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The Three-Word Story

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[align=center]Story so far...

Once upon a infinite loop, a bird named Charles flew into a a active volcano and got burnt. Then dived into a set of cannibalistic chimpanzees yo. That flew around with wings on in outer space AND THEY'RE FIRUHN with a spaceship made out of A big huge... triangular block with... Holes in its... and no space and bright yellow... penguins fly towards a giant blimp... and it goes to my house destory the house Im like WTF. im like yea I'm like FTW. Im like BTW. i like to a gangsta hangout and steal their guns and durgs What are durgs? they beat you and rape you He dun raped cop off balls Whats that mean. means their yours Um... ok... wtf. you were hit you dun' goofed you fly to teh smex mobile I use itto hit axel1730 Um. Why me? Because he doesn't[/align]


(Not related to the three word game.)


Basically, we'll be telling a story via three words per post. It's up to you to continue from the latest post.


A girl named

Bob went out

to get some

shoes with Kelly.

Any questions? No? Good. :3 I'll start off.



Once upon a

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