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KH2 Which Data Boss is the easiest?

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I wanna start with the easier ones to the hard ones so that I don't loose my nerve too quickly.


I think Marluxia is one of the easiest ones to battle, since I pretty much know how he acts. I defeated him like three times back at my KH2FM for the PS2.


Could you please name others and gave away some tips if possible?

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For me, it was Marluxia and Xigbar's. Roxas was also relatively easy.


I'm not really good at dodging his bullets. Larxene isn't that hard, but... I can't really avoid her annoying attacks.


I've finished the game, but most of the members aren't on the cavern... o.O

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I'm not really good at dodging his bullets. Larxene isn't that hard, but... I can't really avoid her annoying attacks.


I've finished the game, but most of the members aren't on the cavern... o.O


That's probably because you haven't beaten all of the Absent Silhouettes yet.


Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Saïx, Axel, Demyx, Luxord and Roxas appear normally, since you beat them throughout the story.


However, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Marluxia and Larxene only appear in the Cavern Of Rememberance if you beat them in their Absent Silhouette form first :)

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How does everyone find Roxas easy? He's like the hardest one for me.


He is really fast, but once you learned how to avoid and block his only 4-5 attack paterns, you can defeat him in a couple of minutes.

Edited by Oli

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Marluxir, Demyx, Roxas, Luxord, Xigbar, Vexen, Saix, Lexaeus, Larxene, Zexion, Axel, Xemnas, Xaldin

Edited by decisivesora123

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Xemnas 1st is easy; Xemnas 2nd has some difficult parts, and is tedious as you have to beat the first one every time

Xigbar need Good reflexes and timing. If you lose concentration you are screwed. If not, you make him your puppy

Xaldin gets very irritating some times, you need good strategies for the latest parts of the fight

Vexen likes to be irritating with his ground spikes, and the Data Sora can get you easily, but you can turns his attacks against him with Reflect, and burn him with Firaga

Lexaeus is the most Reactionable of every Org. member. Once you learn all his attacks and recognize when he does them, you can Reflect him to death

Zexion needs good reflexes, good strategies, and to know how Everything in the Book World works, but once you do, he isn't hard

Saix is very offensive, as long as you keep defensive, blocking and grabing Claymores, he can't do you much

Axel needs for you to learn how to fight in the burned ground with the wall of fire. Once you learn his attacks and stay focused, you can kill him quick

Demyx only problem is the 99 water clones in 50 seconds. Learn how to deal with them with Wisdom Form, ethers and Firaga

Luxord only problem is the final minigame. Learn to beat that one and done

Marluxia can be predictable, so if you learn his attacks you can parry pretty much anything, or evade it

Larxene is very caotic. Learn how to properly Reflect her, learn how the clones work, and learn how to evade the DM

Roxas' problem for me were his light beam. You must very carefull as he can usually run around the stages throwing them at you and cheap-shot you, so keep an eye on them

Edited by Fenrissychros

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How does everyone find Roxas easy? He's like the hardest one for me.

The thing is, with Bosses like Xemnas and Roxas most of their attacks can be blocked, so go into limit form block and go into a zantetsuxen, and then use one of your limits they should be easy kills, you man not even have to go into limit form for Roxas, just block and attack and avoid his light beams.

Xemnas 1st is easy; Xemnas 2nd has some difficult parts, and is tedious as you have to beat the first one every time

Yea because of that i group them as one, but yea now that you mention it first xemnas is really easy.

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That's probably because you haven't beaten all of the Absent Silhouettes yet.


Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Saïx, Axel, Demyx, Luxord and Roxas appear normally, since you beat them throughout the story.


However, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Marluxia and Larxene only appear in the Cavern Of Rememberance if you beat them in their Absent Silhouette form first :)


I made sure of that. Defeated them way before I went to the Cavern,

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Lexaeus. He's slow, predictable, and doesn't even hit that hard. Just keep attacking, dodging, and healing. No gimmicks or anything to trip you up. One of the most straightforward fights in the whole game.


Roxas for the same reasons, but he's a lot craftier (and also there's the duel stance which I can never win) and has a better arsenal.

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Demyx only problem is the 99 water clones in 50 seconds

You mean 99 in 30 seconds, right?

However, these are the ones I beated on my first try.

Xigbar: reflect

Vexen: I prefer Limit Form over Final Form Firaga, watch out for his freaking Desperation move.

Zexion: Easy, if you manage to get out of the book quickly.

Saix: super easy

Demyx; yeah, actually on my second try. He defeated me with one HP on the 99 clones wave. I used Wisdom Firaga, and you have to be fast enough with ethers, hoping Goofy will help you too.

Marluxia: I wasn't even level 99, so he's like Saix to me. Plus his scythe doesn't damage you so...

According to that, once you learn moves and patterns, the easiest would be (to me):

Roxas, Axel, Saix. The hardest may be Xaldin

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Easiest to hardest:LexaeusSaixXigbarMarluxiaZexionDemyxLarxeneRoxasLuxordAxelXaldinXemnasVexen

I am stuck on Axel, I can't beat him worth a damn. I get him down to 1HP, but that bullcrap where he can't die as long as the arena is lit is getting me every time...

I had issues with this too for some reason. Best I can say is Negative Combo helps; he'll only retreat into the fire for Overtake if you land a finisher on him, which is a lot easier to do if your combos are shorter.

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