DemyxIsBest 367 Posted December 23, 2014 The aim of this thread is fairly simple as I'm sure you're all intelligent enough to understand. Sure you can contribute. You wanna turn it into a game? Sure, why not. Go crazy. okay here we go I'll start off a few, feel free to criticise/agree or comment on or with me at any time. DO: Give Sora and co. new outfits - man id kill to see Riku in Keyblade Armour, or anybody for that matter. DONT: Make dumb Disney worlds for Sora to go to just for filler - make sure it's fairly well integrated into the story, also make sure it doesn't look out of place EG Pirates of the Caribbean in KHII. DO: Pay Utada all the money she wants - I wanna hear a NEW song from her. She has amazing talent and as good as they are I'm starting to grow tired of a Sanctuary and Simple n Clean remixes. DONT: Bring back characters just to appease fans - If they're gone, they're gone. I realise there's a lot of big fans of characters out there but bringing certain people back when there is no addition to the story is just bad and hurts the story so DONT. Although if I don't see Demyx's true human form I will organise protests. DO: Let us play with multiple characters - If the characters aren't dead; I'm afraid I must insist you must give us every opportunity to fanboy/girl until their times comes. I mean besides Sora isn't even that cool;). Plus it'd add a nice new dimension to the story, it doesn't have to be whole storylines with them; just switch characters when they have an important scene coming EG A Boss battle. DONT: Give people keyblades just for the sake of it - SPOILER FROM HERE: Giving Lea a Keyblade was like so dumb like wtf Chakrams were what made him cool I mean how cud u do diss squeenix D: Discuss. And feel free to add! 5 Exiblade7, Oli, Cucco and 2 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cucco 1,907 Posted December 23, 2014 I totally agree. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exiblade7 1,917 Posted December 23, 2014 (edited) I agree with everything you said but I don't think that the Caribbean world in kingdom hearts 2 is out of place in my opinion. Edited December 23, 2014 by Toon Link 3 Blaze27, Movies798 and SorrowSurvivor reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hazzlie 105 Posted December 24, 2014 Agreed. No more live action worlds please. They may be Disney but that changes nothing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geotrix 862 Posted December 24, 2014 I agree aside from multiple characters. I would like only Sora and Riku playable at the most. Playable characters would be cool in an extra mode but for the main game I would like there to be focus on what Sora and Riku will be doing in KH3. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychic_Ketchup 367 Posted December 24, 2014 You gotta admit, Lea's keyblade looks sweet. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SquareSora 133 Posted December 24, 2014 I think the concept of being able to play as multiple players would be nice but in like a multiplayer form. like you could play KH online from your ps4 or something lol. Also HECK YEA! a new song jeez! weve heard the same song for more than 10 years now! its time for a new one! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Movies798 1,360 Posted December 24, 2014 I like Port Royal. Is one of my favorite worlds in KH2-FM. 1 Exiblade7 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tessaxmarie 35 Posted December 24, 2014 Amen to all of this, bless this post. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemyxIsBest 367 Posted December 24, 2014 also (you can include this as a DONT) I'd rather they focus on KH3 now, I don't want any more side stories, I can let a HD collection for 3D slide but I feel with each new title I and other fans are being more and more alienated from the game. I mean apparently X(chi) has some valuable plot points, it's not even out in Europe arthhhmsjnyjfjxnane Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blaze27 40 Posted December 24, 2014 (edited) On 12/23/2014 at 11:49 PM, Toon Link said: I agree with everything you said but I don't think that the Caribbean world in kingdom hearts 2 is out of place in my opinion. and he's voiced by James Taylor so I'm fine with it! oh if you don't know he voiced Tidus from FFX or Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank. Edited December 24, 2014 by Blaze27 1 Exiblade7 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SolsticeBas 19 Posted December 25, 2014 Do: Bring Xion back.... p-please... Don't: Bring Xion back as a Xehanort Vessel. I'd hate that so much. She deserves to be happy that's all. Xehanort should keep his dirty hands off of her. Do: Let Sora (and maybe Donald and Goofy) feel angst. Don't: Make them lose again like in KH3D and KHCOM where they had to be saved/helped. Make them overcome it themselves this time. Do: Have the guys defeat Xehanort in the end for real. Don't: Make him become good or anything. For all the horrible stuff he's done I believe he crossed some sort of moral boundary (Moral Event Horizon in TVTropes speak) and he just doesn't deserve to be forgiven anymore, he's just evil, someone who does all that stuff just can't redeem anymore IMO, they're beyond saving. 1 DemyxIsBest reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smithee 327 Posted December 26, 2014 (edited) DO: Show better examples of Dark Is Not Evil and Light Is Not Good. Otherwise, I'm just going to side with so-called "strawmen" like Eraqus. DON'T: Have MX be the very last boss. Too predictable and burned-out at this point. Edited December 26, 2014 by Alan Smithee Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dave 5,715 Posted December 26, 2014 DO: Have some emotional moments with Donald and Goofy. They've been on this adventure with Sora far longer than any of the other characters, and I do actually want to spend some time with them and maybe get some feels out of them. The first Kingdom Hearts was great for getting the pair of them to have emotional moments, and I'd like to see them again. My own personal hope would be something along the lines of A Goofy Movie, in which Goofy really does just want to view Sora as a kind of son that he can still hang out with and have fun, maybe in spite of the fact of, as we see at the end of DDD, there are more people that hang around with Sora than he does now. DON'T: Just treat the Disney characters as drive-by cameos who are there just to fill a quota. The reason these movies and characters have lasted the test of time is because they are GOOD characters that are capable of holding down a plot on their own, with their own emotional goals and developments. Since BBS, and maybe even as early as 358 Days, they've been treated as background material that occasionally drops dialogue and exposition while all the important bits are left up the the OCs. I beg of Nomura and the writers to actually recognize that source material that they have and actually to apply themselves in how to use it. DO: Make Maleficent a big deal. Frankly, she has more of a connection to all of the characters as a villain than Xehanort and his various incarnations does. She has interacted with most of the main cast, tried to screw them all over at one point or another, and has far more reason to hate them and all of their success. Not to mention that her screen presence is infinitely better than Xehanort's monotone garbage dialogue. Again, if the writers were to actually use any of the characters they have WELL, then this myth of Maleficent being a joke villain could be easily overcome by using her to her full potential. There is a difference between the characters being weak, and the writers being weak. DON'T: Try to undermine any more of the pre-existing canon than Nomura already has. The great depth of both Ansem and Xemnas has already been undercut by the revelation that they're just essentially stooges; the revelation that this was all leading up to a master plan from Xehanort means that the victories we've had thus far were useless; the revelation that Nobodies are actually capable of growing back hearts kind of destroys the entire tragic angle of their existence. The problem is that Nomura is sacrificing the integrity of the lore in order to try and make Xehanort look more threatening then he actually is, and I'm kind of tired of him taking all of the things I loved about the games and smushing it into a ball, then throwing it at my face. DO: Let Sora be the only playable character. Here's the thing: as much as I know people want to see what's going on with all the main cast, I think an air of mystery would be preserved if we only saw what Sora was seeing, with only a few cutscenes here and there tipping the hand of things going on in the outside world. It's a case of less being more, and it worked extremely well in the past. Not to mention that getting one character up to maximum level, then having to go and grind out the next character, is probably one of the biggest cases of jet lag experienced in a video game and makes things feel like busy work more than fun. DON'T: Let the rest of the cast step on Sora's cape. Yes, the other characters are very good, and there more than a few that I want to see in action, but I don't want them to accomplish things at the expense of Sora. DDD was willing to throw Sora to the wolves in order to make Riku look good by comparison, and the thought of Riku and Aqua or whoever else going off to do important things while Sora kind of just hangs around really doesn't sit well at all. 2 DemyxIsBest and Zola reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smithee 327 Posted December 27, 2014 (edited) DO: Reveal clever behind-the-scenes stuff involving Terra's and Eraqus's hearts. Otherwise, what was the point of MX saying, "Eraqus, you sly fox..." in Blank Points? DON'T: Just have MX control Terra 100%. Given the Terra/Eraqus situation above, MX being able to override 2 rebellious hearts at once would just increase his Villain Sue points, make his "Get hearts, bodies, etc. to reject their selfhoods so I can have good vessels" experiments pointless, and destroy Terra's (and Eraqus's) remaining credibility. Edited December 27, 2014 by Alan Smithee 1 Exiblade7 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites