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How the Zombie Stole Christmas

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What terrifies me is that it seems like you put EFFORT into this. It's eerily realistic. I don't know how you knew of my secret power to shrink willies.


Oh well, the lesson here is never try to ruin things because it might end up working out for the people you want to spite. Happy holidays! Here's to many more years of dick-dom. :D

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What terrifies me is that it seems like you put EFFORT into this. It's eerily realistic. I don't know how you knew of my secret power to shrink willies.


Oh well, the lesson here is never try to ruin things because it might end up working out for the people you want to spite. Happy holidays! Here's to many more years of dick-dom. :D


Cheers to Draco and her delicious dicks stories bwahahahahaha! :3




@ Winner ILU

Edited by Flaming Lea

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Well... that was a thing.


I kinda want to see how you'd insert me into this story.


Done. :)


What terrifies me is that it seems like you put EFFORT into this. It's eerily realistic. I don't know how you knew of my secret power to shrink willies.


Oh well, the lesson here is never try to ruin things because it might end up working out for the people you want to spite. Happy holidays! Here's to many more years of dick-dom. :D


You revealed them to me during a drunken night of escapades. You don't remember? It was one of the best nights of my life. ;_;


Cheers to Draco and her delicious dicks stories bwahahahahaha! :3




@ Winner ILU <3


Interesting choice of words hahah. xDD


ILU2 Lea<3 

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You are such a poet Winner! But my Peen. D8 That's ok. Im married now. I dont have to impress anybody now anyways. 


Yet you do consistently with your wife, I'm sure. What a champ you are, Demyx!


And 66 inches is still plenty!

Edited by Winner's Proof

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