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Text Love Never Dies.

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Underneath a willow tree they laid, he held her close and kissed her, "You know I don't want to leave, but I have to." She put her hand on his chest and kissed his neck, "I know you do, but I don't want you to go Andrew." Andrew dug deep into his pocket and pulled out a silver chain, " Here wear this and everytime you worry about me just look at this necklace and you'll know I am ok." She grabbed the chain and put on as a tear fell from her cheek, "It will be ok Sheila..."


I will write more if ya want me too, just tell me.

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I love the way you write, it makes we feel whatever your characters do, and this scene was so good, I've been missing you around. :D


Yeah I have missed posting (Stupid online games take my focus off my real talent) I have an amazing story for this thread though once I get more replies I will post the next part.

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The next mourning Andrew sat on a metal bench at the train station. He wore a army uniform, people rushed by him as he bowed his head and folded his hands, "God please protect me." he softly spoke. Sheila made her way to him, he stood up. "I'm gonna miss you baby..." He said, "You come on back to me Andrew, you hear me?" She laid her head on his shoulder, "I don't know how I am going to live without you." He kissed her forehead, "You will..." The whistle blew loud as the conductor yelled, "All aboard!" Sheila kissed him, "You better go now, bye honey... I love you!" Andrew kissed her and grabbed his suitcase, he ran onto the train. He held onto the doorway as the train left he saw her face and began to cry.

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I don't know how you can write so well, please continue it is getting interesting. I see you have the whole thing already prepared.


Actually I am making this up as I go.

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It looks like you already knows the story, I guess it is because of the way you write. Just take care not to get stuck in the middle or I'll die of curiosity. ^^

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It looks like you already knows the story, I guess it is because of the way you write. Just take care not to get stuck in the middle or I'll die of curiosity. ^^


Ok I won't, and I really need more comments than just yours and mine lol.

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Andrew stepped off the train with his single suitcase in hand, he breathed in the cold foggy air and walked on. He strode through a vast desert plain of sand that had tents all about and about 50 yards infront of him was a small house that had a green sign that read, "Commander." Andre walked to the little house and stepped inside, a very muscular man was their who greeted him with a salute, "You must be the new recruit." he said in a thunderouse voice, "Yes sir, that is correct." The muscular man gave Andrew a black pistol, "Now son, you will adress me by Commander, you will not leave this here area unless you have a deathwish, and most importantly you will always remember to obey any of your commanding officers!" Andrew stood erect and saluted, "Sir,yes sir!" The Commander chuckled and replied, "Your do alright boy..."


Andrew left the office and headed to his tent, he found it soon enough. The tent was just a small makeshift area about 10 feet across and 10 feet long. Four soldiers were already inside playing poker, Andrew threw his bag on his small mattress. "You must be the new guy." said one of the soldiers in an southern accent, "Well welcome to the tent brother! Come sit down!" Andrew smiled and jsut replied, "Thanks, but I don't gamble." Another man replied, "I know niether did I when i first came." The man stared at Andrew with his long white hair partly in his face, "They call me Snei, and who may you be?" Andrew sat on his mattress, "Andrew." The southern man spoke up, "Names Timber! and this is Buck and Norm."

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