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What do you think of the following: Kingdom Hearts 3 English Voice Acting Leaked - The Golden Keyblade

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I was googling KH3 voice acting recently and I found this most interesting video. Golden Keyblade says it is KH3 english voice acting. I have no clue what to make of it. I actually had a mixed reaction about it when I first saw it. Watch the WHOLE thing, then leave an opinion about what you think. Note: Please turn the volume on your PC to max at 1:43 or enough to hear. The audio is very quiet and it requires the volume be turned up much.


Edited by KingdomHearts3

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Well, I looked into it some more and it seems that Golden Keyblade was not alone in finding this out. Here is another video talking about the same thing by KHCentral.



If you go on Youtube for this video, in the description, he cites multiple other sources.

Edited by KingdomHearts3

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Well, the voice sounds much deeper in the leak, but, as the Golden Keyblade said, this could be due to the low quality of the leak, but yeah, I remember having seen this video quite some time ago.  But the guy saying that it's a Kingdom Hearts game for next year makes it all a little far fetched.  There is no way Kingdom Hearts III will be releasing this year!  It's not possible! O.O

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