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Hello guys, first of all merry christmas to you from your you friend Balo (that's me xD).

Now for today's topic I was thinking about the New heartless description that we got from 2.5 lunch event a while ago, they really made me see a clear picture of those heartless and I was thinking of the possibilities of new heartless that we might see in KHIII. so I started brainstorming about how the new heartless could be and I was thinking that you guys might want to share your ideas in a description of a heartless on how you might think they Would look and what they might do so this activity is just for fun and so you can get creative so we might get a general idea on heartless possibilities that haven't been into the series so far.

One of the ideas I liked from my own thoughts it was one of a heartless with a horse body with a blue glowing horn in the head, the body was black and all of the hair in the heartless back was like smoke and since the heartless was really fast it was hard to make a strike.

So guys feel free to post your ideas with a heartless description, see ya!

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