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Ever since Critical Mode was introduced in KH2FM, it has been a difficulty setting in every new KH game to be released. I am hoping that Square Enix introduces a new difficulty setting in KH3 that is much harder than critical mode but i don't know how this would be implemented. Any thoughts?

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It wasn't a difficulty setting in Re:CoM, the original version of BBS, or 358/2 Days

But I'm guessing Beginner Standard Proud and Critical will be there as usual. Not much point in having a new difficulty setting, unless it's going to be a weird one like Heaven and Hell from DMC

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The only thing I ever want is that Critical difficulty is unlocked since the beggining of the game. It's not like I won't play it more than one time (I will probably play it until the disc burns) But I find ridiculous that in 3D you had to complete it once to unlock Critical....


Since I first played 2FM long ago, I only play kh games in Critical, to the point that anything below that looks pathetically insulting from me (''Did I just survive a single attack from Xemnas with more than 1HP?? What kind o bull**** is this???'') so I really expect I am not ''forced'' to play kh in a way i strongly dislike

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Well, I don't know about a higher difficulty, I'm not opposed to one, but it won't affect me since I only play Standard (having to do so much to unlock a secret ending is quite fulfilling, if a bit frustrating at times) But I did like the difficulty spinner in Re:Coded, I'd like to see something similar implemented in KH III somehow.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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A mode higher than Critical sounds...like overdoing it. I already have enough trouble with Standard in some games and even Easy catches me offguard. I mean, its not like I ever PLAY the hardest modes. But that's just overdoing it a wee bit since it really isn't that easy of a video game series. 


Plus, this is the end of the saga. It has to be the most difficult adventure yet. The most difficult KH game on a difficulty mode higher than Critical? Yeah no thank you. 

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Kingdom Hearts III Leaked Difficulty ListBeginner: "Come on, Sora. I thought you were stronger than that."Standard: "This boat runs on happy faces."Proud: "We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other."Critical: "Who else will I have ice cream with?"Severe: "Roxas, that's a stick."


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How about a new difficulty mode called Baby?  Whatever amount of damage Sora receives from any enemy, it's always 1 HP!  And the amount of damage Sora gives out is always instant kill, except for bosses, who require a whopping 5 hits to defeat!

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