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The Transcendent Key

What Should I Name My YouTube Channel?

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Hey there everyone, how's it going?  Well then, as you all know, I've been in the process of creating a Youtube Channel dedicated to the Kingdom Hearts series.  I hope to create this channel as soon as possible, but first, I need to think of a name for said channel, and so far, I've thought of these:

  • TheKingdomNation
  • TheRagingKeyblade
  • RecusantSoul

So yeah, those are the names I have so far.  Which one should I pick?  Or, if any of you have a name to suggest, feel free to do so as well.  I'll appreciate the feedback! :)

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Pick something distinct. Try to think of something that people will easily be able to remember and find in a google or youtube search. Next try to think of a name distinct enough that a person might click on it out of curiosity, but not SO distinct that it sounds dumb

Sometimes your best bet is to simply name yourself after exactly what you do. It makes the service you provide immediately clear, which will attract the right people to your channel

So on that note, of your three names, I'd say Kingdom Nation doesn't make it sound enough like a Kingdom Hearts channel, TheRagingKeyblade sounds too generic, more like a fan, not a content creator, and RecusantSoul is too obscure, not enough people will know to connect that with KH

As for name recommendations of my own


not very good at coming up with names :P

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