by a jealous knight who was trying to kill the his family but Dexer died instead

Discovered by Luxord

Element: Dark Fire

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name nixs


weapon:his sword named wolffang he hold's it in rever's and has teh unver'sed emlem on it and a scythe that belonged ot his person

bio:nixs is the nobody of sin of the darkkeyblader he has sin's power but not his keyblade he has nothig else to know abou thim

discoverd by xigbar

element:dark ice

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ok lets start

ahtxson saw nixs just sitting down on a couch. hewas thinking wht the heck ill talk to him since im waiting for saix to give me a mission.he went to nixs and said hey r u new i havent seen u before who r u anyway said ahtxson as he sat down next him.ahtxson thought maybe he would leave with him.

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Name: Ashlynn (Ash)

Number: 18

Weapon: Rain Fall Keyblade

Bio: She may be a Nobody, but doesn't make her a nobody. That's why she refused to let them put an 'X' in her name. She's very bubbly and excitable and bright, and was found by Axel.

Element: Life

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nixs looked the person coming to site next to him"..."what does he wont....why did i have to loss my heart..i wonder what of my nehppew he looked at him"what."he said with a uncareing look on his face he didnt wont to talk to any oen here he cloused his eye's waiting for an answer

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Dexer walked around and sat up at the alter of naught and just looked at the sky wondering why the worlds were filled with hatred and dispare there has to be something better than this life of nothing then Dexer looked at his sheild and sword and used them as a back rest as he slowly slipped into sleep

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so why r u here and do u know your somebody said ahtxson as he drew his sword hey do u want to leave its gonna be awsome we can get our hearts bac if we just get to kingdom hearts and by doing so we hav to kill xemnas said ahtxson as he saw a girl walking to them.

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nixs looked at the boy..my heart is not gone becous i never had a heart i can go back to first boy now if i wont..but i wont.he stood up and opend a portel he was about to leave but then stoped and was about to leave the room he pasted by the girl but then stoped

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nixs wassnt payingattion to the boy he was lookign at the girl..i gues i should be scard of his little blade..then he pushed the booy's weapon down and keep his eye on the girl but didnt care about the boy

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"Hi," Ash bounced up to him. "Are you Dexer?" He nodded, looking kind of relieved. "Good," She smiled, and then frowned. "I don't like missions in the morning. I mean, I just woke up! I can barely walk in a straight line, let alone complete a MISSION. Don't set the bar too high," She yawned, and made her Keyblade appear. "Well, are you coming or not?"

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Xemrok dashed to the sandlot and saw it standing there "Wait my mission pager is going crazzy we aren't fighting that its here to help why would we fight a nobody, and there are dustfliers all over the map its an ambush" Said Dexer as he pulled out his sword and sheild

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"Alright," Ashlynn nodded. "That sounds SO fun." She didn't particularly like the missions with targets. She liked recon missions. Exploring new, beautiful worlds, and getting in some sightseeing. No one to destroy. Not that she was incapable of destroying anyone or anything in her way--she was. But her element was life, and that was enough to turn her away from it. She just couldn't hurt them if she didn't need to. She'd almost thought about leaving... but it was crazy. Where would she go, what would she do? She was trapped. And that was probably part of their psychotic plan, too.

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Dexer jumped ontop of the dustflier's back and flew it crashing it into the ground then Dexer stabed it and watched it die then Dexer jumped on his sheild and rode it as it flew towards more as he slashed through them all



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