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the final war between good and evil.......

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you all now thats there has been a war between light and darkness but we need to end it ... so this story is about a few young teens fight to the death to save all of humanity......... insearch for these people we will need u to come and join us... '' join the resistance"hurry befoe evil takes over...........



(so here you may tell me wat ur like ur apperince etc.)




apperince:a 4ft.3 energetic male who likes to train with a reversed katana....he has aqua colored eyes and silver hair....he only wears black and white clothes...




weapon:reversed katana


homeland:(optional)desteny islands


personality:dosent talk much



(wat to u use in combat)


and if u want to put a pic of yur person u may........


but there is 1 rule if u join this story;


u can not just write any random thing......

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Appearance:She's 5ft 2in. She like's to wear one color; GREEN. She has long, straight black hair with streaks of white and has one green eye and one blue eye((she is also part cat, I might add...))




Weapon:Kunai Knifes


Homeland:Twilight Town


Personality:The bubbly type of girl who is alway hyper((in a way))But when it comes to fighting, she has a serious side as well.



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name: Heat


appearance: A 16 your old teenager. Dark Red Hair with White glow. and Yellow eyes. Weares red/white/black combined clothing. he's quite tall.




weapon: Special Designed Keyblade with fire powers, the weapon can change its element. from Fire to Dark Fire


homeland: The World That Never Was


personality:Quite energetic cocky guy , fights much and has no problem with speaking to strangers and challenging them ( More a Axel type of guy )


Reli-Ability: Stealth

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appearance:wears a hood r now

weapon:keyblade called light the way

homeland:twilight town

personality:nice person and always looking for a fight


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Name: Ryan

Appearance: Blue eyes and black hair about 5 feet 5

Weapon: Kingdom Dawn Fenier (combination of Kingdom Key-D, Way to Dawn and Fenier), Ultumia Weapon, and A-Blade (Like the X-Blade except for with Ultumia Weapons instead of the Kingdom Key thingys on it)

Homeland: Twilight Town

Personality: Serious but very outgoing when not in a fight against the darkness

Reliability: It doesn't matter because he can do almost anything from speed to strengh to stealth

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Name: Tuweni (to-when-knee)


Appearance: Medium length, messy light blonde hair, grey-blue eyes, 5'3. Usually wears a light blue, black, or white t-shirt, and always wears jean shorts, a black, hooded sweatjacket, and two pendants on separate box-link chains. Is actually a white wolf who can turn into a human and only goes human in cities. Travels with MrPeterson, a female housecat with jet black fur and yellow eyes, at her side.



Gender: Female


Weapon: Flute with a bayonet attached to the end and a keiken knife. Using her teeth, fights alongside MrPeterson when a wolf.


Personality: Quiet, fairly hostile around strangers, usually either sketches or plays the flute when bored.


Reliability: Strength

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Name: Reed

Appearance: wears a sleevless blue hoodie and a black tshirt, he wears dark blue jeans with wholes in the knees, he has old black and white converses on, and silver aviators, his hair was like leon's in kh2 but blonde, his eyes were a sunset ocean blue, he was about 5'10

Gender: Male

Weapon: a magical sheild in the shape of the nobody emblem, and a keyblade called Creeper's Shift

Pearsonality: Caring, strong, fearless in battle unless his friends will be or are hurt

Realiabilty: Awesomeness

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Appearance:Short brown hair with brown eyes and glasses.Tight red shirt with red shorts with a black belt and over-the-knee boots.


weapond:Dual blades

Personality:Shy yet confident.Allways ready to fight anyone at anytime.Loyal to her friends.


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appearance:black hoodie with white t-shirt grey hair that goes down but spiked a little in teh back has a black hat wiht a white skull on it has a chain neckless around his neck with a cresnt moon on it has black wirst band's no his right arm has black short's and black adn white shoes chain's rap around his neck's and he has belt's one black one white the chain's are around his leg's that go up his leg his eye's are black and they have nothing but blood in them



weapon:black scythe,twin black gun's with blade fang's on it and his snowboard this weapon's are made for his clan and his clan only anyone try'es to use them it wont work it wil only hurt them


personality:cold hearted wont talk much..will detroy any one thatget's in his way..and if you say the worng word you wil never see thign's the same agian

reability: his true form (will be in the rp..)and his agility speed and power

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''if u guys r all done socalizing we could be on our way '' said zenix he says in a quiet tone........

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(((((I Don't normally move RP's after the first role-play post, but since someone said "NO" to simply following the role-play guidelines when they were asked to follow said rules and decided to ignore the warning, I guess they want a second warning and for this to be moved to forum games so they can spam it with short posts.

The rules are written here: http://kh13.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=7947


I was serious, the role-play has it's own set of guidelines that you need to follow and because I was ignored, I have a feeling that the posts in here won't get any better so unless I actually see people trying in here this can remain in forum games.))))

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(owo wow first post and it got moved to FG *sigh*) Ryan summoned his Ultumia Weapon "Where is that idiot? I can't believe that he did it! He pretends to be my friend and then he takes away her from me and then tried to kill me! Seriously that is so stupid!" Ryan sighed and continued to walk around Land of Departure "If I find him I'll kill him" said Ryan reffering to Soul

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soul was no where to be found he was in the darkness..this is nice ..it's been soo long seens that day.....i wonder what my god fathr is doing...no not god father .his name is rayn he doesnt care about me and never wil..he said to his self as he sat up he moved his neck and pulled out his scythe he griped it hard.i just wish hed give into teh darkness and come with me..he was sayignot his self

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Ryan closed his eyes and stopped for a moment "That idiot then killed her and of course I cant see her again... I was planning to give her some advise but of course she made the choice and now she's dead and I can't do anything about it..." said Ryan calmly. Ryan opened his eyes and teleported to Keyblade Graveyard "The kid is dangerous... I knew that I should've killed Sin so that none of this would've happened" said Ryan. Ryan summoned his Ultumia Weapon and sat down "Oh well for now, happy hunting to me I guess..." said Ryan

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soul sat there he was rember thing's about his child hood..that pictuer my fatehr showd me of him his father and his uncle....i wish i could have none my uncle and granfather but ill i knew is my dad...i bet ryan know them i should go talk to him.. he stood up tehn teleported to keybladgravyard he saw ryan there he walked up to him"..i wont to ask you osmthing..i wont your answer as my god fatehr your really all ihave"

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Heat was minding his own busyness at the Keyblade Graveyard.. He was looking for a keyblade he could repair and use for his battles.


" Maaan !! this is such a drag, If I was sended here for some mission. I'd really didn't do this.. why can't I just sleep searching for a weapon really takes long time. He closed his eyes and pretend he was the one Boss of the group. He raised his voice to be funny. "Oww guys, today I need you to earn your keyblade to deeeesstrrrooyyy the darkness ONCE and FOR ALL".

Tch.. earn ? how about create or something"

He finally found his weapon "........' and just sat there for some minutes relaxing knowing that he might just..teleport back but he didnt felt like it

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Ryan looked at Soul keeping a straight face "Yes? What is it? Soul?" asked Ryan. Ryan was clearing his mind because he remembered one time when Soul read his mind and it was a moment that he would RATHER not remember.

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Tuweni wasn't sure where she was. There was no one around as far as she knew, but all that meant to her was that it was quiet. She looked around at the oddly shaped ruins and the neat paths they formed. "These ruins... Or maybe... Are these... weapons?" she asked, mostly to herself, but partially to the black cat beside her. The cat let out a meow as an answer. Tuweni picked her up. "Silly MrPeterson," she laughed, "I can't understand you when I'm in this form." The black cat meowed in the tone of a question. "I'm guessing you said 'Why aren't you in your true form, anyway?'" Tuweni replied as she placed the cat down, "I wanna play the flute, thats why! C'mon, let's find a good place to sit."

Tuweni sat down, and a flute case appeared in her hand. She opened it and put the long, silver instrument together. Removing the protective padding revealed a secret compartment. On top of several folded sheets of paper lay a special bayonet and a keiken knife. She unfolded the papers and flipped through them. Picking one of her favorite songs, she placed the sheet music on the ground, using the keiken as a paperweight. The black cat had fallen asleep, with her tail touching her noise, by the time Tuweni began to play the music.

((Heh... Do I write too much? there is no such thing as posting too much on a role-play. o-o))

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Azura walked around the World That Never Was.It was silent as always.She was looking around the rooms of the castle that never was.It was a whole lot easier with the nobodies destroyed and all."Oh come on!Where is it?"Azura says as she randsacks a gabinet.She closes it and moves on to the next one."Man oh man,I'm never going to find those Notes.These guys were practically the evil overlords of darkness,they must have taken notes at one point."Azura says.She sighs and kicks a gabinet in frustiantion.The she looks on a desk.There was a hidden gabinet underneat.She opened it and took out some papers.She smiled."YES!Found them!Ansems reports,Vexen's reports even Xemna's reports.With these,maybe theres a chance to stop the darkness!"Azura says happily."Next up.Twilight Town."Azura says as she makes a portal and goes through

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Ryan looked at his watch and sighed "No time..." Ryan made a clone of himself and teleported to Twilight Town. Clone Ryan looked at some heartless and nodded "Time to finish you guys off" Clone Ryan summoned his Ultumia Weapon and A-Blade and sliced through all of the heartless, universed, and nobodies. Ryan looked at Soul "Now as you were saying...?" asked Ryan.

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Azura gasps as she hears the voice.She turns around to see a boy.He had aa hood on,so she couldn't tell who or how he looked."Um..."Azura says.She looks at the papers in her hand."...nothing."Azura says while she hides the papers behind her back.She looks at him,and keeps her guard up."(Is he from the light,or from the dark?)"Azura thinks.

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Clone Ryan saw Azura and a hooded man 'Who is that man?' thought Clone Ryan 'Whatever he's doing or whoever he is, I doubt hes up to any good' thought Clone Ryan. Clone Ryan walked over to Azura and the hooded man "Who are you?" asked Clone Ryan to the man. Clone Ryan was ready to pull out his keyblades in case he was a guy of the darkness.

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soul looked at him he could see the anger in his eye's he sat down next to him".you wherethere the day it happened wher eyou not soo you say what really happned..god fath....rayne"he looked at ryan then looked down waiting for an answer his face where still cold and unfeeling.....why did i even say say that

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