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Arya Stark

Do people really not like Terra's Story?

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Ok in that case I see what you mean it was pain to get that last totem pole with Terra lol. It's funny because when lock onto a higher placed target you can use his air combo to reach higher area. The moment you start hitting them is the problem. xD

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Ok in that case I see what you mean it was pain to get that last totem pole with Terra lol. It's funny because when lock onto a higher placed target you can use his air combo to reach higher area. The moment you start hitting them is the problem. xD

also in the Mirage Arena mission in Disney Town with the platform way above you, it's way too easy to fall off accidentally because of Terra's finisher

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also in the Mirage Arena mission in Disney Town with the platform way above you, it's way too easy to fall off accidentally because of Terra's finisher

I try to stay out of the air if I can help it..I find Terra's deck commands pick up the slack.

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Terra was prolly my favorite character out of the three. Maybe it was because his was the only story that I didn't completely get stuck in Disney Town lol. He seemed like what the storywriters wanted him to be imo was another Roxas in the means that you take a look from a different side to the story. It's not necessarily all light and happy in Terra's world (not like it is in any of theirs) but Terra's story was the only one imo that had a dark "tinge" I guess is what you would call it. Even though he wasn't working for the good of the light, I think what he was trying to do was find his own variant of it - one in which light and dark could coexist, much like Riku in CoM.

I hope this post makes at least some sense lol. If nothing else, the reason I like Terra is for Rumble Racing (aka Kingdom Karts). Simple as that lol

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I try to stay out of the air if I can help it..I find Terra's deck commands pick up the slack.

well the problem is besides magic commands most of commands force the user onto the ground

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only if you're using basic commands

Not necessarily it's a matter of how you stack them. Example I had on set consisting of Mine Square, Aerial Slam, Quake, Ars Solum, Aerial Slam, and Blitz. The idea is use Mine Sheild to set up Aerial Slam and Quake to set up Ars Solum. Blitz and Aerial Slam for in between loading times.

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Not necessarily it's a matter of how you stack them. Example I had on set consisting of Mine Square, Aerial Slam, Quake, Ars Solum, Aerial Slam, and Blitz. The idea is use Mine Sheild to set up Aerial Slam and Quake to set up Ars Solum. Blitz and Aerial Slam for in between loading times.

of those, Quake, Ars Solum and Blitz all force Terra onto the ground

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I don't know why so many people don't like him. Yes he was being used and fell into darkness but so did Riku and nearly everyone loves him (me included lol). Apart from him being a bit slower then Aqua or Ven I didn't mind him. I dunno who my fav out of the 3 is :)

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Terra's a tank, so he doesn't have the maneuverability that I usually like.

PREPARE FOR RANT.I, personally, enjoyed Terra's story the most of the three. it felt more complete and well-done and less to cover up plot holes like Ventus'. It had a bit of deeper meaning than Aqua's did as well, in my opinion. Ventus was just filler, and Aqua was just sort of "there" for me. Until the big fight VeniVani, then locking of the keyblade school, she did basically nothing of use at all. I consider her fight to"free" Terra a failure as it basically made Xehanort's plot easier (Making him blend in more with Anserm's research team via his amnesia, and thus when it came time to make O13, made it more or less easier to do so), and now she just sort of wanders the RoD because Nomura had to make her journey more difficult and find a way to make her not central to the KH timeline in 1/2/every other game pre BBS. Aqua is my second least favorite story, compared to Ven.I have a huge problem with Ven. If anyone has seen my multiple rants on why I think BBS shouldn't be getting any better treatment than any of the side games, though it it, a lot of my reasons for disliking it was the plot holes generated in it. One such is the Dual Wielding plot hole, but that is one I wont touch on today. The one I will, however, touch on, is also the reason I, ironically, like Ven better as a character overall: He faces himself, only powered up with the X-Blade that (Which is a major plothole in itself, more on that in another rant) Even though incomplete/damaged (Which makes no sense, Keyblades aren't suppose to be damageable from what we have seen canonically) somehow then defeats him. He is facing himself with a god-tier weapon. Not only should Vanitias be able to know every skill that Ventus has (A broken heart still learns the same lessons) and had ice skills/enhanced darkness-based abilities granted by presumably a piece of Xehanort's heart (Which is probably how he keeps Vani under control), he should have been able to conquer Ventus easily, yet he looses to Ventus. This falls under Deus Ex Machina-style defeat, something a large portion of this series is based off of (Roxas's higher damage output and faster combos should have meant that he would beat Sora any day of the week, but per plot reasons is allowed to to win and in-cutscene only gets to win via his "connection to the keyblade" and Roxas just for whatever reason not finishing the job.)And it bothers me. Ventus should not be able to win. Even with his advanced skills and abilities, Vanitias literally has basically a Mjölnir and can lift it, yet gets beat by a brat with a stick-length sword shaped like a key. As much as I love Ventus and think he is the strongest of the 3, its only due to Deus Ex Machina. He has the strength to defeat himself even when that version can teleport, uses a megaweapon, can deal damage in a 360 degree radius, and most importantly, that version of himself is probably smarter than him due to the chunk of Xehanort that would likely be there, able to guide Vanitias the whole way round on a battlefield. Since he was Ven's master in the earliest days, he would probably know a good chunk about the way he fights, how to counter it, and force victoryTerra's story is far from perfect, however it's less plot-interfering until the end of the story. Until Xehanort takes him over, Terra was actually a good way of explaining how Maleficent got so many of the PoH collected pre-KH1, as it's never explained and isn't going to change the future plot anyway, he may be a bit of a brick in the brain but at least he was doing what he thought was OK and even grew as a character in some stunning ways, and in my opinion is the most tragic of the Tragic Three, in my opinion. He looses his right of a fair trial to be a master, gets tricked into aiding the evil intentions of others, fights for his life, only to loose it, even after reanimating his damn armor and using it to fight the old man, and even farther, doing his best to help Aqua defeat Xehanort, even if it means his death, only for it to fail and Aqua to be lost to the darkness. As far as he knows, since Aqua was alive, Ventus was fine, and now is stuck thinking that his friends are out looking to save him when they can't do a damn thing because Ventus is sleeping like an idiot and Aqua is trapped in the Realm of Darkness, and he has to watch on as Xehanort parades around in his body. That's a whole lot of freaking fun.Pardon the long rant, just my thoughts on it. Gameplay matters less to me than story, and Terra has the(in my opinion) least invasive story of them all./end rant

None of these criticisms are making any sense to me. Edited by Andrew Rowland

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Oh ho ho, I love Terra's story, probably one of my favorites in Birth By Sleep!  You really get to see how he slowly succumbs to the darkness inside him.  Even though he tries to fight it, in the end, he unwillingly becomes Xehanort's pawn and falls to the darkness.  I believe Terra's story is very good, and it's the side of Birth By Sleep where you most get to see Xehanort.  I never get tired of listening to old man Nimoy's voice, it's just so majestic!  And well, I believe one reason some people hate his story is probably because he's slow at dodging.  Other than that, I really don't know why people hate his story, I think it's just as good as Ven and Aqua's.  Oh well, to each their own.

Theres Light in this Chest!!!! MUST PROTECT!!

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My main problem with Terra's story is that it never feels like it's going anywhere. The writers seem to want you to believe that he's falling into Darkness, but at no point does he ever really do so. Eraquas tells us that he's "obsessed with power," but at every chance he's given to obtain said power, he turns it down. Every world he visits feels like it wants to set him up to do something dark, but by the end of the level he's still the same person he was when he entered. Which is really the problem: at the end of the game, Terra is pretty much the exact same person he was at the beginning, which is why the idea that Xehanort has an easier time taking hold of him is so baffling to me. Terra doesn't really give into the Darkness so much as he just gets angry, and if all it took was for him to have a momentary lapse in demeanor, why couldn't Xehanort just kick him in the shin at the beginning, and then Bob's your uncle?


Ultimately, Terra's story wants a pay-off that I never felt it actually earned. Any time a potential moment for drama is introduced, the writers get him out of it as quickly as they got him in. They want a high-drama ending, but don't build up to it in a satisfying fashion.


Imagine how much more powerful it would have been if, after taking down Eraquas, Terra wasn't sorry at all. 

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I personally loved Terra's story, I did hate at first that he was so slow compared to V & A but then I get used to it and it didn't bothered me.

And his story was really good but yeah the fact that he was fooled by all Disney villains is so annoying. It is like she's Maleficient of course she is bad,idiot.

Btw Terra + Ventus D- link = HELL YEAH

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