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Hey there everyone, how's it going?  As you all know, Kingdom Hearts III has us all hyped, and well, in terms of Dream Drop Distance, we were left with a delightful tease of the true Organization XIII, and while we know who most of the members are, there are still a number we don't know the identity of.  And so, I was thinking, since Xehanort wanted to make Sora a vessel, what's to say that he won't try it again? The only reason he failed was because Lea came just in the nick of time!  So here's what I'm thinking.


What if, at some point in Kingdom Hearts III, Xehanort actually succeeds in making Sora his vessel?  That would be a big plot twist, and since we have an extra Keyblade Wielder in Lea, then Lea would replace Sora temporarily, and then it would be up to Riku to fight against Sora to bring him back to his senses.  Since Riku had gone down that path before, he knows what it's like, and he knows the type of battle he'd be facing, and it would be the opposite reflection of Sora fighting against Riku in the first Kingdom Hearts!  It would be interesting to see how this would work!  And then, after Riku wins the battle, Sora comes back as a light, and Xehanort fails yet again.  I don't know why, but I just think Sora will temporarily become a vessel for Xehanort.


Anyways, this is just a theory.  Odds are it may not happen, but then again, it could happen.  Who knows?  Anyways, what do you all think of this?  Do you think it possible that Sora might become a vessel for Xehanort temporarily?


(Just to be clear, Sora would obviously not be willing to become a darkness, he'd practically be forced.)

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I mean, I think it's an interesting idea, but I just feel like it would be a little redundant to do so; given that Sora almost becoming a darkness happened anyway (like you mentioned).  Additionally, Sora and Co. have the advantage of knowing a little more of MX's plan as of KH3D, and thus should be more careful not to allow something like that to happen again.  But really who knows at this point, because apparently almost every hero is naive in the KH series.

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I don't think we can have a "temporary" darkness

there needs to be 13 to fight the 7 lights

If a temporary light can be made, why not send eight lights or more and screw up Xehanort's plans?

If Sora DOES get taken over, the only way I can see this resolve i by temporarily playing as Riku, and then Riku takes Sora's place as a darkness

and I'd hate that

because seriously

no more Riku x darkness


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I think Sora will become a Darkness. Xehanort was WAY to confident at the end of 3D even though he failed to get Sora as a Darkness. I have a feeling Xehanort KNOWS Sora will be a Darkness somehow. I WANT Sora to become a Darkness for the sole reason of a boss fight against him. And I want it to be an EXTREMELY tough battle. 

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One of the things I disliked most about DDD's story is how Sora felt almost useless by the end of the game; sure, he helped a bunch of sleeping worlds and even managed to fend off Xemnas on his own again, but then he just falls asleep. After that, it's all Riku's story, confronting his own darkness (for like the third time), beating YX, diving into Sora's heart to save him, yadda yadda.


Point is, I would hate for them to do that all over again in KH3. I like Sora, and I want him to be the hero. He's the key that connects everything, every character is tied to him in some way, he makes friends everywhere, and dammit, he's got the coolest outfit. I don't want to play some of the game as him and then lose control after getting turned into a horcrux.


Also, side question: does MX really specifically want Sora to be one of his darknesses? Like, he did in DDD because somehow he thought far enough ahead to know that Sora would be put to sleep for his Keyblade Master Exam and he could use time travel (SOMEHOW) to take advantage of that, but it's not like he's obsessing over the kid, right? He'd take anyone, so long as they're powerful and he could control them- at least, that's the vibe I'm getting from him. He never seems to give much of a shit about Sora at all.

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An even bigger plottwist is that Sora supposedly gets norted but Riku/Ven/SOMEONE snaps him out of it and he gains darkness/immunity to darkness powers like Riku did. It'd be great if SE did that to make Sora catch up to Riku's level ovo


Like, I want Xehanort's plan to make Sora a vessel to fail and end up helping Sora; that'd be hilarious x'DAnd it'd be interesting because Sora's heart is basically a prison, according to Xehanort, so how ironic would it be if his heart fragment ends up getting consumed by Sora's?

Edited by KazeNari

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