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2.5 HD- "Glitchiest" KH title ever?

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So, I've read on countless sites and forums people complaining that 2.5 has loading problems (too long for cutscenes, Drive Forms transformations, Command Styles changes...), glitches and many other problems (KH2 is a huge game, you have to visit each world more than once to complete everything and BBS has 3 different stories and then Re: Coded is pretty much 3 hours of movie. Of course, the game would bug. This high amount of data inside of only one disc). I haven't played the game yet, so I just wanted to know if this is all true and if you guys really experienced all of this...


Love and peace...

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I didn't have any problems with either. 

I was stunned by how great the games look in HD and grateful they upgraded them.


I didnt care about the loading times as it is a result of the stellar graphics.

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Drive/D-Link Load times and loading screen times > Blu-Ray's fault. It reads slower than the DVD, so that's it.


About "glitch", I didn't got any single one yet. I have more than 100h of gameplay already, and didn't see any "glitch" or "bug"

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  On 1/9/2015 at 10:43 AM, hatok said:

Those aren't glitches, tohse are loading times

By far, KH3D is glitchier than any other KH


  On 1/9/2015 at 11:14 AM, Psychic_Ketchup said:

I haven't encountered any glitches myself, and I've put a lot of time in both games. The only really noticeable thing is the longer drive forms load times, and you can effectively counter that by pressing start. If you're in any way worried, don't be.


  On 1/9/2015 at 12:07 PM, MarkXIIII said:

I didn't have any problems with either. 

I was stunned by how great the games look in HD and grateful they upgraded them.


I didnt care about the loading times as it is a result of the stellar graphics.


  On 1/9/2015 at 12:15 PM, Caity said:

I haven't had problems.  


  On 1/9/2015 at 1:55 PM, Ceriraye said:

I haven't had a issue. The loading times are a bit long but I'm sure that's just me being impatient. But I haven't had a single issue with any "glitches"


  On 1/9/2015 at 2:06 PM, Raphael Millon said:

Drive/D-Link Load times and loading screen times > Blu-Ray's fault. It reads slower than the DVD, so that's it.


About "glitch", I didn't got any single one yet. I have more than 100h of gameplay already, and didn't see any "glitch" or "bug"

I used the wrong term, then (sorry, guys), it's slow-loading...

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The only thing I noticed that takes awhile to load were the form Drives~ They seemed longer and so are the D-Link ones too for me at least~

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The only load times that bothered me were Drive Form and D-Link loading times. Those are pretty clunky. All the other long load times don't feel any different to me than the original games.

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For me, the only problem was the loading times for the drives, d-links, etc. but there was no problem about the cutscenes that happened to me. All the cutscenes in my copy loaded really quickly and nothing seemed to caused a problem. I say that KH1.5 was more buggy then 2.5, cause I experienced the problem of the sound disappearing, reappearing, and disappearing again in Hollow Bastion. 2.5 is actually more well handled then 1.5 was for me, and it is just simply great in my opinion. And once you get used to the drive loading times, then it doesn't bother you as much.

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The glitchiest KH game is by far 1.5. 2.5 still has crashes.  A few new, and a few old. The freezes at the beginning of battles in the English version is weird. Load times are trash, of course. Besides KH2-J is very messed up. 


The English version of 2.5 is a lot more glitchier than the JP version. There are streamers who have had crashes happen. Xemnas 1 has a crash with Limit Form or some shit when the cast the draining spell. 

Edited by Skhyatze

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Just loading screens, censorship and forms are the only thing that are annoying me on this game.

  On 1/10/2015 at 12:11 AM, Andrew Rowland said:

1.5, after the scene with Clayton at the treehouse, Tarzans eyes remain glued shut until you leave the area.2.5 hasn't glitched at all on my copy.

Haven't noticed on that... o.O


Where can I find it?

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  On 1/10/2015 at 2:20 AM, Marcomax said:

Just loading screens, censorship and forms are the only thing that are annoying me on this game.Haven't noticed on that... o.OWhere can I find it?

It's only temporary, so you have to be at the treehouse just after CLayton tries to shoot Terk there. The scene ends on Tarzan skeptically closing his eyes in disbelief, and they remain that way until you leave the area. It's basically a missable.I have not seen a video of it yet, as this is from my own experience replaying 1.5 6 weeks ago. Edited by Andrew Rowland

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2.5 has not glitched on me yet and I've invested 86 hours into KH2FM alone. The only time it has glitched is in Port Royal 2nd Visit when Sora and company get flung onto The Intercepter and the camera pans over the Black Peral's cannons where it hangs for 4 or 5 seconds. Not exactly what I'd call game-breaking but still noticeable.


It's just the loading times between areas, Drive Forms, and D-Links that are most previlant and that's more the read-speed of the blu-ray disc than anything.

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I think as long as you take care of the disc, the game will only have the loading issues. 


Back a few weeks ago, I encountered a glitch that sent me to the game selection screen every time I tried to go to The World That Never Was. But as soon as I got a soft cloth and cleaned the disc, it started running perfectly again. 


Also, I encountered one other glitch where I was fighting nobodies in twilight town (before you see mickey again at the mansion), and I kept pausing and resuming the game so much the twilight town field theme played alongside the battle theme until I defeated all the nobodies. Nothing major but twas a fun glitch to keep in mind.


Other then that, I think 2.5 is one of the better HD Remakes out there and has stunning visuals for KH2FM. BBSFM, I can't really speak for since the beginning worlds all keep the crappy looking low-texture walls and ground textures.


About loading issues, really no way to fix those except pausing the game until the E flips over. It happens with Drive, Summons, and D-Links for me. 

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