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Video Game Endings That Made You Cry

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I'm a fairly stone-hearted man myself but I have (very) occasionally slightly welled up at a game ending once or twice, here are some examples:


Professor Layton and the Unwound/Lost Future: Honestly, if you didn't atleast show some sort of emotion at this - I would actually be afraid you are a robot. This remains to be the only VGM ending i've actually wept at. The circumstances were just so tragic about it that I couldn't bear it. Layton is such a gentleman, so why did Claire have to die on him, if anyone deserves true love and a happy ending it was him, when he took off his hat, the flood gates opened. When Luke had to leave as well, ugh... the emotion.. I hate it that we never found out anything after that as well..


Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days: Say what you want about Xion, I really liked her. While i've kinda accepted that she's gone and I think bringing her back would be rather dumb, I still found it emotional nevertheless. While I didn't cry, I got abit misty eyed. Some thought Roxas's 'ice cream' line was pretty silly - but I found it really powerful as that's he only thing he knows as friendship.


Your turn.

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Kingdom Hearts 2 is the only game that made me cry with tears of joy.


The games that made me cry with tears of sadness are, in order from least crying to most crying, are: The Walking Dead Season 1, The Walking Dead Season 2 and Valiant Hearts (Oh man, I cried for at least an hour).

Edited by Master Eraqus

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KH 358/2 Days: Xion scene. It almost made me shed a tear, but I was in public transportation, so...


PMD EoT/D/S: Dat ending. Sad but no tears.


I feel like there's one game im forgetting about.

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Crisis Core got me dangerously close. Zack is one of the best characters I've ever seen in a game.


Otherwise, the endings of KHI and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 1 and 2 make me really sad. I've never really been close to crying, though.

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Most video game endings make me cry at least a little, so I can't list them all out. The most recent game I played that made me cry during the ending was Final Fantasy X. 

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Walking Dead Seasons 1 and 2. 


Valiant Hearts. 


And BioShock Infinite: Burial At Sea Episode 2... Goddamnit... 

Edited by Caxkj

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Oh, if we don't count just endings, Xenoblade had a few moments that got me pretty close.



And by that I mean Fiora's "death," and the moment when Shulk, Dunban, and the others learn that she's still alive, but is being used as a weapon for Mechonis. That might have just been due to the knowledge that Fiora was still alive, though.


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Well, in Dark Souls, it's not really the end of the game, but it's the end of a character's story arc within said game. Specifically, the end of Seigmeyer's plot. It helped that he was my favorite character, and just the ending... yeah.

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Crisis Core :

also not an ending, but the first game to make me cry was FF6, with that certain scene after the first half of the game. You know the one

Oh crap, forgot all about that scene. It didn't make me cry, but that was easily one of the saddest moments I've ever seen in a game. I still think it's stupid that it can be completely averted and ruin that character's development and motivation throughout the second half of the game, though.

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In all honesty, every game, that I played and beat, makes me cry. Cuz it's like the end of a really long journey and seeing how much the characters in those games have grown on you. It'seems really sad cuz it's not only the end of they're journey but it's the end of yours. That is makes me sad about endings. It'seems pretty much the end of your journey as well.

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