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Sora96's Murdered: Soul Suspect Review

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Murdered: Soul Suspect is an adventure stealth game developed by Airtight Games and published by Square Enix for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Murdered: Soul Suspect stars detective Ronan O'Connor in the American town of Salem, Massachusetts. Ronan is murdered and before he can move on to the afterlife and join his wife he must discover who killed him.
Being a ghost has its benefits. You can travel through walls and objects, see what people are thinking, and take control of a cat and more whilst fending off demons.
The story is also quite interesting as you go from the scene of the crime to the local church, the police station, hanging with the sole witness, going to the museum and more.
You can also assist other people get closure and move on to the afterlife or just see what other people in the park or street are thinking.
Graphically the game is quite pleasing and looks nice on my PlayStation 4. Music and sound effects also blend nicely. Meowing with the cat also sounds nice, unfortunately I couldn't see my own cat’s reaction to it.
The voice talent is pretty good as well, Jason Brooks does a fantastic job as Ronan and Joy’s voice actor has also done a very good job.
There’s also plenty of items to find and trophies to collect.
I really enjoyed this game and it surprises me the game did so poorly and it sucks that Airtight Games had to close down after this game bombed since there was clearly talented people there and it would have been nice to see Square Enix acquire this studio.
In the end this was a very good game and a fine game to kick off the PS4 era for me. 60fps looks kinda weird but I'm starting to get used to it.

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I read this title as "Sora69 Murdered" and I almost had a heart attack. I did think it would be in the random section but I still almost freaked out LOL

The word soul caught my attention to the point where I didn't even notice that x'DSounds cool, I'll check it out.

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